Status: On HIATUS


Utopia (No Where)

I sit in my dorm room looking at the blank word document, there are so many things to tell you there truly are but I can't...I can't of a single thing worthy to tell you.

I miss you is one

I need you is another

I'm lost is a third but they all make me look needy and I don't want to look needy, feel need. Even though I'm a terribly selfish person. You had hopes for me you knew somewhere in your heart that I meant something that I was valuable. No one had ever told me that I never thought that of myself either.

But to be frank you thought that of everyone people would steal from you all the time but you still thought that human beings were good, that we humans were born having good nature. Even though everything else told you else.

Psychology says so...remember The Lucifer effect? That people are evil are uncompassionate and when the environment is right we do the most despicable things without second thought.

But you sneered and shake your head rejecting the theory. You, Walt thought Otherwise. You furiously tried to drill into me and those around you that people are not evil that there Is goodness in all, that some part of everyone is worthy of being loved.

Maybe that’s why I liked like you so much, because even though everything around you reeked of evil you were truly good

~ Elsie
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