
Something Weird Is Going On...

The bell rang. Almost automatically, Candy rose from her seat, grabbing her books and sweeping out the door.She ran down the hallway to her locker, quickly turning the lock to one side, then the other, and back again. Getting herself from class to class in only five minutes had always been Candy's biggest pet peeve and problem.

Suddenly, I huge bleeping sound blasted from the ceiling, startling every student, including Candy. She rested her hand on her chest, and took a breathe. Will Candice McToters please come to the office? Candice McToters, to the office.

Everyone in the hallway turned to Candy. "Perfect Candy is in trouble?" A girl chuckled from across the room. Everyone else giggled in agreement, watching as Candy gathered her books and walked slowly tohell the office.

"Hello?" Candy said quietly, opening the office door. "Um...hello?"

The secretary looked up. "Candice MsToters?" She asked in a nasally voice.

"Yeah, thats me. Do you want me to sit down or something? Wait for the principle?" Candy said with much worry.

The secretary laughed. "No, no! Your mother called, she told me to tell you that theirs a family emergency. You have to go home right away. Can you walk home?"

Candy breathed a sigh of relief, resting her hand on her chest once again. "No, its fine. I have a bike." She smiled and walked outside the office, books still in hand. Candy ran back to her locker, quickly moving the lock from side to side (again), and shoved her books to the back. She slammed her locker shut, and ran across the hallway.

Candy opened the steel school doors, and found her bike. She stepped on the pedals and started to pedal away, a smile on her face. It must be the baby! Candy thought. Mom must be in labor!

A few minutes later, the bike's wheel managed to find a rock and flip Candy on to the hard street. "Ouch," she mumbled as a tear fell off her face. She slowly stood up and got back on her bike, brushing herself free from street trash. Before she could start to peddle, a black minivan pulled up beside her. The driver pulled down his window.

The driver was a man, kind of on the heavy side, with short black hair sticking out from under his hat. He had a silver earring in each ear, and a ring on his pinky. He was wearing a plaid shirt, stained with mustard and ketchup.

"Hey, girl. Want a ride?" The voice startled Candy. "Where you going to?"

Candy shock her head to say no, and started to peddle really fast. Who is this guy? She thought. The van followed. "Come princess, I'll take you wherever you want to go. Hop in!"

Candy was smart enough by now to know that this man would not take her any place she wanted to go. She peddled even faster. This time the van did not follow, so Candy rode all the way home, every five seconds looking back to see where the van was, and if it was following her. It wasn't. Candy reached home, her heart beating a million times an hour.
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