Bruised With Adversity



Approaching the familiar shabby apartment, I heard an anguished cry from the other side of the door.

“Ahh! P-please…I-I’m sorry…”

It sounded exactly like…oh, God, no. I gripped the brass doorknob and violently pushed through, to see Jasper moaning in pain, repeatedly apologizing for something…I wasn’t sure, as Bernice held a cigarette to his hand. Lydia was sobbing loudly in the corner as this was going on.

“What the fuck is going on?!” was the only thing I could think of to say at the moment. I knew Bernice was neglectful, but I never would’ve thought she’d be physically abusive.

“He’s receiving punishment for his sins.” Bernice replied calmly as Jasper continued to whimper in pain. I didn’t reply. Instead, I dropped the paper bag full of the food from school I’d had clutched tightly in my left hand, and lunged at the monster situated on the couch. I landed right on top of her, catching her off guard. The cigarette was no longer burning Jasper, and he stayed frozen and motionless.

“Take Lydia and get out!” I screamed at him. He did so, thankfully without hesitation, and ran to his room with his little sister following. Meanwhile, Bernice was struggling to throw me off of her and screaming loudly.

“What sins?” I demanded, as I got up off of Bernice.

“He likes men.” she spat, as if it were blatantly obvious.

“So?” I challenged.

“It’s a sin!”

“No, IT’S NOT!” I screamed.

“Yes, it is! GET OUT!” I happily obliged, and went to go find Jasper and Lydia. They were in his room, both crying in the corner.

“How can you live like this?” I whispered to Jasper.

“She’s n-never done anything like that b-before…” he cried. I looked at his hand. The skin was peeling off, and it was bright red. I was sure it would be a horrible blister by the morning.

“Listen…it’ll be okay. I’ll report this and--”

“No, no, please don’t.” Jasper plead. “I don’t want to be separated from Lydia, and that’s exactly what’ll happen. She needs me, Marcus. I honestly don’t think this will happen again. Just…please, don’t call anyone, don’t tell anyone about this.”

“Don’t take Jasper away from me!” Lydia cried. I sighed, completely torn. This feeling of indecisiveness was very foreign to me. The thought of allowing Jasper and Lydia to be left with that…that monster made me sick. But it would be completely devastating to the both of them if they were put into separate foster homes.

“Okay, fine. But if I see Bernice ever pull something like this again, I will not hesitate to tell someone about this. She’s fucking insane.” I grumbled.


“Did you get the job?” Jasper asked, once we were in bed for the night. I smiled slightly, remembering the good news.

“Yes. I promise to use every penny I make for food and other essentials.” I vowed. He lunged at me and wrapped his skinny arms around body, shaking the bed.

“Thank you, so much.” he whispered. His gratefulness almost brought tears to my eyes. It was unbelievable to me how excited someone could get over the prospect of eating regular meals.

“N-no problem, Jasper.” My voice wavered slightly and I was fighting to keep the tears back. He pulled away from me and smiled, the moonlight accentuating his perfect facial structure and wide grin. Seeing him so happy, and knowing that I was the cause of this happiness, filled my body with a type of warmth and exhilaration one could only achieve by feeling someone else’s infectious delight.

I found myself grinning right back at him, and forgetting any sorrow or depression that had accumulated within me during that day. It may have been forgotten at that blissful moment, but it was still there, hiding, and ready to come out the very instant an opportunity presented itself.
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Okay, so, has anyone heard of the Sylvia Likens story? Because there may be a few similarities with that murder case and this story...only, (good news) I'm not planning on murdering any of my characters. (Yet.) So I can't take all the credit for the upcoming torture methods. If you're feeling extra nice today, you might decide to comment. Maybe. =)