Sequel: Healing the Broken
Status: I hope you all enjoyed it, I most likely will be creating a sequel.

Avenging Death

Chapter One: The Enemy

"Ugh!" I jabbed a man twice the size of me in the gut.

We were in the arena, surrounded by men and women as they cheered on and laughed as they choked on their booze. This tournament was all fun and game to them, but for me it was what determined my integrity, my dignity and my respect among my fellow soldiers especially among the men soldiers. They had already despised the fact that women were allowed in the unit. There were only five women out of all the units of 500 men. I didn't care that they despise me for being a woman but it did matter to me that if they thought I was weak that they could remove me from the unit. I wasn't as muscular as the other women but what I lacked in strength, I made up in agility.

The man winced in pain but suddenly recovered, picked me up effortlessly and slammed me into the ground.

C'mon Danj," I heard Kye root for me among all the others cheering. "Don't let him get the better of you."

My whole body was shaking with pain but I had worse. This man was not the first I had dueled against, but he would be my last if I didn't recuperate fast enough. In all the duels against man, I had never lost. Never. If I had, I would not be on the unit. This man was well experienced, he had challenge many for years. But it didn't matter, I had to defeat him or my fellow soldiers would have my general send me home in the morning.

As I manage to get back on my feet, the man jammed his fist into my stomach causing me to slam back into the ground on my back, and blood spurted from my mouth

"Had enough little girl," the man mocked me, holding me by the ponytail so I was barely standing on my toes.

Images in my head began to swirl from my hair being pulled from the roots. The only thing I could do was stare at the man as I dangle from his grip. That's when I met is eyes and recognized them. I stared deadly at him. I remembered him. I swung my feet up, ramming them into his abdomen. I shifted my legs up again but this time I swirled them around his neck, lifted myself up and jammed my elbows into his skull. Instantly, he let go of me. He tried to aim for me but I swept my feet under him causing him to crash into the ground. I pounced on him before he could get up and constantly rammed my fist into his jaw. "Now who's the little girl?" I sneered and continued beating him in the face. Three of the soldiers had to pull me off him, by then his face was gushing with blood.

As the soldiers tried to push me away, Kye pulled me to the side and held my shoulder against the wall. A couple years ago, it used to be me who could hold him down but now as he matured into a man his muscles had shaped and ripened.

Kye looked at me shocked and confused as I tried to break his grip to run and thrash at my opponent. "Danj, his done, you defeated him. The duel is over.

"No," I said enraged, the man had recuperated and was now wiping his bloody nose with his hand. "It's not over yet! He slaughter my family!"

Kye eyes shot open. "You're sure?"

"Don't you think I would remember the man who murder my family," I scorned him.

Before he could respond the general pushed his way toward me and Kye. "What's going on here?"

"That man is a bloody murder," I proclaimed as the man sneered at me before walking out the arena. "He slaughter my family!"

"Let me go," I struggled against Kye's strength holding me back. I could get out of his grip if I hurt him but I didn't want to harm him.

"No," General Kan demanded, "You will remain with the rest of us, "this is not our territory, any outrages and they'll have the whole unit killed. You'll have your justice but not now. Do you understand?"

I stared at him in defiance and didn't acknowledge his command.

"Do you understand?" he demanded more forcefully.

"Yes," I said through my teeth and general left.

It took all my will to fight against the urged to attack the monster that had walked out the arena.

After realizing I wasn't going to blow out of proportion, Kye released me. Sympathy showed in his eyes. I hated sympathy, it made me feel small and weak inside. It brought pity. I hastily walked away from him before he cause any damage to my integrity.

What kind of soldiers were we? How could we cower in the fear of death when murders walked among us?