Sequel: Healing the Broken
Status: I hope you all enjoyed it, I most likely will be creating a sequel.

Avenging Death

Chapter Sixteen: The Last Battle

I followed the flow of the river as Kashon said to do. Did general Kan know what had become of Neflexon? Poverty was an understatement. Corruption had struck the kingdom. Before Tronzey even reach the age of eleven, they might start selling her body to men. I had to find way to get her out of there, even if that meant paying for absence with my earnings.
I found the unit, right away. It wasn’t a large unit, it only consisted of three thousand soldiers, still, that was more than enough to defeat the gull clan. Their clan only consisted of eight hundred men. Our army consisted mostly of units of soldiers all across many kingdoms and villages that had been affected by the gull clan invasions. All the soldier were starting to gather and mount there horses. I jump off mine and hurried to find General Kan.
“Hey Danj,” Kashon called to me.
“What’s going,” I asked. “Why is everyone leaving?”
“We’re going into battle,” he said. “Gull clan has split up and are attacking any nearby inhabitants.”
“No,” I felt a pang in my chest. “Have they invaded Neflexon.”
“I don’t know,” He said. “a unit is heading that way.”
“I need go back,” I said. “She was my charge.”
A soldier rode up to Kashon. “Kashon our unit is leaving.”
He nodded toward the soldier then looked toward me. “You can’t go alone.”
“And you can’t go with me,” I pointed out.
It was restricted to abandon our unit for any reason, but I hadn’t been assigned one.
“Find the unit heading toward Neflexon,” Kashon said. “they shouldn’t be far and be careful.”
“I will,” I said. “Thanks.”
He nodded his head.
I headed back to Neflexon. It took a while before scoped the unit ahead. They were couple a yards in front of me. We were less than a mile away from Neflexion. I sped fuzz up so I could catch up with them. That’s when heard the stamped of horses surrounding them. At least three hundred people from the gull clan surrounded the one hundred soldier unit. The gulls first shot arrow at the soldiers. Some of the soldiers were able to block the arrows with their swords but not all of them. Those soldiers still unharmed, were dragged off their horses and stabbed to death. Then, they saw me. I quickly shifted Fuzz in the other direction. I felt a hard piece of metal clunk me in the back of the head. I touch the warm wet spot to in the back of head to find blood painted my fingers. My vision blurred and my body became limp. I fell off Fuzz, slamming into ground and black flooded my sight.
I woke up, I couldn't move my hands, they we're tied behind me to something. A slight pain pulse throughout my head. About fifty people stood around me. There were men, women, and children. They gawked at me as if I were a foreign creature from another world.
"Father, she's awake," a boy called as he ran toward tents made of deer skin.
A group of people walked out the tent with the boy beside them. I immediately recognized Shrush. A man stood in front as shrush and others follow him. He had long scar ran down his face down to lip. As he approached closer, I realized it was not a scar that ran down his face but the mark of a double headed serpent. Leer. He had been one of the gulls that had slaughter my family that night. The gruesome memory invaded my mind of him slamming my little sister against the ground and raping her.
My blood began to boil. He was a demon. Only evil from hell could rape a five year old girl.
"Danj, Danj," I heard a cry from the surrounding crowd. I turned to see Tronzey. A woman of the gull clan held her back. The two women from the brothel also stood in the crowd, fear showed in their eyes. They had bruises that cover their body. They must have captured them, when they raid Neflexon. She continued to shout my name as tears flowed down her cheeks and she struggle against the gull woman's hold
"Silence her," another gull woman shouted.
The woman holding on to Tronzey pulled out a metal rod.
"Don't you dare," I shouted at her as she was about to hit Tronzey with the rod. "she is a child of Leer."
The woman stalled.
Leer peered at me and demanded the woman, "check her."
The woman scanned Tronzey body. "It's true," she said.
He nodded, pointed his finger at me, then turn to the crowd surrounding us. “This woman has shamed pried of our clan. Today, we’ll redeem it with blood.”
The gull clan cheered.
He spoke into Shrush’s ear. “You will win.”
It sounded more like a demand than assurance.
Leer narrowed his eyes at me. “You will fight or you will die.”
More like you will fight and you will died. I knew no matter how this turn out, they would kill me.
Shrush approached me in the arena the crowd had created. Someone threw him a large hatchet and another person cut the bonds from behind me. They slide me a three inch dagger. It wasn’t hard to figure out who their favorite was. We circled each other for a while. Shrush charged first. I slid under his legs, jamming the dagger into his foot. He grunted as I pulled it out and rolled away before he could bring the hatchet across my head. His hatchet missed my head but it gored my arm. The pain shredded through my arm. I grunted and jumped up as he charged for me again. I swiftly moved but the hatchet grazed my abdomen. I Stabbed him in the back shouldered as he charged for me again but missed and he ran passed me. He grunted as he grabbed the dagger before I could pull it out. He threw the dagger a couple meters to the right of me.
He grinned and charged for me. I dodge for the dagger. I screamed out as pain sheared through my leg. The hatchet was embedded in the calf of my leg. I struggled to pull it out my screaming flesh. Shrush was on me when I finally got the Dagger out. I swung the hatchet for him but he caught the neck of it. He turned it and pushed the dagger toward my throat. I couldn’t lift his weight off, he was crushing me and the dagger was centimeters from my neck. Blood splattered across my face as his head dropped into my chest. A sphere pierce through his head.