Sequel: Healing the Broken
Status: I hope you all enjoyed it, I most likely will be creating a sequel.

Avenging Death

Chapter Seventeen: Peace

People screamed and their footsteps scurry as the horse prances accelerated closer. I hastily tried to push Shrush’s body off me.
“Danj,” Kye called as he jump off his horse to help me. I should have known only Kye was that good at spearing. The unit had arrive and was attacking the gull clan.
“Kye, behind you,” I shouted as Leer came from behind him. He tried to dodge Leer’s sword, but he was not fast enough to elude it entirely. The sword cleanly slice through his flesh below his elbow. I slid from underneath Shrush’s body and grabbed the hatchet. Kye screamed as his forearm fell to the ground and he dropped to his knees. Leer stable his sword and drove it for Kye.
“Nooo,” I screamed, flinging the hatchet toward Leer before he could kill Kye. One of hatchet’s corners slashed Leer’s eye. He let go of his sword and reached for his bleeding eye. He screamed out in agony. I grabbed my dagger and ran toward Leer.
I dropped to the ground as a pain tore through my back. I look down to see the head of an arrow had ripped through my stomach. I turn around to see the little boy who had called for his father standing behind me with a bow and arrow. He dropped the bow and arrow and ran toward Leer. He pulled Leer away. I struggle to breathe but blood gurgle up my mouth. I spit it out.
I realized that very little fighting continued around me. Many of the gull clan had fled as my unit haunted them down. Many injured moved about. I tried to find Kye among them, but my eyes were too hazy to see anything clearly.
“Danj,” Tronzey ran toward me. She had escaped through all the chaos. She kneeled beside me. Tears began to swell in her eyes.
“You came to save me,” she said, remorse filled her eyes and she began to sob. “I’m sorry.”
“No,” I grabbed her small tender hand, I’m sorry for leaving you there when I knew it was dangerous. She squeezed my hand
She reached for her bag but remember that the vix fruit was gone. She began to sob and looked at me. “Please tell me what to do. I don’t how to help you. I gave it all away — I gave it all—“
“I need you to pull the arrow out,” My voice cracked a bit as I grunted in pain. “no matter how much I scream you have to continue pulling until is out, understand.
She nodded her head.
I reached the dagger and bit it with my teeth. I nodded to Tronzey when I was ready.
As she pulled I, I grinded my teeth so hard into the metal that my teeth began to slide and I could feel the sharp edges tearing through corner flesh of my lips. I tried my best not to scream but the pain was unbearable. Tronzey trembled as she pulled it out. When it was out, I let myself fall into the ground. I saw all the blood flow from me and I knew I was going to die no matter what.
Tronzey kneeled beside me still trembling.
“Find Kye, he needs your help, “I said softly, exhausted from pain. “He’ll die if he bleeds to death.”
“You’ve done all you can do for me precious little girl,” I said. “All you can do for me now is stay alive and find Kye.”
“I’m here,” Kye said, he had somehow tied a cloth around the raw stub of his arm. He slightly limped toward us. His face was reddened with pain. Tears were running down his face. I could see the fear and anguish in his eyes.
“Danj,” he dropped down to knees when he saw the blood flooding below me from the hole in my stomach. “we have to bandage the wound—“
“It is a death wound,” I coughed up more blood. “nothing can heal it.”
His lips tightened in despair because he knew I was right. He knew it before he said it. He didn’t want to accept it.”
“I can’t let you—“
“It’s not anyone’s choice, we don’t get to decide,” I said gently and kissed him on the lips. “take Tronzey away from here. Don’t let them send her to a brothel, again.”
“I won’t let anyone harm her,” he assured me. “I will protect her with my life.”
“Thank-you” I said, barely able to choke out words, now. “you are my truth love. The one I should have spent my life with instead of avenging death. You and Tronzey are the light of my life, I’m glad I was able to save you. My life was not in vain.”
“You also are my true love and the light of my life and always will be,” we smiled at each other, they were grieving smiles because we knew these were our final moments together.
I grasped both Kye’s and Tronzey’s hands.
“Sing the words to song with me Tronzey?”
Without question, she sweetly sang the melody. It left her lips with much beauty and serenity entwined in each word. I did my best to sing with her. “the war of fire has cease, the heavenly breeze washes upon us and now the day is new and clean…”
Their teary eyes looked upon me as my vison blurred and white light blinded me and I could hear my father, mother, sisters and brother calling me in the distance. I was showered in warmth. Bliss and peace flooded my body. There wasn’t any more pain, just love as my family appeared within the purest light. I slowly walked toward it and was engulf within its healing grace.