Sequel: Healing the Broken
Status: I hope you all enjoyed it, I most likely will be creating a sequel.

Avenging Death

Chapter Seven: Deathly Heat

Morning awoken me, and I could already feel the heat consuming the cold air. Tronzey was still curled up against me.

‘”Tronzey,” I gently shook her arm. “it’s time to go.”

She stirred a little bit and softly yarned with her eyes still shut. She finally open her eyes and blinked a couple of times to get them use to the light.

We gathered our blankets and immediately began our journey. I knew the horror we would have to face if we didn’t leave this desert of death before the sun rose to its peak. I could already feel the heat sizzling the moist on my skin.

As noon approached, I knew we were in trouble. My throat was parched and my tongue felt like cotton, my skin was already turning pink. I turned my head constantly checking on Tronzey. She was in no better condition though it was good her dark complexion would protect her from the blazing sun. Though, she was still too young to face extreme weather.

“Hang in there,” I told her. “we’re close from exiting this hell hole.”

It was true. I was beginning to see shrubs and small trees here and there. We had to be getting close to a water source.

The horse slowly came to a halt and begin to kneel down. I jump off before he could drop anymore and lifted Tronzey off.

“Fuzz,” I called to him while pulling his reins forward. “we’re almost there.” He just slumped deeper into the sand.

“No,” I shouted at him. “you have to get up!”

He was giving up. He was going to try to lie down and die. I pulled with all the strength I had, but the lack of food, water, and the suns harsh glare strain made me feeble. Things worsen as Tronzey’s eyes began to from glistening moist. I dropped the reins and rushed toward her. I kneeled to meet her height and grasp her shoulders to face me.

I stared into her eyes with deceiving hope. “Hey it’s okay. We might be able save him, but you have to be strong for me, okay. So no tears, okay?

“Let’s find water to bring to him,” I said with the best confident expression I could. A glint of hope sparkled in her eyes and I knew she wouldn’t spare any tears. Every bit of body liquid we lost the closer we were to body collision and death as well.

We carried what we could as we trotted across the ocean of sand. Constant wind swooshed by picking up the sand and slamming it into our eyes. Without water to rinse the sand out, the sand irritably remained as it rubbed and grinded in our eyes. I let Tronzey ride on my back, partly because she was weary and so she could keep her eyes close and partly because the sand kept blinding me and I didn’t want to lose her.

Although the sand was packed in my eyes, I could see the blurry area of land flourishing with trees and grass. It was like an island in the middle of the desert. I headed toward it.

“We’re almost there-ahhh,” I screeched out as sand slammed into my eyes. It was impossible for me to see now.

I could feel Tronzey jump off my back.

“Tronzey, Tronzey,” I called her. No answer.

A small hand slipped its way into mine. I breathe in relief. As Tronzey held my hand she begin to lead me. I let her. After a while, I could hear crushing under my feet. It had to be grass and branches breaking beneath my boots. I begin to notice the soft sound of water falling down.

“Tronzey,” I asked. “there is a water source here. Take me to it.”

She continued to guide me. My boots began to sink into moist dirt as we approach the water. I could now hear the roaring of a waterfall. As Tronzey let my hand go, I kneeled down. And stretched my hands out until I could touch the coolness of water. I dipped my hands in the water and bathed the sand out of eyes. I was finally able to see. It was amazing. The water I clean out my eyes rained down in water fall into a lake of many colors. The colors were transparent so although the water was green, purple, red, blue, and yellow it could still could be seen through. Tronzey dipped her hands about to drink water.

“Wait,” I warned her, the water might be okay to touch but that didn’t mean it wasn’t dangerous to drink. “let me try it first to make sure it’s safe.”

I curve my hand into a bowl and dip my hands into the water and sip it. It definitely didn’t taste poisonous. If lilies scent and roses scent had a taste I imagine it be like this. The sweet coolness rinse down my throat and I couldn’t wait to take another gulp of it. If it had a later fatal effect then it wouldn’t matter, Tronzey and I would die from thirst if we waited to drink any longer. I nodded to her and she plunged both hands into the water and gulped it down.

Once my belly was filled with the sweet liquid. I scope our surroundings. It was gorgeous. It was a forest vibrant with many colors. The grass was a reddish purple. The bark of the trees were a yellow greenish but their leaves flowed with many colors. Several birds whistle a melody as they fluttered through the trees.

“How did you get here,” a voice barked from across from us.

I stood and pulled my sword out, cautiously scanning the area but there was no one around. A quick swish of wind blew near my left ear. I slashed at the empty air. I looked at my belt to see that something had snatched my satchel from my belt. Tiny pieces of illuminated lights, like the fireflies I used to dance with when I was a child but these were much smaller, begin to gather. They begin to fuse as they got closer to each other. The lights continued to converge to form a woman.