Status: a new story. Slow updates are promised.

Ocean in Your Eyes

Chapter 3

Jacqueline rested her head on the table in front of her waiting yet again for news about her brother.
They were currently in there with him so she was to stay out leaving her annoyed and frustrated.
“What are you here for?” she heard a man speaking next to her.
She lifted her head only to find one of the sexiest men she has ever laid eyes on staring at her with tired hazel eyes.
She cleared her throat , “uh my brother is… sick. You?”
“My friend is an idiot.” He muttered sending her a small dimpled smile.
He was first to admit that this blonde haired girl next to him was probably the most beautiful girl he has ever seen in his life.
A strange attraction to her occurred in his body , and he felt sad to see her looking so heartbroken and tired.
“Why?” she asked with a soft laugh
“Got into a fight. Again. I’m always the one to fucking save him. Sorry for my language.”
“it’s alright” she assured him , “you look tired how long have you been here?”
The stranger shook his head , “nah not too long. I’ve been tired for a while. It’s hard to play babysitter to a really dumb asshole.”
Jacqueline laughed , “I get it.”
“I’m Matt” he said giving her a heartwarming smile.
“Jacqueline. It’s nice to meet you Matt”
“Likewise. Jacqueline is a beautiful name”
Jacky blushed and giggled , “oh thank you. I love your tattoos”
Sending her a smirk , Matt had to ask the million dollar question , “are you just saying that or do you really love it?”
“I really do” she admitted , “while some people think it’s sleazy and wrong I happen to think it’s art and art is beautiful”
“Thank you very much , Jacqueline.”
“Call me Jacky”
He opened his mouth to reply when Doctor Zellner walked out.
“Jacky? You can come see him”
Jacky nodded and turned to the friendly man next to her.
“Well , that’s my que. I’ll see you around”
The buff man nodded , “it was nice to meet you Jacky.”
She nodded and left him breathless with a smile and then turned to walk back to her brother’s room.
Matt was determined to see her again and next time he will get her cell number.
He ought to get to know her better.
Much better.