Status: contest-comments?

Her Joker.


Riley stood in the far back, her hair rest on her shoulder and her hand rest on the holster of her gun. There were twenty psychopaths standing in front of her, all staring her down and undressing her with their eyes. Even though she wore sweat pants and a T-shirt.

The joker was going to pick ten of these men and kill the rest, which ten he would pick she didn't know.

"Hey, sweets." One man spoke as he took a step closer, Riley let her eyes wander over to him.

He was tall maybe about 5'9, well built with brown hair and blue eyes. Tattoos covered his neck and arms, she couldn't lie he was a good looking man. He took another step closer and the other watched in awe and wonder.

"I'm talkin' to ya." He spoke again, she shifted in her spot and let her hand tighten against the gun. If she killed him, the joker would hurt her. But if she let him advance, the others would try as well.

"Take a step back, before I blow your brains all over the place." Riley spoke softly while watching him. His mouth grew into a grin and he tilted his head to the side, he was testing her.

She undid the button over her gun and pulled it up slowly as he took another step forward, its not like she hasn't killed someone before. She has and all of them were men. The man took a few more steps leaving them a foot away from each other, her arm was now outstretched with the gun pointing right at his skull.

"Riley."His voice hit her like a ton of bricks, she was mere seconds away from pulling the trigger. Slowly she lowered the gun and looked over, there stood Joker. His face with fresh paint. His suit cleaned and a knife in his hand.

" Hi." Was the only thing she could muster up.

Looking back at the man he still held the smirk on his face as he watched her, her eyes narrowed.

"Get back in line and Riley get out." Jokers voice held a poison to it.

Without a word she walked out of the room and stood in the hallway, her hand rested on her gun as she stared at the painting on the wall. A woman, standing in a crowd but yet she was the brightest of them all, shaking her head she made her way down to the kitchen. Joker was going to have ten bodies ready to move in the hour and she needed to make sure that everything was ready.
She silently handed the cleaning supplies to the guys, she never cleaned up after Joker, it wasn't her job. Resting her elbows on the table she looked out of the kitchen window, the day was gloomy just like her mood. She was antsy and bored for some reason, standing with a huff she made her way to the bedroom for a shower.

She passed the ten men that had survived, one being the man she almost killed; however his eyes never met hers once. They were glued to the floor, in shame.

Entering the room she kicked off her shoes, took off her shirt and tossed it on the bed; pulled her pants off and let them land on the floor along with her undergarments. She never cared about walking around the room naked, she knew Joker would never try anything and if he did it would be her starting it.

She stood in the shower, letting the semi hot water run down her body. It was soothing and calming all at the same time, she wasn't bored nor antsy anymore. Instead she was calm and ready to work, she heard the door open and close. Then the few footsteps, they stopped and she heard Joker sigh.

Before she could reach his hand was wrapped tightly in her hair yanking her back, her hand held the metal handle in the shower to keep her from falling. Looking up she met his brown eyes. Never once looking over her body.

"What whas that uh, little stunt?" He spoke while licking his lips.

She groaned Ashe she tried to stand right, however it wasn't working. If she moved she would fall.

"He came to close, undressing me with his eyes." She muttered while staring into his eyes, nibbling her bottom lip she hoped that he would let her go. Instead he pulled more causing her to shift slightly.

"Next time, you leave the room." His spoke through his teeth, she tried to nod but failed. Then she noticed his eyes scale across her twisted body, meeting her eyes again.

"Get dressed, we have work to do." Letting her go he walked out slaming the door behind him. Leaving her alone in shower.