Status: Hiatus

My Soul to Keep

From Coffee to Lunch

Terra pressed her fingertips into her temples in a circular motion, but found no relief. She had the sudden urge to push everything off her desk in a fit of rage, however she refrained. This particular Monday had been hell. Her phone wouldn't stop ringing, her clients' futures looked solidly grim and to top it off her boss wouldn't stop checking on her. Hearing a soft knock against her glass door caused her to sigh quite loudly. As she rolled her eyes upward, she saw what she didn't want to see. In the doorway, sporting a very displeased look, was her boss. Again.

“Ruiz, are you done with the Maser case yet?”

Biting back the urge to yell and rant that she was sick of being rushed, she simply replied. “No Ma'am. Still not done.”

“May I suggest getting busy then? I haven't got all day. I needed those files on my desk an hour ago.”

Terra's hands were trembling, as she opened her mouth to reply the door was shut promptly on her efforts. Gritting her teeth and groaning, she tossed the manilla folders around her desk until she came to the one that read Maser. As she clutched it into her hand to toss it out the window, she saw someone moving down the hallway. The entire front side of her office was glass, allowing her to see who was approaching. It was her office mate, Matt. He usually stayed to himself which shrouded him in mystery. Though she could stare right into his office, she never knew what he was up to. He was clad in dark gray slacks and a matching button up, a red tie dangled from his neck loosely.

He pushed her door open, pausing to smile at the folder she still held high in her hand, before heading towards his part of the office. He slipped inside as his door closed behind him. Terra watched him through his glass wall until he paused beside his desk to place his briefcase on his large dark wood desk. His head turned as if to look in her direction so she adverted her gaze to her lap. Tossing the folder back on her desk, she glanced toward him quickly.

He was standing beside his desk, adjusting his red tie. Terra questioned herself as to why she was watching him adjust his clothing with such intent. When she couldn't come up with an answer, she shook her head and returned her attention to the Maser file. Sighing heavily, she thumbed through the papers with disinterest.

“Going to grab some coffee, you want anything?” Hearing his husky voice, she looked up with a smile.

“Jack Daniels.”

“How about something that won't get you fucked up?” He offered with a smile.

“Lime-a-rita?” She asked with her hands flat on her desktop.

“Caramel latte it is.” He eased his hands into his pockets and retrieved his phone. Scrolling through his contacts, he stopped on Starbucks.

“Here,” Terra reached into her purse to take out her wallet. “this should cover it.”

Matt ignored her as he ordered their drinks over the phone. Once he hung up, he looked at the money in Terra's hand with amusement. “What's that?”

“It's money for my coffee Matt.” She announced with a raised eyebrow.

“I think I can afford your latte high roller.”

“You always pay.”

“I always offer. When you go out for coffee, you can pay.” Without any further discussion, he walked out of the office door and disappeared down the hallway.

Terra stared after him for a moment before she went back to her work. She needed to get finished with the stupid Maser file before her boss came back to chop off her head.


Matt had returned at around nine with their coffee. He began telling her about the crazy traffic and long lines as he took a seat in one of the leather chairs in front of her desk. As she scribbled on the thin paper in front of her, she noticed Matt staring into the corner of the room. Following his eyes, she noticed he was watching her clock ticking.

“Kind of early in the day to be watching the clock Sanders.” She teased with a smile.

“It's never to early to consider better ways to occupy one's time.”


He shrugged and tilted his coffee to his lips again. “Golf.”

“Golf? Really you play that?” He nodded and looked her right in the eyes as she spoke. “It's so boring.”

“Well, that's your opinion.”

“You don't seem like the golf type.”

“My friends don't see me as a desk jockey either, but here I am.” He stood slowly, tossed his empty cup into her trash can and then started back toward his door.

It was the most he'd ever interacted with her at one time, but she wasn't complaining. It was usually so tense in the office and she missed having light conversations with others.


Terra's stomach growled and churned loudly as one o'clock rolled around. She snapped her head up in Matt's direction, but he was far too busy in his phone call to pay any attention to her. She sighed in relief, yet she knew she had to get some food. Since she hadn't brought anything from home the realization that she'd have to brave afternoon traffic hit her like a ton of bricks. She shifted backward in her chair before standing to her feet.

Matt momentarily glanced in her direction before looking back down at something on his desk. Phone still to his ear, seriousness still intact. She smoothed over her pencil skirt before she walked around her desk and toward his office. He looked up at her and smiled as she stuck her head into his office.

“Lunchtime.” She mouthed as she waited for conformation that he'd understood.

He held up a finger while he wrapped up his sentence and hung the phone up. “Cool, give me a minute and we can go grab something together.”


“Is that okay?” He asked with a hint of laughter.

“If my memory is correct, you were late today. That means you take a later lunch.”

“Well luckily for me, your memory is shit anyway.” He chuckled as he stood to his feet and rounded his desk. “Where are we eating?”

“I don't know. What are you in the mood for?”

He arched one of his dark eyebrows and smirked at her. “You mean food wise?”

“Of fucking course I do! Don't be such a man Sanders.” Terra remarked as she walked out into the hallway and towards the elevator.

He rolled his eyes, but put on a smile anyway. “Well I know this little place outside of town. It's never crowed, great food...”

“Okay, I'll bite. Can we make it there and back in half an hour?”

“We could, but we're not taking an half an hour lunch break.”

“I've got-”

“You need to relax a bit. Don't let this file run you into the ground.” He pressed the elevator button firmly and smiled at her. “It's about time you took a proper break Terra.”
♠ ♠ ♠
This is something I just thought up a few weeks ago. Finally getting around to posting it :D!