The Art Way

Du warst auch mal verliebt, doch das ist lange her

Every Monday Ray had dinner with his mother. It was a tradition he had no complains against. A part of this tradition was that she'd give him more food in Tupperware than he could possibly eat by himself to take home. Thus it became tradition that he would take the leftovers to Mikey and have dinner with him on Tuesday.
That's why on this evening Ray found himself in Mikey's dining room talking about this and that (“I think we should install paternosters in the building. Would make things quicker!” “I believe I've read that almost all of them were removed because of safety issues, sorry Ray...”) until eventually the conversation shifted to Gerard. “So, what was that yesterday with your brother in my office? And why do we suddenly have a second intern with the oh so common name Gerard?”
With a sigh Mikey told Ray the whole story of Gerard and Frank and made no attempt to sound like he believed his brothers “I just want to make a friend” bullshit.
“Is it weird that something like that doesn't even surprise me anymore?”, wondered Ray.
“It's Gerard we're talking about, so I guess not...”, Mikey admitted, “but this time I won't help him out of this mess because I told him not to do it quite a few times and he decided not to listen.”
“I can hardly believe that he is as old as me, seriously... You'd expect a little more common sense, don't you think?”
“I think the problem is that all the real important decisions were always taken for him by our parents. He somehow never learned to think about the consequences of his actions. So maybe this is good, maybe this will teach him a lesson in the end. God knows he needs to learn one.”
After they exhausted the topic of Mikey's idiotic brother they decided the best way to end their Tuesday was to play some video games. They decided that almost every Tuesday.


Not for the first time in the past few months Gerard was wandering around his large house, wishing someone would share it with him. Only this time it wasn't a generic person he imagined occupying the various rooms he walked trough. This time he saw Frank sitting on the sofa, cooking in the kitchen, eating at the table, sleeping in his bed.
His heart stung at the picture in his mind. He hadn't had someone to share (more than he shared with Mikey) with for years. And additionally the last time ended... not so well.
He smiled to himself when he remembered the lunch he had with Frank that day. He was convinced that his plan would work. Frank would start to like him enough, that he'd be O.K. to learn the truth some day. Frank would understand why Gerard had to keep his true identity secret, for the sake of their relationship. And Frank would soon realise that Gerard was way better for him then Jamia, he was sure of it.


“Patrick is on TV this evening.”, Ryan informed the other two after dinner.
“Do you want to watch it?”, Spencer asked.
“I don't think there is anything more interesting airing today, to be honest”, Brendon said. He'd mostly know what was on because he had actually enough spare time to study the TV guide thoroughly.
So they watched the interview together, mostly in silence, at least until Patrick mentioned Frank.
“Isn't that dude the reason for this charade you have to pull?”
“I think so...”, Ryan admitted.
“We should check this band out someday!”, Brendon suggested.
“No, I can't go, Jamia could be there and recognise me...”
“Well, then me and Spencer will have to go!”
“I don't know, Bren, I don't think I really want to...”
“Aww, come on, I can't go alone!!”
“Maybe you'll find someone else...”


When Patrick arrived at Pete's house (he hadn't moved in officially yet, but he spent more time there than at his own home) it was already early Wednesday morning.
Pete was asleep when Patrick entered the bedroom, but since he was a light sleeper he soon woke up.
“Hey Trick”, he murmured.
“Hey Pete”, Patrick smiled.
“How was your, uh...”
“Vip-Party.” Patrick informed while changing into his pyjamas (Pete smiled when Patrick exchanged his socks for a new pair of socks). “It was O.K., got a few pictures taken which is the whole purpose of these things, Josh and Tyler were there which was nice. You know? The dudes from twenty one pilots.”
“Yeah... You'll have to introduce us someday.”
“I will. At one of the local tour dates the very least. Did you watch the interview yesterday?”
“Yeah, I did. I liked the performance. 'Love, Selfish Love' was always one of my favourites.”
“I like our songs better.” Patrick confessed as he climbed into bed next to Pete. “You are a far superior lyricist.”
“I won't change your mind on that, will I?”, Pete asked.
“No.”, Patrick said and kissed Pete. “Goodnight, Pete”
“Night, Patrick”
♠ ♠ ♠
This took too long. I'm not sleeping very well and hoped for something to help with sleeping but my doctor just told me it was an adhd problem and i should take medication for that again, so i thought i shouldn't delay this ny longer. This means this chapter is written by someone very tired. Pleae comment on eveerything that is shit about it (i assume everything). what I'm saying is leave a coment. please?

If anyone want's a feeling for the state I've been in for the last week and still am tbh (the reason why this took so long watch this video
i think that shows it pretty well, but sadly even though i'm having issues with my sleep moving to new york is no option for me D: