Status: I hope you enjoy

Marked's back ground story

Marked's back ground story

I was Training hard like always. The day was sunny and bright. It was a perfect day for training. I took my sword in hand and attacked the dummy. “HA!” I said as I sliced the wood. I wiped the sweat off my forehead. “ Wow, It’s a hot day!” I said to myself. “ I think that’s enough training for today.” I picked up my sword and placed it on my shoulder and walked into the castle. My mother greeted me. “Hello, Marked, How was training?”
“Very good. It was a hot day today though.”
“Oh? Summer must be on its way.”
“Yes I think it is. Anyways, have you seen father?”
“No, not today, he’s probably in his study.”
“Ok, I’ll talk to you later mother.”
“Bye dear.” I bowed to my mother and turned to go to my fathers study. I knocked on the door when I got there. “Father? Are you in?” I asked. “Oh, Come in Marked.” I opened the door and walked into the book-filled study. “Hello father. How goes the reading?”
“Very well, how was training?”
“Good, I have gotten better for sure.”
“Ha-ha, Well now, we’ll have to see if this is true!” I giggled. “Ok father, but I won’t go easy on you!”
“Try me!” My father said. We laughed. “Shall we go then?” I asked. “Yes, let me get my sword.” My father picked up his sword off the wall next to the fireplace. “Oh, Father, I’m warning you it’s hot today.”
“Oh, summer is coming isn’t it?”
“Yeah, it is. Oh well! Let’s go!” My father and I walked to the sparing grounds. “You ready, Marked?” My father asked me. “You bet!! Bring it on father!” I yelled playfully at him. “Get ready!” My father said as he charged at me. I blocked him. “Ha!” I swung at him and jumped back and dogged my strike. “You missed!!”
“I know!” I said. I charged at my father. He blocked my blow. “Wow, your strength has increased for sure.”
“ You think so?”
“Yep, no doubt about it.” I jumped back. I was breathing very hard now. We have been doing this for a while. “Wow, you’re right, it is a hot day.”
“Yeah. Man, I’m wiped already.”
“Heh, me too.”
“ ‘Twas fun though.”
“Yeah. Let’s go back inside and get something cool.”
“Ok father.” I followed my father inside of the castle. We walked to the kitchen. “Helga! Where are you?” Our cook, Helga, Came out from behind the counter. “ What can I do for you princess Marked and King Jayner?”
“Drinks! Something cold to beat the heat!”
“Very well then!” Helga went back to the kitchen. She came back later with drinks in hand. “Here you go!”
“Thank you Helga! You’re the best!” I said to her. “Why thank you princess Marked!” I smiled at Helga. I drank my drink, “AH, that hits the spot!”
“Yeah, it dose!”
“Well, father, today was a nice sparing day.”
“ Yes, and you have improved!”
“Thanks father.” I smiled. Suddenly the door burst open and a guard rushed in. “Sire! Come quickly! The seal has broken!!”
“WHAT?!” My father stood up instantly.
“Father, what’s going on?”
“Sorry Marked, I must go. The kingdom needs me!” When ever my father said that, I knew something was wrong. He rushed out of the room with the guard. “Why can’t father let me help?” I said after they had gone. “Well you’re still young my dear.” Helga said from in the kitchen. “I know but I’m strong! I can help too!”
“Patience princess. You’ll help one day, I’m sure.”
“Thanks Helga, I’m going to head to my room. Thanks for the drinks.”
“You’re welcome.” I left the dinning hall and went to my room. I looked out my window. “Oh wow! Now it looks like it’s going to rain.” I sighed. I fell on to my bed. I laid there for a while. “Man, this day is strange.” I said out loud. “Yes, it is.” Something answered. I shot up. “Who said that?” I looked around my room. Nothing was there. All I heard was the rain hitting my window. I decided it was nothing and laid back down. As I laid back down, I felt uneasy. “Hmmm, I don’t feel right…OUCH!” My head seared with pain. “OW! My head!” I yelled. I gripped my head. I felt my self slipping. As I was slipping away, I heard laughing. “Now I shall use you to get my revenge on the king!” I heard a deep voice say just before I passed out.
I woke up in a dark room. There where no walls or door or windows. It was completely pitch black. “Ugh, where am I?” I looked around. “Mother? Father?” I called out. No answer. “Father? Mother?” Still no answer. I began to panic. “Father! Mother! Where are you?” I called out. I got up and stared running. As I was running, all I saw was pitch black. “Father! Where are you?” I kept calling out. Tears fell from my eyes. I kept Running till I grew tired and I could not hold my tears back anymore. I slumped to the ground. “Where an I? Why is it so dark…? Father, where are you?” I sat there in my tears for a while. “Wait…I’m stronger then this.” I told my self. I wiped my tears from my face and stood up. “I am strong! I am brave!” I called out. Suddenly, a light appeared in the darkness. I ran towards it as fast as I could. I reached for it and…, “NO! Marked! This is not you! Wake up my daughter!” I heard my father cry. I heard the clash of swords. I looked through the light. I saw my father holding him arm covered in blood. “FATHER!” I called. He didn’t hear me no matter how loud I called. I looked down. I saw my hands covered in blood. I gasped. I was the one doing his but I was not me. I was trapped inside my head. I looked up again “FATHER!” I called again but to no avail. I watched as my possessed body charged at my father. “NO! THIS IS NOT RIGHT!!” I tried to resist but I kept attacking my father. I kept trying to stop myself. I watched as my father fell to the ground. “NO! NO! I can’t stand by and watch this!” I yelled. “Well you’re going to!.” A dark voice answered. “Why are you doing this?” I asked the darkness around me. “Because, the king betrayed me many years ago and I intend to get my revenge!” I watched as my possessed body beat my father. “ NO, STOP IT!!” I yelled. I pushed my way though the slit of light with all of my strength. I got though but something pulled me back. “NO, YOU WILL NOT INTERFERE!” said the dark voice. I felt something pull me back in to the blackness of my mind. It threw me away from the bit of light. “OW.” I got up. “ I WILL BE VICTORIOUS!” The darkness called. I ran towards the light as fast as my leg could go. “Father!” I called as I ran. I reached the light just barely when I was thrown back again. “Ouch!” I got up again and stated running. “I WILL NOT GIVE UP!” I screamed. I ran faster. I got to the light again and this time jumped though it. I saw my hand suspend in the air with my sword in hand. “ NO! YOU WILL NOT STOP ME!” I heard my possessed self call out. My arms came down quickly and I screamed. “FATHER! NO!” I stared to push my way though to get my body back but just them I heard a whisper in my ear. “I'll let you go now, my work here is done!” I heard laughter as I returned to my body. “NO!” I yelled. I ran to my father covered in his own blood. “Father…what have I done? Why was I not strong enough to fight it?!” I keeled before my father and took his hand in mine. He was hardly breathing. “This is all my fault, I’m sorry father.” I could not hold back my tears. My father reached up his hand to my cheek “ My beautiful daughter Marked. This is not your fault my dear…I should have protected you better.” I looked at my father’s face. “No…this…why?” I asked. My father’s eyes where filled with sorrow.” I’m sorry I could not protect you my daughter. Just know that I love you.” He smiled his last smile then his hands grew heavy and fell. “No…Father. NO!” I screamed. The rain got heavier as I cried upon my father’s lifeless body. I heard footsteps behind me. I turned my head. My mother stood there, wide eyed. She looked at my sword that was stained with blood. “How?” she asked in a dark tone. “Mother, I…I killed him…” I struggled to say. “WHAT!?” She yelled. “YOU! I BANISH YOU! LEAVE!”
“What? Mother! I didn’t mean for this-”
“GO! LEAVE NOW! NEVER RETURN OR I’LL KILL YOU!” I looked at my mother then ran. I ran away like a coward and kept running until I was a good way from the castle. I kept running till I got in to town. Tears stained my face. I ran in to the neatest alleyway and slumped down on to the ground. I couldn’t help but let the tears flow. “Why was I not strong enough?” I asked my self.
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This is the background story.