Status: 1st chapter is finally up

The Mark of the Infinite

You could have knocked me out with a feather

It was a beautiful day with a magnificent view. It was the late evening and soon the sun will set into darkness. Much to the dreamer’s bewilderment, little fire birds flew about this particular garden, feeding from some of the fruit that was available to them specifically.

It was as Ricky had wanted it. It was usually in this season that the large phoenixes would fly over, and he remembered as a child heading out to see them, being greeted by them, their heat not as burning as he would have expected. Yet a long time ago they had stopped, and only little ones like these came. It was just enough for Gabriella to play around with.

The little girl was dressed beautifully today, as expected of a princess. Part of her hair tied back in a red bow, matching with her red and white puffy dress. With how the setting evening glowed on her, it was like she was the very sun, and with the phoenixes she played with and tried to pet, it only proved to be more so.

Ricky smiled from where he watched, seeing as she herself was immune to the burn, welcoming them as they landed in her small little hands. There was nothing he needed to worry about. That was until a much larger one perched itself on the rail of the balcony. It wasn’t as large as the ones he had seen before, but it was still the size of Gabriella, who now moved forward to it, worry in her speed. Ricky grew fearsome and ran in time to stop her, holding her from her shoulders.

“Be careful, this one is bigger.” He warned her, looking this time over to the bird.

It stood harmless though, pecking a part of its claws continuously. It was beautiful, and Ricky had let himself stare in quite the awe. it had been a long time since he saw a Phoenix even this large.

“It’s hurt.” Gabriella said, her eyes never leaving the talons from which the bird stood proud.

Gabriella must have a good eye for Ricky did not notice anything in the area, still holding the girl from moving any closer to it.

“Do you have any books about healing phoenixes?” she asked, finally looking to something other than the bird.

“I might have, just stay put while I go find one.” He stood and dashed to get it.

There was a near library, a small one that mostly servants used in their spare time to read. In one of the shelves there lay an encyclopedia for healing spells, for all kinds of creatures, surely they’ll have something for phoenixes. As he searched through the pages, he also walked down the hall, unaware of who was coming towards him, of his name being called, but his mind lost to the book.

“Ricky!” it had been loud enough for him to finally look up.

The woman that stood in front of him wore her usual queen robes, a little too much for just another usual day in the castle. But well, Ulayn like the extravagancy of being Queen.

“Gabriella is in the garden balcony, the phoenixes there are small, she’s safe.” He told her simply, eyes coming back to the book as he walked pass her.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I’m sure. Stop worrying, they’re harmless.” She still followed behind him, until they reached where the girl stood outside, petting innocently the largest of the phoenixes.

Ulayn was just ready to pull her off, but Ricky stopped her with one of his hands, his other just fining the page where it had everything when healing phoenixes. With it, he moved close to the girl, handing over the book to her, the little girl scanning it, understanding perfectly what she had to do in a matter of minutes. She gathered some of the herbs the medicine had asked, which luckily were in the garden, only one which she asked the more small phoenixes to get her from another garden. With them all in her hand, she gripped them in her tiny hands, making sure they were shredded enough. She began to chant the incantation that was in the book, that Ricky held for her to see, the broken herbs in her hand embracing the area, making sure it got enough.

Very quickly it began to heal, and the phoenix could now jump smoothly, move and extend as it should before its fall.

“It worked!” Gabriella jumped in excitement, clapping her hands to herself, smiling proudly and looking over to Ricky, who smiled just as so.

“You did an amazing job.” He petted her hair as a reward, standing to make sure that the bird was surely okay.

It glowed strongly now, its wings widening, ready to take flight anytime again. It leaned its head towards the girl for one last petting, which the girl kindly did and Ricky as well. It was a soft touch, like he was petting any other feathered bird, the fire not harming at all despite how it continued to blaze for them. Ulayn smiled from where she stood, admiring the creature. The phoenix was then ready to leave, and after more little touches, specifically from the little girl, it had lifted off into the sky, flying over the tall spiked mountains that covered the valley of the castle. Yes, away from the same place that Ricky had been stuck for the past couple of years. He kept gazing even as it disappeared between the peaks, envious of surely all the land the bird had to explore, without anything holding him back…as the castle did to Ricky. Neither did his wife and daughter saw that wanting in his eyes as he starred off.

Ulayn called for the girl, Gabriella going on with what she did, how soft they were or beautiful. Ricky still continued to look on, the two girls speaking behind him, and him not giving a single care. The girl had headed off, surely into the castle, excited for who knows what. Ricky didn’t hear them to know.

“Are you coming?” Ulayn asked him, expecting his company.

And Ricky continue to stare off, not finding it in him to just leave when the sun shone on the valley in a mix of oranges, matching along with the changes trees of autumn. Would there be another day like this again? He took a deep sigh and looked back to her, a single nod, awaiting for her to head out first before he followed behind her. For her being his wife, there was not a single hold of hands, endearing looks, or even a sweet appellative.

Isn’t that how marriage worked? Luis thought as the three of them moved out of the spot, leaving him in the garden alone. All the phoenixes were gone as well, and there was a feeling of emptiness as he stood there. It was like he was alone in the entire castle. Not a single servant had passed, and no one else seemed to return back. Maybe he could explore? It looked beautiful and Luis wanted to get lost in the halls and see more of it. Yes, he could do that, the opening was right there, for him to go in and see for himself. Yet…why was it so dark all of a sudden? He swore the halls were lighted with small torches and lights.

Hands began to creep from this pitch black darkness, clawing as if searching for something. Luis moved back, to the lighted area where the sun still shone, and beautiful flowers surrounded. He would surely be safe here. But the girl, who now began to show herself, piece by piece until she was there out for him to completely see.

Pale skin, dark hair and eyes, a young looking face that surely belonged to a young teenager, she wore a dark dress, black as the darkness she had emerged from. It was rather short, but a tail extended, seeming attacked to the darkness of the halls, growing more and more behind her as she walked towards him. At first it was slow, her hands continuing to claw until they began to light up in a burning fire. Her smile, from simple and welcoming, turning to a sick one as she came closer, her pace quickening, Luis moving back faster, but he was met with the rail balcony, way high up, and below the ground that seemed just as intimidating as the girl. He had no time to think, before the girl leaped, hands still burning, fire dancing in the air to his direction, the girl laughing, beginning to scratch and burn skin easily with a single swift.


A shinning bright light that was blinding him completely, not letting him see at all, but he knew they were opened, for slowly, ever so slowly they started to adjust, and yet a large light still shone above him, but he could still hear muttered voices, and feel a cold surface. He groaned, even tried to move, but something kept him attached to the table.

“He seems like an Air Soul to me.”

“More like an Earth Soul.”

“Hm…maybe a Magician?”

“There’s already two magicians. I still insist Earth Soul.”

“Magician!” he noticed three figures, they were close, clearly above him, for he could hear their voices clear.

As his vision fixed itself, he then could notice the features of a young looking girl, as well as a boy, both of pale skin, the girl of dark brown locks, while the other dark black hair, both standing at either side of him.

“I bet he’s an Earth Soul.” The boy said, looking at him intently, analyzing his every part, which made Luis uncomfortable…but there wasn’t much he could do, it was like he was somehow tied…but there were no strings or objects to do that.

“Magician.” The girl insisted.

He then saw the third figure, darker skin and darker features, he held a sort of tube in his hand, turning and twisting it as his companions continued with their silly bet. Of the three, he seemed the most commanding, with a serious face as he seemed to work, while the other two seemed more like children that were still learning of what they were doing. To prove so, they looked to the third figure, expecting something of him.

“Ashley says MAGICIAN, George says Earth soul?” they both nodded, and so Angelo placed the last touches on the object before it was done.

He stabbed the tub right into Luis’s chest, Luis shouting loudly into the room, finally being able to move, crying and cringing in pain. And yet the three didn’t do anything, simply made sure that he didn’t turn completely so the tube wouldn’t move from where it stood on his chest. It began to switch in different colors, as well as the color of Luis’s veins, until finally it decided on a purple color. Both groaned…it seemed they have lost whatever bet they were in.

“Stellar.” Angelo declared, taking the tube easily from his chest, another tremble of pain to Luis’s body, who still continued to shake and groan, annoyingly the others had to admit.

“At least you both guessed one each.” And then they turned, working on some things far from Luis’s vision.

He tried to stand and see what was it that they were working on, but the pain was still too much to even move. He gave up and simply remained put on the table, looking to his sides to know that he wasn’t the only one. The two customers and the guy who had stolen their car and pushed him into it were there too. They all seemed asleep, shirtless with dark gaping holes in their chest, which to the surprise of his eyes…began to heal slowly, more skin growing to hide the damage. One look to his own chest and he saw that it was going through the same healing. What kind of hospital was this? With weird medicines and doctors. Well, at least he was completely okay, despite how they were just squashed by a truck. These guys are amazing.

“As always, where their veins are glowing the most.” Angelo told them, each taking two of four fabrics, two dark blue ones, a purple one, and a grey one.

Ashley wrapped Suriel’s on his waist and Gensel’s on his shoulder. George wrapped Rei’s on his thigh and Luis’s own was wrapped on his wrist. They were tied strongly, seeming to constrict the area.

“Done.” Ashley proclaimed, easing away while Angelo made sure that they were tied as they should.

To the panel he placed a code, a large door opening, from which Angelo took a large contraction, looking like a…tall canon, an elaborated one with hundreds of buttons, switches and turners. He placed it on the middle of the room, working on the settings, in the process he starred at Luis, both their eyes meeting as he still continued to work. He only sigh, feeling a slight pity for the boy, these things were easier for them if they were still asleep.

“Did any items pass through?” he asked, finishing the last touches.

He pressed a single button, and three other cannons appeared, multiplying from the first one, still held by the original one. What the hell?

“Luis’s key necklace.” Which George held in his hand, spinning it in his hand, almost mockingly to Luis.

“There’s also that bag.” Ashley pointed to it, which was still Rei’s tight grip.

“Well, go take it before this starts.” Ashley obeyed, standing and just ready to take it from him, it didn’t seem heavy, so surely it would be easy.

Just as her fingertips reached for the handle, another hand had gripped her wrist, hard and painful. She jolted and tried to move back in the sudden terror, but the hold was tight. She met eyes with him, fierce and angry, absolutely maddened.

“S-sir, I’m just trying to move, I will not take it.” She said, hoping it could ease him.

It still didn’t change anything, his gripped had even become tighter.

“I won’t open it, and we will return it as soon as were done…I just need to move it.” She assured.

Easily his grip loosened, but he still starred with his maddened scowl, making sure that it was just that what they will do. His eyes didn’t leave the girl and the bag as she moved it across the floor slowly, out of the path of the cannons. Once it was in a safe place under the table, Ashley having let go of it, Rei finally relaxed, laying on the table as comfortably as he had done before, questioning the very same things Luis had done earlier. Where were they? Who were these people?

“Were good?”

“Were good!” George seemed to want to see this now, a happy grin on his face.

He almost looked ready to laugh…why did he want to laugh?

“All right.” And then it was Angelo’s turn to share the sadistic grin, pulling down a heavy lever, something building inside the cannons, a large light appearing from the four of them.

Sparks appeared in them, all of them in different colors…except for two…one which Rei noticed was pointing directly at him. Wait…were they actually aiming these things at them? Both Luis and Rei were about to say something about this, but when they raised their voice, they were silenced by the blast. It covered the four of them each in their own beam, working what it had to while the other three just sat and watch, Angelo checked his watch, making sure that they were spread with it for enough time. The cannon itself would tell them, rings on it glowing in their respective color to signify that they had done their work. Angelo had turned the lever back down, the beam slowly disappearing for the four to finally sit up with screams, agitated surely, breathing heavily, their hands traveling their bodies to see what damage was done with the cannons.

Nothing had hurt them, they were just as Ashley had brought them. Yet, they felt something new on them, they didn’t knew how to explain…maybe like something was added to them, a burning sensation that ran all across their bodies and even minds. It was…somehow powerful.

“Well, were done with these for now.” Angelo turned off the canons, reverting back to its single one, beginning to move it back to its storage.

“You can move now, the spell was removed.” George told them, cleaning some things from the room.

Indeed they could, stretch their arms, sit as they wanted, and even get down from their tables. They were still very confused, looking around and still trying to reason on where they were. They wanted to hope that this was just a hospital…a really weird hospital.

“All right, if I recall correctly, George did the last one. So Ashley, this one is yours.” She hoped Angelo wouldn’t remember, but she sigh and nodded, there was no avoiding this.

She gave a thumb up, although they noticed how she was still nervous, with the biting of her lips and how she watched these four boys almost afraid.

“I’ll let Ernest come in.” Angelo advised, hoping that the little fairies’ presence might ease her.

He opened the door out of the room, waiting for George to follow him, Angelo ushering for the fairy to come inside, who easily flew all around the room, its usual sparks falling around, making the boys scream as it flew all around them, rubbing itself at them excitedly like a dog would.

“What the hell is that?” Suriel finally spoke, trying to move away from it.

“Oh don’t worry, its harmless. It’s just a heaven fairy.” She told them, her finger standing in the air as a calling to the little ball.

Obediently it landed there, finally calming as it still continued to watch over the four boys. Ashley moved it close to her face, where the little fairy cuddled close to her. She was stalling time, she needed to get working.

“Well if you’re all able to move and sit, please gather around, there’s a lot I have to explain and show before I let you out there.” A single swift of her fingers and four chairs appeared from below.

It was sudden and even Gensel moved away from them with a shrill. Luis and Suriel were the only ones that had actually sat. They were just chairs, nothing odd about them…except for the fact that the girl just made them appear out of nowhere.

They still gazed around them curiously, lost, cold and awkward…they were still shirtless…and in front of a girl who wore a white suited jacket, with a silver tie, mid length business skirt, and short silver heels, so of course they would feel embarrassed. She sat at the other side of the table, a couple of items on it she would need. It reminded them of a school principal, or attending an office for an interview.

She really wanted to start, but one of the chairs still remained empty, she gazed up at the missing one, who was looking around the room, the panels, the tables, even the walls.

“Sir.” She called out, getting his attention.

She raised the bag in her hand, which had been awaiting him as she promised. It was all he needed to take his seat, taking the bag from her, embracing it as he sat along with the rest. Really? Even in…wherever the hell they were, he still held to the bag close, glaring at whoever even stole a glance. Ashley was just as concerned about it as they all were.

“Uh…let me just start.” She scooted closer to the table, being close for all of them to hear.

“I’m sure you’re all confused, you feel weird, you must be wondering where you are, why you’re here, or what we are. Luckily I am here to answer most of those questions.” She seemed too optimistic, a big smile on her face as she addressed this, really like she was dealing with business instead of injured men.

They had surprisingly remained silent, just as equally confused as when they had awaken, it didn’t help her on what to say next.

“Well,” she clapped her hands, waking them up from whatever trance they found themselves as they starred at her for more answers, “Welcome to Eden. Land of the-”

“Eden, Arizona right?” silence, as Ashley gazed at Suriel with squinted eyes.

“Uh…no, just…Eden.”

“So, California then?”


“Hmm…Mexico maybe?” okay, now she was glaring.

“Sir, Eden is nowhere in North America.”

“So, why are we in South America then, doctor?” It was Luis who asked this time, and Ashley felt like slapping them all, but she needed to make things clear, and keep her cool, stupid questions like these always passed through them.

“Let’s make one thing clear, I am not a doctor, and you’re not in a hospital in your world. You’re in the afterlife, in Eden, in one of the hundreds of Passing Bases controlled by the angels.” The whole phrase was a surprise to them, but that last thing was what got them to ask:

“Controlled by angels?”

“Yes, angels.” Ashley affirmed.

They starred at her then, blinking and still. “So…” Rei wanted to ask.

“Yes, I am one of the angels that works in this base, specializing in Passing and counseling to those arriving to the afterlife.”

“What do you mean afterlife?” Gensel then asked, his gaze never leaving off her…she seemed extremely familiar.

The rest were still uneasy about this, trembling as they tried to make connections in their heads. Surely this was a dream, and they would awaken in the hospital shortly. Yes, awaken from being squashed by a truck. They all knew that surviving something like that was slim, and even if they did survive, they doubted they would look as they did…in short, their minds could only come to one conclusion to all this.

“Yes, the afterlife, the four of you are dead.”