Status: 1st chapter is finally up

The Mark of the Infinite

I wrote a goodbye note in lipstick on your arm

Angels were taught to give a ten minute break to their assigned human once they came to the realization that they were dead. What was it for? For them to get over the shock, think about it, accept it, get angry, deny it, ask questions on how it had happened, and then there was the occasional one who begged to return to Earth. It was during these minutes that she prepared herself for if they did attack her, which she could easily throw off with a simple spell, but they seemed rather harmless. When they came to the conclusion, the four of them just stood there, destroyed look in their eyes as they starred into blankness. Suriel rummaged his hands through his hair, breathing heavily, Luis and Gensel seemed like they were going to fall off from their chairs, and Rei just held tighter to his bag, looking mostly scared compared to the rest. While they though and sat as they were, Ashley took out a random notebook, as well as come coloring utensils, pencils and pens.

“We’re dead.” Suriel finally said it, disappointment in his voice, frustration as well.

He turned and looked around him so much, and for a moment there Ashley really though he was going to do something.

“Mhm.” Ashley hummed, opening the pages and beginning to draw with the calmest of expressions.

“Dead, dead…dead…” what was Suriel trying to do with repeating that word several times? They were dead, done, nothing much they could do but accept this new life.

“And it’s all your fucking fault.” He shouted at Rei, who cringed and quivered at his tone of voice.

Even Luis and Gensel were as afraid, but well…he did have a point there. Suriel really felt like throwing something at him, even went to pick up a book from the table to do so.

“Hey, hey, let’s not get carried away.” She stopped him just in time, making him sit down…and trying to move any close item away from his reach.

“See, it is Rei’s fault.” Rei had looked insulted at her. He was expecting for her to ease them, not make them hate him more.

“But technically you’re all at fault here. I mean, who gave the keys to him so easily.” They all glared at Luis, who sank in the chair trying to disappear. “Who’s the one who took his parents car and ran away without a word, the car in which you four died in.” then it was Gensel’s turn to be glared at. “Also Suriel, you were the one who decided on running away as well and asking for carpool, you could have just denied Gensel’s kindness.”

“I didn’t know I was going to die!”

“Oh hush, look.” She then showed them her notebook, a cute drawing of a plush panda, eating bamboo calmly.

“I drew a panda.” What?

“That’s a cute panda.” Gensel complimented.

“It really is.” Rei then said, smiling as they all stare at it.

“What does a panda have anything to do with this?” Suriel asked, seeming as they were all distracted with a girlish drawing.

“It’s important, it’s your team name.”

“What?” they all asked, the drawing not seeming as cute when it could be a name for them. “In Eden, when people are brought in groups like you guys, we angels decided to put them in a team. We even name them so we can better find them and well…” she shrugged. “Just cause, its fun.”

“Teams?” so many things were still so confusing and Ashley hadn’t explained yet.

“First of all.” She stood, the ten minutes over, meaning she could continue with her job.

She headed over to Luis, surely his would be more noticeable. He took his hand and raised it in the air, the fabric still wrapped around his wrist, as tightly they had placed it. She easily removed it, slowly revealing skin and…numbers.

A ‘1,000’ was basically inscripted in the area, it shone like a burn, pulsing in purples and pinks. It was still new, so it was normal for it to do so. She held it long enough for all of them to see, before she dropped it, giving the chance for Luis to actually look at it. It was weird to have it, yet it was fascinating. The numbers were drawn in a unique style, like those of runes in an ancient building. His hand rubbed the area to feel some sort of bump or itch, but nothing, it was now a normal part of his body.

The rest began to undo their own, some which were in uncomfortable places, making it hard for them to either look or…just embarrassed to show them to the rest. Gensel’s was at his shoulder, reading a ‘1,100’ in a blue that reminded of sapphires, it was like it was made with the very rocks. Suriel’s, which was at his waist, read a ‘900’, in a metallic style that reminded him of the army. Rei was the only one who refused to show his, not only was it in his thigh, on an embarrassing area, but there was something odd about it, but being afraid didn’t dare ask…and he just hoped no one asked about it either.

“Those are your points.” Points? Points for what? They all though the same. “The best you can do is maintain them in that number, or gain more. Just, no matter what you do, don’t let it come down to zero…or else you’re going to hell.” Gensel chuckled, even the rest wanted to. What bad could she do to them? “No seriously, you can go to hell.” The serious tone in her voice proved it so, and they had held their laughters. “Eden is what you humans usually consider the purgatory. It is here where you’ll prove to either go to heaven or hell. Of course, unlike most of the writings in your world, it doesn’t take a matter of prayer or blessings to get you to either place. You yourselves have to prove it by going out there and gaining them…or losing them.” she explained easily.

“How? Games?” Suriel asked, mostly sarcastic.

“You could say that.” What the hell is going on here? “You have to go out there and find out yourselves. Of course, we can’t let you guys out like this, unknown and confused. This is precisely why the angels are here, to guide you and make sure you fit along well. Now,” she stood again, sitting at the edge of the desk, Ernest moving along with her.

“In Eden, depending on the soul you have, we grant you power, mostly to survive and help you with the games and challenges, not to mention it’s also something part of you that we need to crack open once you’re here. You yourselves saw how we did it.” Oh yes, being stabbed by a weird tube and then being pulverized by cannons. “There are twelve types of souls that we categorize into three different groups. There’s the more basic ones, which are the Earth, Fire, Water and Air Souls, elemental, pretty easy to get. Then there’s the more corporal ones, which are the Skill, Speed and Strength souls. In your team you actually have a Skill soul.” They all looked among themselves, at their numbers, seeing who it could be.

“Suriel.” Ashley saved them the trouble. “Skill souls are those highly talented in the use of weapons, swords, guns,” she wasn’t knowledgeable on how many they were, but she hoped they would get it easily. “Basically anything you can get in your hands and use against your opponent.” Suriel liked this…could he start by throwing that book at Rei?

“Then there’s the more magical ones, darkness, light, which I myself am, Magicians, Mentals, and Stellars.” Luis had heard them mention it, as well as address him with one.

“Most in your group were in this category. Two wizards and one stellar.” She gazed at Rei and Gensel. “You two are magicians. When it comes to spells and magic, it will be your strongest points. Magicians are lucky for they have a spell for mostly anything, they could even use fire or mental spells if they wish.” She then took the books that were on the tables, which she had saved for if they did have magicians. It was required to bring one at least for if there assigned human was of this category. All magicians needed one of these.

“They’re filled mostly with basic spells to easily pull off, if you want to learn more, you’ll learn them out there. They have several books and hundreds of more for you to learn.” The two books were very different, one red, one blue, even decorated differently and weighting differently. Would they have the same spells? Or did they have different ones? She handed one each, both of them inspecting their given one.

“Then…Stellars.” It was Luis’s turn, who sat awkwardly as he was stared by her. “Stellars are pretty rare, not really a power that you can use against anyone, not even a defensive one, but if in a group, it can be really helpful, especially in a place like Eden.” She walked closer to him now. She handed back the key to him, which had been laying at the table. “Stellars work like maps, amazing keen power to know the directions to just about anything. You can read the stars easily and count on them in any moment. There are stellars that can predict weather or even a person’s future. To learn that, once again, Eden. With you, I doubt your team would need maps.” she stood and headed to the door, opening the large glass and motioning them all to follow.

They could leave now? Where they to start already? Didn’t they just got here? Rather hesitantly they began to stand up, already showing their team union as they already depended on the other to move so the rest could. Ashley waited patiently for each, all standing outside as they looked around. They stood close to each other, not daring to move unless Ashley gave them the signal to.

“What are you guys so afraid of? We’re still in the base, there’s not much you can do here.” She assured, beginning to make her way down the hall. Despite that, they wanted to remain at her side, moving as she did.

It was a long white and grey hall, several doors on either side. When they took a peek inside, they saw several angels dressed as Ashley. A style for men and another for women, some were hurdled talking, others were talking to humans, single ones, who sat confused and surprised as the four of them had earlier. Some were taking out the cannons, others were wrapping fabrics, and then there were ones who simply spoke, items being held to the other, and some even began to head out, ahead of them or behind them.

“You’re all angels right?” Suriel asked, gazing as a male angel helped a little girl out of the room, the child crying still despite how the angel continued to try and soothe her.

“Yes. I already explained.”

“You’re all different from what I expected.”

“Yes, we get that a lot.” She knew clearly how angels were made seem in Earth.

“Where are your halos, and wings, and…majestic lighting aura?” Luis asked, hands widening in the air as he tried to explain it.

It got him an almost insulted look from the girl, but angels to him were taught to be these great majestic beings that basically illuminated one blind.

“There’s no such thing as a… ‘Majestic Lighting aura’.” She tried to copy how he had said it, hands in the air and everything.

“So, are the wings and halos real then?” Suriel asked, he himself was curious about that.

“Well…yeah, halos and wings are granted to the higher ups, those who control the bases or the most powerful ones. I’m a lower one, I don’t get that privilege.” She seemed hurt when she said it, turning her head away from them, dedicated now to take them where she had to.

This base was larger than they expected, endless halls, heading in all different directions, going through larger halls and other facilities. They passed by large rooms, with elevators and stairs that connected different floors, lounges and even libraries. Ashley took them to one of the lower floors, what they though was the basement, more halls, confusing, small and tight, numerous doors never seeming to end. It was amazing how Ashley knew the halls well, no matter the turns, how deeper they got into the building, or how everything just seemed so alike. Finally they have stopped at a door, the number ‘1707’ inscripted in gold, it looked even homey compared to the rest of the base.

“Stand close to me, all of you.” They hadn’t even left her side.

They came even closer, the sound of locks moving, the door unlocking for them. Ashley pushed the door open, revealing a very small room.

The room was in peach and white colors, two bunk beds attached to either side of the walls, a dim lamp on top of a small beside desk against the wall in the center.

“You will all stay here for a short period of time, rest, talk, think of any other questions you might have.” She motioned them all to go inside, and very slowly they did, examining between themselves. It was a surprise the four of them fitted easily, despite the small amount of space they could walk in.

“I will come back to fetch you at approximately nine hours, by then there will be some last words and then you’ll be heading out to Eden.” She made sure they were all comfortable before she moved back, typing something on a small keypad on the wall beside the room.

“If anything, my name is Ashley, enjoy your small stay.” With a pleasant smile and a wave, she closed the door, leaving the four boys alone, starring at the door yet still so confused, a bit startled by the sudden way they were just left here, not another word, and so easily despite how they just died and were getting used to this new world.

“What kind of name for an angel is Ashley?” Suriel asked.

“What kind of name is Suriel?” Suriel glared over at Rei, who already sat at his own bed, bag still held tightly in his arms.

“Your name must be majestic.” It was then that they realized that even if they had died together, and now put on a team in the afterlife…they haven’t introduced themselves correctly.

“Reinaldo.” Might as well start then.

“Luis.” He raised his hand to be noticed, in a corner on his own bed sitting comfortably.

The fabric was amazing and it felt soft even under the layer of his pants. The only way who failed to introduce himself was Gensel, who still stared at the door, pensive as he wondered about the angel who just attended them. That girl…she looked a lot like the little girl he had dreamed about, they even shared the same name. He wondered if maybe the dream had been a warning of what was to happen, maybe the base was the castle, but that guard…none of the other angels who had attended him looked like him.

“Hey!” Suriel even snapped at his face, hoping to get his attention now.

“Oh, ah, Gensel.” He said for the rest of them, smiling kindly before he turned back, his mind still wondering.

Tired and liking the idea of sleeping for now, they followed Ashley’s advice on resting, Suriel climbing over to the bed above Rei’s, Gensel still remaining sitting on Luis’s bed. Luis didn’t mind it, but he felt worried over him, why was he starring at the door like that?

“At least we know our names, now what?” Suriel asked, getting comfortable in his bed.

“I guess there isn’t much when we haven’t headed out.” Luis said, laying upon his pillow looking up hoping his thoughts would ease him to sleep.

It was amazing how comfortable they felt, how their minds didn’t conjure up anything that might disturb them. Was it the room? Was it the base? They weren’t freaking out, they just died and still they seemed okay, no worry, and if there was, they kept it to themselves. Soon enough their faces cringed into a form of stress, and yet silence. Gensel finally moved to the bed above Luis’s, his eyes yet still glued to the door.

It was when his thoughts came to Cynthia that something suddenly burst, having him sat up, looking around at the pretty normal surroundings.

“Were dead!” he said, clear for the entire room to hear.

“No shit.” Suriel muttered with his face buried in the pillow.

“And you guys are just going to stay like that?”

“What can we do?”

“Exactly, do you want to go ahead and fill in your complains to a bunch of angels?” Although Suriel really wanted to seem like it didn’t bother him at all, he still seemed angry, disappointed. He just knew how to keep it to himself. It wasn’t in their business to know or for all of them to suddenly get intimate just because they happened to be assigned in the same team. They all had their inner turmoils, they all turned to the wall, their own personal thoughts to deal with, and their own battles of the things they had to leave behind and the new things they had to come in front with.

They wondered of their families, of any of their friends or co-workers. How would they react to this? What would happen to their things? What they left behind…it pained to know that they had to leave it as it was. No more frets, sleep they had do, surely other things could distract them, maybe this world could offer more than Earth did.