Status: Fridays and Saturdays

I Need Your Love


“Suzy, why are you doing this to me?” I asked my best friend as she dragged me to the mall to go shopping.

“Because we're throwing a party in your honor of graduating college!” she said excitidely as we went to the first store, well, as she dragged me into the first store.

“I just want a relaxing night at home in my sweats and with my video games,” I whined as she started looking through dresses.

“You do that every evening. Tonight is special!” she said as she grabbed a dress and started looking for more.

I sighed and started to flip through the dress rack. I love Suzy, she's amazing but she is the complete opposite of me. She's very upbeat and energy ridden. I am not those things. I'm a very mellow girl who usually prefers her own company or a group of close friends. But, with Suzy, I was not getting out of this one. I never did but I thank her at the end of all the craziness because I end up having a shit ton of fun.

“Charlie, you worked hard for six years to get this astronomy degree so you could teach. You deserve a celebration to start off your summer before you start working in the fall. Trust me, this will be fun,” Suzy said breaking my thoughts.

I looked up at her and smiled. She's right.

“I know Suz. You just know how I get with parties,” I told her as I kept flipping through dress not knowing what the hell I was doing.

“I know, hun. Which is why I'm here helping you. We're gonna make you look hot!” she said grabbing something red.

“For who? It's just gonna be all people we know and are friends with,” I laughed as she started to usher me to the dressing rooms.

“Everyone! For everyone!” she said with enthusiasm as the girl working the dressing rooms took the dresses and led me to an open room.

“Come out with each one! I wanna see what they look like!” she called to me as I shut the door.

I looked over the dresses she had picked for me and just sighed. They were all fairly short, but then again, I was not the shortest person so dresses just become short on me. I picked the black dress first to try. That was a no from the “master” out there, so I did the silve dress. Nope, not that one. And not the green one, or the fusia one. I still don't know why she picked that one. I think it was for a good laugh because I hate that color and she was smirking the whole time she said no. That left the red one.

“She better say yes or I'm showing up to that party in jeans and a tshirt,” I mumbled to my self as I put the dress on.

I walked out kind of annoyed at all the no's I had gotten and I was for sure waiting to hear a no this time. I just heard an audible gasp making me look at Suzy weird.

“Yes. This one,” she stated looking really happy and shocked.

“Really? The red one? This is the most bold color anyone could pick!” I said to her not wanting to be noticed at a party even if it was for me.

“Oh no, this is the one you're getting sweetie. This is a perfect dress for you. And I have just the shoes for you to borrow!” she said standing up as I walked back into the dress room to change back into my clothes.

“You're going to be the death of me,” I said to her as I walked out and handed the girl the dresses that were a no go.

“But you'll have a stylish death,” she joked bumping her hip into mine.

I laughed at her joke as we got rung up for the dress and headed out the mall. I'm glad that was a short trip, which is surprising to say the least. But I am not complaining. We headed back to Suzy's place since she wanted me to get ready there with her and so she could do my make up. Before we got to the house, we stopped by In n Out, request by the boys who were recording back at her house.

“Ya know, I love burgers as much as the next person, but you guys must have two stomachs,” I announced as I walked into the Hanson house with many bags of food.

“We're growing boys, Charlie. We need to eat,” Danny said as I set the food down in front of them.

Suzy and I got back at a good time because they were taking a break on recording.

“The only thing growing is your hair, Dan,” I joked as I sat on the beanbag chair, food in front of me, waiting to be devoured.

“Are you dissing the hair?” he said mid chew into his food.

“I happen to love your hair, Dan,” Arin said running his hands through it and then shoving his face in it.

I tried really hard not to laugh. These two had one hell of a bromance. They all did. With each other. It was hilarious to always see. These guys would always try to creep the other one out to see who would win. It's had many close calls.

“You need to slow your roll, Arin,” I said before taking a sip of my milkshake.

“You slow your roll,” he said back sitting down next to Dan.

“That was a beautiful come back,” I said to him with a small laugh.

“They're the only come backs I have,” he replied with a playful tone.

I smiled and shook my head, continuing to eat me food and listening the the guys talk about the show and what to do next. I loved watching Game Grumps and I lived it nearly daily since I spent a good amount time at the Hanson house. The guys were all so funny and had great spirits when playing the games. They're doing what they love which helps. It never gets boring for them, or for anyone that knows them personally.

“Are you ready for your big party tonight, Charlie?” Barry asked bringing me into the conversation.

“No. I have to socialize,” I replied with a fake pout on my face.

“Oh no! Not the people!” Danny teased me.

I threw a fry at him, “People are scary. Leave me alone.”

“What are you going to do when you have to go teach a bunch of young adults? They're people,” Arin said leaning back in his seat.

“Cry in the corner,” I replied laughing.

“Solid plan,” Barry said matching my laugh, “But seriously, you'll be great. You're passionate about your degree.”

“Have you ever sat there with her while she did her homework and let her talk about it? I've never learned so much about astronomy in my life,” Arin said.

“I learned a lot about how many different starts there are. My mind was blown most of the time,” Danny added.

“I need to sit in on a lecture when you start working,” Barry said to me.

I was blushing, bad. I usually just think of my self rambling when the guys would ask questions. And even Suzy. They would ask something and I would just ramble for like an hour. I never thought of my self as teaching them anything. Just talking.

“You guys are too nice. I usually just ramble,” I told them trying to control the red in my cheaks.

“Then you better just ramble through all your lectures because you're damn good at it,” Danny smiled.

“Thanks,” I said quietly, still blushing about the big compliments I just received.

Arin reached over and pinched my cheek, “Look, she's blushing.”

I swatted his hand away only for Danny and Barry to each grab my cheeks and pinch them.

“So cute,” they said at the same time.

I swatted them away playfully glaring at them both, “Stop it.”

“No. No we won't. We are here to give you a hard time for the rest of your life,” Arin said with a big cheesy smile.

I stuck my tongue out at him and got comfy in my seat while they picked back up recording. I stayed silent and watched them play some of Mario Sunshine. It was by far one of the best Grump Sessions I had sat in on because Arin freaking out is one of my favorite things. I had to leave the room so I could laugh with out interrupting them.

“You guys broke Charlie!” Suzy called to them as soon as they stopped recording for the evening.

“We watched her break as her face turned break red and she ran out of the room,” Barry said patting my back.

“I think she needs to be fixed up guys,” Arin said to Danny and Barry with a knowing look.

My eyes widened, “No. Stay way from me.”

They came out me, arms wide open. I tried to dodge them by Danny grabbed my arm and I was pulled into a slightly sweaty man hug by all three of those goofs. I couldn't help but laugh as they did this.

“Are you fixed yet?” Arin asked as he squeezed tighter and I just kept laughing until I snorted.

“Nope! Still broken!” Danny called out as they call bear hugged me.

“Okay guys, break up. I need her breathing for tonight,” Suzy came back into the room to my rescue.

They all let go of me as I was controlling my laughs. Suzy took me to the bathroom to start the preparation process. Nerves set in once I was able to calm down and just idly chat with Suzy. Dressing up always made me feel nervous. It was not something I normally did. I was pretty casual most of the time with jeans and tshirt or a tank top. Hair was normally just down with a slight waves. No make up. Just glasses as my accessory.

“You got your contacts right?” Suzy asked as she put my hair back so her could start the make up.

I nodded and ran to my purse to grab them real quick. I popped them in as soon as I was back in the bathroom so Suzy could do her magic. It were in the bathroom for a good amount of time. She did my make up which I loved. Suzy had an absolute talent for make up. I got my dress on and she handed me a pair of black pumps. I'll admit, I didn't look half back. The red dress was growing on me. It was one strapped and had bunching at the waist, emphasizing my hips a little more.

“You look gorgeous. Not to mention who can see the entirely of your tattoos,” Suzy complimented as she finished up her make up and went to grab her dress.

“Hey Suzy? Ross and Holly just showed up. Holly wants to share her latest pictures with you,” Arin said as he popped his head into the bathroom.

“Okay, I'm almost done,” Suzy replied as I helped zip up her dress.

“Jesus Charlie, do you want to give men a heart attack?” he commented taking in my outfit.

“Suzy made me buy it!” I yelled pointing at her.

Arin laughed and Suzy smacked my hand away with a smiled on her face.

“No but really. You're a knock out,” Arin stopped talking pondering something before looking over at Suzy.

“What are you planning?” he asked her with a knowing look.

“I don't know what you're talking about sweetie.”

“Oh yes you do! And I want in missy!” he said to her as she left the bathroom and headed out to see Holly.

I had a feeling there was something else stirring up in Suzy's mind. She always had a plan, the evil little monster. I sighed and walked out to the hall way and to the kitchen. I could hear Holly and Ross talking to Danny and Barry. I heard Arin answer the door for a couple more people. As soon as I walked into the kitchen, they all stopped talking.


“Holy shit.”

I blushed, not use to this attention. I glared at Suzy who just smiled sweetly at me.

“Charlie, you're in a dress!” Danny said with a bit of shock on his face.

“Oh this? I thought it was fabric tube,” I replied sarcastically grabbing a beer from the fridge.

Barry laughed, “Fabric tube.”

“You look good, kid,” Danny complimented with a smile.

I smiled back and sipped on my beer taking notice of the look Arin just gave Danny. Danny just shrugged. I didn't even bother trying to decipher the unspoken conversation between the two. I've been around long enough to know they happen a lot.

“Hey!” a very annoying voice pierced my ears.

I snapped my eyes to Suzy who looked very apologetic. She quickly walked over to me, “She's David's sister. There was nothing I could do.”

“It's okay. I'll just...drink. Drink and ignore her,” I replied to Suzy and just chugging the rest of my beer.

“Barry, make me something strong!” I yelled to him as someone put some music on.

He nodded and started to mix some drinks up for me and a few other people. This would possibly be a very long night.
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