Status: Fridays and Saturdays

I Need Your Love


That fucking cackle. Let me tell you something about David's “lovely” sister. Diana. She is just an absolute bitch that I swear to god takes such pride in annoying. I usually get along with everyone I come into contact with despite not being the most social individual. However, this woman crossed a line with me the first time we met. She essentially told me that deciding to be a professor of Astronomy meant that I was too stupid to teach anything, or to do anything great with my life. I can handle anything that comes at me, insults, rude people, punches, but I cannot stand someone insulting my career choice let alone someone that lives off their parents and is a brat. Diana does not have room to talk about intelligence or career paths. She lacks both of them.

“Woah, easy there Charlie on the shots,” Danny's said to me gently grabbing the bottle of whiskey from my hand and sliding it across the counter.

I didn't even notice I was pounding them back in my range induced thoughts on miss Lucy Goosey in the other room. She fucking cackled again. And I mean it is a cackle. Not a laugh. A god damn witch's cackle.

“I didn't even notice,” I mumble staring at the empty shot glass.

“I could tell. You were about to burn a hole into the wall with that glare,” he chuckled and handed me a beer.

“Well, you know my favorite person is here,” I joked taking the beer and sipping on it.

“And we feel bad that you have to put up with her on your special night. Suzy tried hard to make sure she didn't come, but we know how it goes. She sneaks her way into these things,” he said sipping on his own drink.

“I didn't even know Arin and Suzy drank Laguinitas,” I said changing the subject to the beer I was drinking.

“They don't. I picked some up on the way here thinking you deserved your favorite beer after six years of hard work,” Danny smiled.

I smiled and looked at my drink feeling shy all of sudden. Danny was really sweet and always managed to bring my mood up when I was down. I don't know how he did it, but that's what makes him such a wonderful person.

“I feel bad. You spoiling me and all at random times,” I told him.

It was true. He would do these random little things for me to ensure I had a great day. I swear he was one of the biggest reasons I got through all six years of school. During my hardest times he would come over with coke and skittles knowing I prefer coke over pepsi which was his favorite. And he would stay over for hours just bullshitting with me.

“Don't. I like it,” he said almost too quietly but I heard him.

I felt my face heat up and I was sure I was red as a cherry. What the fuck was happening? He and I haver never had a moment like this between us. I looked over at him immediately making eye contact. I wanted to look away because moments like this made me feel awkward, but something would not let me.

“Where's Dan?!”

Ugh. No. Go away please. And fall in a ditch. I promise I am not like this with anyone else. Diana is just special.

“Lovely,” I mumbled as she walked into the kitchen.

I didn't bother staying. I just decided it was best for me to avoid her at all costs so I grabbed my beer and moved out of the kitchen to the living room. I spotted Barry on the couch talking to Ross so I plopped my self between them.

“Make room for Jesus!” I announced as I sat.

“You know, this was a pretty serious conversation about travelling and then Charlie happened,” Ross joked with a big smile.

“But you love me for it,” I said with a big smile on my face; I was feeling the alcohol now.

“That we do, Charlie. That we do,” Barry said ruffling my hair.

“Hey! I worked hard on that, Barry. Don't you dare,” I heard Suzy say him from over by the archway.

Barry stuck his tongue out at her before turning his attention back to Ross and I. I was sipping my beer in a goody manner waiting for Barry to notice the whole time while Ross giggled.

“Really? Gonna nurse on that like a child, Charlie?” Barry asked trying to keep a straight face.

“It's the grown up bottle, so yes,” I answered seriously.

“You know what, you made such a valid point,” Ross said with a smirk.

I saw Danny enter the room looking rather...traumatized. Don't blame him. God knows what that woman tried to do or say. Ew. I don't even wanna think about it.

“God, she's just gonna try so hard tonight isn't she?” Barry asked to really no one in particular as Diana followed Danny right out of the kitchen to where Arin, Suzy, and Holly were talking.

I sunk into my seat as I watched this chic try to flirt with Danny. I do not know why it was bothering me so much but it was. I decided to drink more so I sat up and chugged my beer.

“Oh no, looking like your empty,” Barry noted.

“And all not that happy,” Ross added.

“You know what, lets play beer pong. That always cheers you up because you kick everyone's ass at it,” Barry suggested to me.

I still sat there glaring at Diana.

“C'mon Charlie. We know you wanna kick our asses.”

I smiled slightly.

“I see a smile. Lets make it a big smile,” Ross said tickled my side quickly resulting in my smiling and letting out a laugh.

What would I do with out these guys? Probably lead a boring ass life which I'm glad I do not.

“Well, I guess I could go for beating you guys at a round or two,” I gave in.

Ross and Barry jumped up quickly, pulling me with them. I nearly lost my balance because of the heals I was wearing but I steadied my self.

“Beer pong with the champ!” Ross and Barry yelled running into the dining room to set everything up.

I shook my head at them and followed after to help. I grabbed the cups and started to set up thinking what house rules to use. Arin and Suzy always let me choose when we would play so I tried to come up with new ones or look some up to surprise them.

“Grab two extra beers!” I call out to Barry as he runs into the kitchen for the beer.

“What the hell are you up to?”

I looked over to see Danny. I smirked.

“Nothing. Just a new house rule for us all,” I answered as Barry came back in with the beer.

“I'm scared,” Ross said watching me pour the beer into the cups, making sure to full the front cup all the way.

“What fucking rule is that? Did you make that one up?” Danny asked starting at the cup.

“Nope! Got the idea from the internet,” I told him setting the empty beer cans aside.

“Jesus,” Barry mumbled as he stood on his side, “Danny, be on my team.”

“Suzy! I need you!” I yelled even though she was right outside the dining room.

I heard her heels click against the floors until she stood in the doorway, “I was like, four feet away.”

“I know but this is important. And fun!” I shouted with happiness causing her to laugh as she came to stand next to me.

“Ready for this battle, Evans?” Barry said trying to look intimidating.

“Bring it!” I said back with a smirk.
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