Status: Fridays and Saturdays

I Need Your Love


“What the fuck is the black magic, Dan?!” I yelled in anger as he yet again sunk the ping pong ball into a cup.

Suzy and I were getting our asses handed to us by Dan and Barry at beer pong. We were three rounds in and for some reason, Barry decided using a strong ale was okay for this. No. Now we were just drunk.

“Is someone mad I'm beating them at their own specialty game?” Dan teased me which just resulted in me glaring at him as I downed the cup of beer.

“Barry, why did you use an ale, buddy?” Arin ask with an amused expression.

Barry just shrugged, “It was a good idea at the time.”

“No. No Barry,” I said to him shaking my head as Suzy stumbled a bit into me.

Drunk Suzy is a clumsy and cute person but my lord, she doesn't handle her liquor like the rest of us. I think it's because she's tiny. She fills up faster than the others.

“You need to slow your roll,” Arin joked as he watched his wife struggle to take her heals off.

Dan and I started busting up laughing at Arin. He took a certain joy in teasing his wife when she drank too much. This just resulted in the rest of us reaping the entertainment from those situations. I was nearly in tears.

“I can't believe you told your wife that,” I managed to get out, “No helping her or anything. Just a 'slow your roll' and giggle.”

“He's a real charmer huh,” Suzy joked and winked at Arin as she tossed her ball, keeping the game going.

I smiled as I saw the interaction between the two married couple. They were seriously a power couple- the couple of couples! Suzy handled and matched Arin's sense of humor perfectly. They caused shenanigans together and joked around a lot. They were a unique couple but in a great way. It's something I've always envied Suzy for having. I haven't met a guy that would be “my Arin” so to speak.

“Ross is celebrity shooting for us,” Barry's voice pulled me out my thoughts.

We all watched Ross closely as he took his time alining him self in the perfect position to through the ball. He was dragging this on, so amused with him self. I could see Holly in the corner shaking her head at her husband. Clearly “God dammit Ross” was written all over her face. I let out a chuckle. That chuckle turned into a laugh as I watched Barry and Dan both smack him upside the head at the same time.

“Fine, jeez,” Ross mumbled and toss the ping pong, which landed in our last cup.

Suzy and I groaned as Dan threw his missed. YES.

“Hah! Rebuttled! We get a rebuttled!” I exclaimed as I handed a ping pong to suzy.

“Let's make this a fucking epic comeback,” Suzy said to me with a hip bump.

“Oh fuck yeah,” I smirked back at her and looked at the five cups the boys had left.

Suzy tossed hes first and landed in a cup making her smile and stick her tongue out at Dan and Barry. They rolled their eyes looking confident as ever that we won't make it. Lemme tell you that they were fucking wrong and it was wonderful! I made the ball into the same cup Suzy got meaning they had to remove the three touching cups leaving one cup left.

“Okay, and you think I have black magic?” Dan said to me with a frown drinking from one of his cups.

I shrugged as Barry rolled the balls back to Suzy and I. Suzy threw again and made the last cup. It was up to me. In my drunk state, I wanted to make this painful for Dan because I found his suffering funny. I leaned over and examined the distance, squinting, and just being an overall ass. What I did not know was that my girls were nearly saying hello and Barry and Dan were having a hard time paying attention to anything else.

Oh c'mon, Charlie,” Barry sighed.

I smiled, still unaware of the effect I had on them in that moment. I tossed the ball and it spun in a circle fast in the cup. Then Dan slipped his fingers in the cup and got it out. It was then I hate that house rule.

“Really Dan? Are you serial right now?” I asked, lips pursed trying to look mad but I was actually rather impressed he did that.

“Gotta a problem with my fingering, Evans?” He shot back with smirk that nearly made me shiver. Nearly.

“Woah, take it to the bedroom kids,” Ross joked as he and Holly started to set up for flip cup.

“None at all. Gotta a problem from my blowing earlier?” I asked back poking his cheek as I stood next to him.

“No, I happen to think your blowing is magnificent,” he whispered in my ear, “Just wonderful form.”

Okay, I shivered then. It was the alcohol I swear. It had to be, nothing else. I mean, there was no way I would act like that while sober. But, it was Dan. He had made me shiver and has even left me wordless before from his come back. It's the way he says stuff like that when we joke about sexual shit. His voice gets low and husky and my ovaries nearly explode.

“Oh my god, you two no,” Suzy groaned as she put her hand over her face and started laughing.

“What? You guys are dirty birdies. We're just talking about the game,” I smile innocently as I started to walk to the kitchen but not before I felt Suzy grab my butt.

“I had to,” I heard her laugh.

I walked to the counter and grabbed a clean glass from the shelf in front of me. I started to make my self a mixed drink wanting something fruity over the wheat taste of beer. Don't get me wrong, I love beer. I love beer more than men love beer. But, I do love my fruity drinks. Especially this pineapple vodka one was about to have. I heard footsteps and looked to see Holly and Barry walk into the kitchen looking rather annoyed.

“What's up guys?” I asked them turning around to face them, drink in hand.

“Diana just...being Diana. She's being a pain over the game right now,” Holly grumbled pouring her self and Barry a shot.

“She sucks,” I added sipping on my drink.

“Yes. Yes she does,” Barry laughed taking his shot.

I patted his shoulder before leaving the kitchen. She saw that the flip cup game finally started with Diana right across from Dan. I could feel my eyes narrow as I watched her try very hard to get his attention. Her dress was very low cut, boobs nearly and I mean nearly, about to fall out. Her laugh was extra ditzy tonight as well. That's not what bothered me so much however. The fact that she was trying to flirt with Dan was bothering. She never showed interest in him until tonight. I don't trust that. I don't trust her. I wanted to say something but I did not want the drama so I stayed quiet and watch. I could feel my blood run hotter as she lightly smacked his shoulder laughing. I wanted to puke. She continued this even after their round was over and other people started to play. Finally I just could do it and chugged the rest of my drink before walking, well, nearly stomping, to the bathroom which was not unnoticed by Suzy.

I stood in the bathroom for a few minutes breathing and calming down.

“What is with you, Charlie? You're never like this,” I said to my reflection.

“She's always annoying. Tonight is no different.”

I breathed a few more times and then left the bathroom, running my hand through my hair. I walked to the kitchen, not looking at anyone in the dining room as they played more drinking games. The kitchen was empty when I walked in. Everyone was either in the dining room or the living room. I open the fridge and grabbed the last beer Dan had gotten for me and set it on the counter.

“No, I dibs that,” I heard Dan say.

I raised an eyebrow at him, “I did not hear you.”

He walked towards me and went to grab the beer off the counter.

“Arin did, so there's my proof,” he replied but I slid it behind me and moved in front of me.

“Hey, I grabbed it before you did. It's mine,” I playfully glared at him with smirk.

“I bought it, therefore I touched it first,” he said back looking so happy with him self because he had a damn point.

“Then get it from me,” I said to him with a serious expression.

Dan walked closer putting an hand on either side of me, causing me to lean against the counter. My hands were right by each of his, nearly touching. He was close enough that I could feel the heat come off his body, his warm breath with a touch of alcohol hit my face and over my lips. My heart was pounding and I was frozen. We had never been close like this before, nearly chest to chest, our eyes never breaking eye contact. He leaned forward more, his nose nearly touching mine causing me to nearly lose my breath. I saw his brown eyes shift to my lips for a split second and then back to my blue ones.

“Thanks,” he whispered before pulling back with my beer in his hand.

I shook my head out of my daze and glared at him.

“You're a little shit,” I muttered at him, keeping my glare as he smiled at me and left the room.

I let out a breath I never knew I was holding and let my heart race rapidly instead of trying to control it. He was so close to me. Just a half inch closer and something sure as shit would have happened. The interesting part of all that, I didn't want it to stop. I enjoyed him being that close to me.

“Are you okay, Charlie?” I snapped out my daze to see Suzy and Holly looking at me oddly.

“Guys, is it possible for a guy you've known for a long time to be bold all of a sudden?” I asked not really expecting them to answer.

“Did Dan finally make a move?” Holly asked with excitement.

“What no? Finally? No, but, I almost did,” I confessed to the two women in front of me.

I explained what happened as I made my self another drink. Suzy and Holly were just grinning like idiots the whole time. It's then I figured out was Suzy was up to.

Dan's POV

“Suzy just informed me that you guys dangerously close to our dear Charlie,” Arin said standing next to me as we sat on the couch with Barry and Ross. A few other people were around as well absorbed in their own conversations.

“I was just getting a beer,” I tried to play dumb which was, well, dumb.

“You seduced Charlie and took it. Good job. That's progress,” Arin smiled.

I frowned at him, “No.”

“C'mon, Dan. We know you better than anyone else. Your shaking hands and ridged breathing say other wise,” Barry pointed out also with a smile.

He wasn't wrong. My hands were still shaky from that bold fucking move I just pulled. I didn't even know what came over me. It's like I just wanted to see how far I could push her. And by god is was so hard not to just kiss her right then and there. Her lips were parted slightly and her blue eyes half opened looking at me were driving me insane. She looked nervous when I approached her like that; and I liked that. I love that I made her nervous.

“I just hope you know what you started,” Arin said leaning back into his seat.

I looked at him, confusion covering my features. What the hell is he talking about not knowing what I started? What could I have possibly done.

“By the look on your face you don't that Charlie in high school and college could out flirt anyone,” Arin said, “ Suzy said she would tease someone just for fucking with her stuff.”

“Okay...” I trailed off not sure where he was doing with this.

“I'm just saying, she's going to get you back,” he said right as the girls entered the room and sat down.

Suzy and Holly made them selves comfy on the floor. Charlie sat on the arm of the chair I was in. She crossed her legs, brushing my hand by accident. I felt for a second how soft her legs were and I found my breathing hitched. Damn it.

“Hey guys, we're gonna head out. It's getting late,” David said coming over the group alone with Diana to say goodbye.

I froze as Diana hugged me and kissed my cheek. I couldn't even say anything before she bounded off after her brother and out the front door.

Charlie's POV

Oh, I was going to punch this bitch. That's a crossed line kissing Dan on the cheek. Dan looked over at me a little surprised by what happened. I glared and sat in the arm chair across from him. The house started to die down and clear out. Eventually all the guests were gone, all had say their congrats to me and all wish me luck. Eventually Suzy and Arin went to bed while Barry crashed on the couch in the Grump room. That left Dan and I in a dimly lit living room.

“Are you tired?” I asked.

He shook his head so I got up and walked to the kitchen. I grabbed the tequila and two shot glasses. We weren't tired so might was well entertain our selves. I walked back to the living room and set the glasses and tequila on the coffee table.

“Lets play Never Have I Ever,” I suggest pouring us shots.
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Lemme know what you think =3