Status: This is simply fiction. Nothing else, and none of it has to do with my own beliefs. I apologize if this is offensive to anyone. It was not intended to be.


Little Red Devil

It was a day like any other, nice and peaceful. Mehki Zeller was your average teenage girl, texting while on the sofa. Her family around the house simply doing what they did. It was a Saturday which made it peaceful unlike the next day to come which was “church day.” Mehki hated Sundays and Wednesday nights. She hated them because that was when she had to go to church. She was an atheist, but refused to tell her Christian parents who were against atheism. She couldn’t force herself to believe that there was a man upstairs that loved everyone unconditionally and punished those who made a mistake. She couldn’t believe there was a big man in the clouds that made people and if you messed up you went to hell where a little red man stabbed you over and over with a damn pitchfork while you burned. She just didn’t believe it.

At that moment, Mehki was texting her best friend, Kaden Banks. She loved him with all her heart and didn’t know what she would do without him. They were talking about how Kaden wished he could go to church with her but was afraid to burn. Mehki giggled as she did so. As she was going to reply, the television went to static, then to the emergency channel. Mehki blinked staring at it, fingers in mid air from having about to send her message to Kaden. The screen suddenly changed and showed four people with thousands of rioters in the background. Mehki blinked unable to figured out what the hell was happening. She bit her lip as she watched the screen, running a gentle hand throughout her short bright red hair.

The four people that had appeared on the screen were all dressed as nuns and or popes. She frowned as she watched wondering what the hell this could be. One of the two popes started to talk. The words that emanated from his mouth that had managed to shock the whole world were, “Hello people of Earth. You’re most likely wondering why we’ve appeared onto your television screens and radio stations as well as speakers. Well, it’s to tell you, that we’re abolishing atheism. It’s disgusting and blasphemous. All of you atheists need God in your lives. We’re prepared to give you a chance to repent your ways and to give yourselves to God.”

Mehki simply stared at the screen unable to fathom what he had just said. Was this man crazy? She noticed he had armed forces with him and dread immediately set a stone in her stomach. He had paused to let this information sink into everyone’s brains.

He continued to speak after a few moments of silence, “Those who disagree, whether you are a believer or not, you shall be put with all the atheists. All of you who are against us as well as the atheists shall be put into a prison. Each of you will soon see a visitor to ask you all questions. Good luck. If you are a true believes, God shall protect your holy souls. If not, then you shall be damned. This is a message from your new Pope, Emanuel. I wish you all luck. I will be praying for all.” The screen then went black signaling he was done with what he had been talking about.

Mehki stared at the screen for a moment before her parents started to talk. Soon she was back to texting Kaden asking him to come over. She saw him and hugged him immediately. She looked back at her parents. Suddenly their front door was busted down and men appeared in the room. Mehki looked at them. They then asked who all was an atheist. Mehki noticed that Kaden didn’t say a word. She knew he was begging her not to silently, but she couldn’t lie and say she was something she was not.

Mehki stepped forward her hand still clutching onto Kaden’s. She raised her head and looked up at the man that was twice as large as her. “I am.” She declared causing her family to gasp in surprise. Her mother then screamed in agony knowing what was going to have to happen next.

“NOT MY BABY!” She shrieked at the man tears falling down her face.

Mehki looked back at her and whispered, “I’ll be fine, Mom.” She turned towards the men and glared at them unable to help. That was when Kaden stepped forward.

“I am too.” Kaden told them narrowing his eyes at them.

They grabbed both of them and forced them forwards all the while Mehki’s mom’s screams in their ears. Mehki almost wished she could go back and comfort her but what was done was done. There no use in trying to change it now. She felt one man’s hand wrap around her arm in a vise like grip unable to leave wiggle room available. They forced Mehki and Kaden into their car. Kaden took ahold of Mehki’s hand and tried to comfort her and himself. Mehki looked around in horror unable to calm herself down. She didn’t want to be here. She wanted everything to go back to normal, but she knew there was no way that was ever going to happen. Ever.

They were taken to a building that seemed to be a prison. All the prisoners had been let go. Mehki covered her hand with her mouth unable to comprehend what the hell was going on here. She was forced out of the car as well as Kaden. They both looked around. It seemed as if they were the first ones there. They were handed new clothes and a cell block. They would be rooming together along with a new cell mate when he/she got there. They glanced at each other.

Mehki frowned as she looked around once more and whispered, “What’s happening?” She held her head in her hands and stared around wondering what they would be doing.

A man, the warden of the prison, walked over towards them and gave them a run down of what they were going to be doing. “My name is Warden Roberts. You will be doing harsh physical labor. You both will be with every other piece of scum on this earth that doesn’t believe in our way or defies Pope Emanuel.” He smirked down at them.

Mehki suddenly burst out, “We aren’t scum simply because we have a different belief that you!”

The warden reached out a hand and slapped her, causing her to stumble back eyes wide. “You will not speak unless I ask for you to, filth.” He responded cruelly a small evil smile on his face.

Kaden lunged forward, but Mehki grabbed his arm before he could hurt the warden. “Yes.” Mehki simply responded and they were sent back to their cell. She took a deep breath, holding onto her reddened cheek. There was a giant handprint from where his hand had collided with her skin. She hugged Kaden tightly burying her face into his chest. She held onto him tightly and mumbled, “Just follow what he says.” She managed to whisper as she held onto him.

Kaden frowned and blinked feeling her hug him. He sighed hearing her words and wrapped his strong arms around her stroking her hair lightly. “It’ll be alright, Ki.” He whispered to her, using her nickname he had come up with when they were younger. They stayed like that, soon drifting to the floor holding onto each other for comfort.

Kaden simply continuously stroked her hair whispering comforting words to her as he held her gently. Mehki pulled one of the blankets over them and whispered, “This is my fault, Kaden. I’m sorry.” She hid her face once more.

Kaden rolled his eyes and responded, “It was my own damn choice to come with you. This is not your fault, so hush.” He told her. That almost got her to smile. Almost, but it didn’t sadly enough. She watched the bars jingle as new people came into the prison. She stiffened hearing some of them being vulgar and plain out rude. She got it, but at the same time, it just wasn’t worth it.

As time passed they didn’t get a new cell mate. She hoped they never did. When it seemed as if the day were coming an end a shadow appeared over them as someone stood at the cell door. Kaden and Mehki moved back as the guard pushed in a guy with beautiful black hair and shining hazel eyes that seemed to glaze in anger. He had tattoos covering his body. He growled at him about lunge at the guy when he closed the cell door, jumping back. “That’s right asshole.” he growled obviously upset.

The guy turned to look at the two and saw them staring at him. He raised an eyebrow and sighed softly. “Well, looks like we’re all stuck in here together.” He commented. “I’m Jameson Pyle.” he said. He took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it taking a long drag from it. “Nice to meet you two, but not in this situation.” He sighed glaring at the door once more.

Mehki shared a look with Kaden. “I’m Mehki Zeller, and this is Kaden Banks.” Her voice was soft as she looked at him. She noticed Jameson looked at both of them.

Jameson sighed and said, “Christians who disagreed?”

Mehki shook her head and said, “Atheists.” She watched as he nodded his head and sighed.

“Well, I’m a christian who disagreed with their stupid ass belief system.” He told her nodding.

Kaden sighed and said, “Well, it’s nice to meet you I guess.” he said. They all just sort of did their own thing until they all fell asleep waiting for the horrors that were going to come their way the next morning.