Help! My Brother Is a Unicorn!

Chapter 3

"Right.. Urmmh.. We need to keep her calm so that she doesn't trash the place..." Gerard says, still pacing, but with one hand resting on his chin in thought. Her? Lindsey pries Bandit off of my neck, leaving us both dissapointed. Gerard runs into another room, and comes back several seconds later with a large pile of soft sheets and a couple mattresses and pillows. He lays them all down in a large bare area in front of the TV and clicks his fingers, pointing to the bedcloths. I walk over, but gently nuzzle the side of my head against his shin. He flinches, but gently runs his index finger through my soft mane. I lie down on the sheets, feeling extremely comfortable. I lay my head down, and look up at all of them with sad eyes.
"Shame Mikey isn't here, he'd kill to see this..." I hear Gerard say as him, Lindsey and Beezle walk through to the kitchen, most likely to get breakfast or something.

I watch as Gerard stops and grabs his coat, quickly running into the garden. I watch out the window as he starts pulling up several handfulls of grass. I see Lindsey look dissaprovingly at him through the window while she eats her soft porridge. He runs back in and grabs a spare bowl from the kitchen, putting the grass into it. He places the bowl in front of me before him and Lyn-Z go to sit on the couch. Bandit walks in and sits in front of my stomach, resting her back against it, while Gerard turns on the TV. I look at my 'meal'. Cuz all us unicorn people eat grass. I remember stuffing a pile of the stuff in my mouth when i was a kid in an attempt to try and turn into a unicorn, but spitting it out straight away because of the rotten taste. I hesitantly bite into the green strands, mentally raising an eyebrow as the taste changed- actually quite decent. Huh. Whadd'ya know?.

After breakfast, i see Gerard take off again. Man, it's staying over with a family of chihuahuas. Several moments later, he comes back with a long piece of blue rope. Why he has that, i will never know. He loops it behind my ears and wraps it around my snout (ha!), looping the end through the first loop to stop it coming off. He starts leading me out into the garden, not caring what the neighbors thought. When we get out, he waves to the neighbour; John Nesbick. John waves back slightly hastily, before staring at the bottle of milk he had bought. He shudders before walking into his house. He turns away to let me go to the bathroom. I awkwardly do so, before nidging him slightly with my head.
"You done?" He asks, frowning at the mess. I trot along slightly across the garden. This garden is HUGE, I think to myself.