From Fat to Skinny

October 9, Thursday

I hung out with Ricci again, this time so I could teach her how to play basketball.

What’s weird, is when it was just us today, she seemed smaller. Not like, smaller in presence, because hell no, if anything she gets louder and more rowdy and even less girlish. I mean, she seems. . . Thinner? Not quite. I don’t know. She looks different.

But she’s as good a student as she is a soccer player. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s one of those ‘Straight A, no social life, no fun, all work’ students when she’s not in P.E.

Well, okay no, I would be surprised, because she doesn’t seem the sort. She seems like the sort to never do her homework and just ace every single assessment without breaking a sweat. You know: the unfair, annoying kind of smart.

Damn it.