From Fat to Skinny

December 15, Monday

So I’m gay. Very gay. Exclusively gay. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this before. But for good measure I’ll say it again: I am gay. Gayer than Sunday Christmas.

That said, I am intensely attracted to Ricci. (Not physically, because right now he’s way too skeletal for my tastes. He looks like the Thin White Duke) I really like him. And I’m not going to let this cast any doubts onto my orientation, because Ricci is a man, more masculine than I am, and I have no right to dictate his gender.

That, and nearly losing the person you care about does a lot to convince you to act on your feelings, regardless of pre-established orientations. I’m going to tell him tomorrow that I like him. If he returns the sentiment, wonderful, maybe we can be a couple, but if not, oh well. Again, see above statement about nearly losing loved ones.