I'm in Hate With You

"Summer, are you- OH MY GOD !"

I woke up feeling incredibly crappy. I flung Daniel's arm of my stomach and ran to the bathroom. I puked in the toilet just in time.

I groaned. I felt like I was dying right there. This was not going to be a good day. I puked again.

The door opened. "Summer, are you- OH MY GOD !" Daniel shouted, gagging.

"Get out !" I yelled.

He covered his mouth and obliged. Poor guy. Couldn't even handle a little vomit.

"You ok ?" he called from the other side of the door.

I responded by puking again. "I'm-" I barfed yet again. Stupid morning sickness. Pregnancy is hell.

"Do you want me to call your boss ?" he asked.

"Yes !" I shouted, trying not to puke again.

I heard brief murmuring as Daniel explained to my boss that I was too sick to come in.

The door opened a tiny crack, Daniel trying not to see me puke. "Do you want me to call Abby ?" he questioned.

"Please." I flushed the toilet and leaned my cheek on the cool toilet bowl.

Daniel popped his head in. "I called her."

I wearily stood up. I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him. "Thank you."

"Uh... you're welcome. Listen, I've got to go to work. Abby will be here in like ten minutes."

I nodded.

He kissed me on the cheek. "Feel better, ok ? And take care of my baby."

I rolled my eyes. "Will do." I let go of him and let myself drop back on the floor.

"See ya."

"Bye," I bid him just before I puked again.

* * * *

"Lacy ? Lacyyyyy ????"

My eyes fluttered open. "Abby ?" I asked, knowing that voice anywhere.

"Yes. Wake up !" she shouted.

I had somehow gotten myself wedged in the narrow space between the toilet and the bathtub. My cheek was pressed against the cold metal of the tub.

I sat up slowly and groaned.

"How you feeling ?" she asked.

"Like shit, thanks," I answered.

She laughed. " R&R. Anytime. So what's wrong ?"

"My stomach is like... ick."

"Are you sick ?"

"No... I think it just has something to do with me being pregnant."

"You still puking ? Daniel said you puked like five times."

"Ya. It's a little better now."

"It was very nice of him to call you in sick from work. And to call me."

I shrugged. "I guess."

"You know what I think ?"

"What ?"

"That the two of you are soul mates and you both have a deep burning passion for each other and you just won't admit your true feelings."

I leaned over and puked in the toilet again. "Are you high ?" I demanded.

"Pshhh.... of course not !"

I shook my head. "You should really stop getting that crap from Riley. Come to me and get the good stuff."

She laughed. "I'll keep that in mind."

I slowly stood up. "Can you drag me to the couch ?"

"Yup !" She grabbed me and dragged me to the living room, where I collapsed on the couch.

"Ready for a Friends marathon ?" she asked.

I cracked a smile. "Always," I replied.
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I don't know if I mentioned this before, but the character of Abby is based completely on my best friend, Viv. Snaps for Viv ! *snapplause* Ya, she really is that crazy.