I'm in Hate With You

"Don't you dare think about eating all of those."

I woke up to nothing but darkness. My body was entangled with Daniel's, like always. My stomach growled. I knew what I wanted. Teryaki Garlic chicken wings... Mmmmm... I was beginning to drool at the thought.

"Dannnnnnnniellll" I whispered softly in his ear. He didn't move. He didn't even flinch. Darn heavy sleepers. "Daniel ! Wake up !" I said a little louder, poking him. Nothing.

"Daniel !" I yelled.

"The sea monkey's got my money..." he mumbled (yes that is from Finding Nemo !).

I rolled my eyes and pushed him off the bed. Hopefully that would get this attention.

But it didn't. He didn't even flinch when his body hit the carpet.

I got down from the bed and kneeled down next to him. "Dammit Danny !!!!!" I screamed in his ear.

He shot straight up, fully awake. "I thought I told you not to call me that," he said.

I laughed. "Have you been awake this whole time ?" I asked.

He shook his head. "What do you want, Summer ? It's-" He turned around to face the clock. "One o' clock in the morning."

"Chicken wings," I told him.

"Chicken wings," he repeated, running the words over his tongue. "And where exactly am I supposed to get said chicken wings ?"

I shrugged. "That place."

He narrowed his eyes. "What kind of chicken wings ?"

"Hot Teryaki Garlic !"

"Hmmm... those are quite good. And what do I get in return ?"

"Ummmmm... the reward of a job well done ?"

He rolled his eyes. "You aren't persuading me."

"The reward that... your darling, gorgeous wife is happy."

He just gave me a look.

"Please Daniel ! Plllleeeeeeaseee !!!!!" I begged.

He began to stand up. "You're lucky you looked kind of cute when you begged."

I stood up as well and smiled. "Thank you ! I'll love you forever !"

"Now wouldn't that be a nightmare."

I scowled at him as he walked out the door.

* * * *

Daniel walked in with a plastic bag with two Styrofoam boxes in it.

I ran to him and took the boxes from him. "Thank you !" I told him brightly as I ran to the table.

Daniel followed close behind. "I got extra because I want some too. That's code for: don't you dare think about eating all of those chicken wings."


He sat across from me and opened one of the boxes. In it was a mountain of french fries. They looked really good... Daniel took one out and ate it. "They make the best french fries ever."

I reached over and grabbed one. "Wow. These are really good." I opened the box full of chicken wings. The aroma of the sweet teryaki garlic sauce over whelmed me. I took one and bit into it. The sauce was getting on my face, but I didn't care. It was so good.

"God. You are an animal," he told me, reaching over and grabbing a wing.

I nodded and continued to eat. My mind began to cloud with thought.

"What's up with you ?" Daniel asked after a few minutes.

"Just thinking."

"About what ?"

"I was just wondering if... we had met a different way... if maybe I wouldn't hate you so much. Well, not really hate you. But you get what I mean." I took another french fry.

"Nope. We'd never be able to stand each other. You're too much of a pain in the ass."

"Well, maybe if you weren't such a jerk, I wouldn't be a pain !"

"I got you chicken wings. That has to count for something."

"That's very true. So I will stop being a pain in the ass for... a day."

"A day ? You'll never be able to do it."

"Watch me."
♠ ♠ ♠
Always fighting... so sad.