Thinking Out Loud


“She’s subtweeting you so bad. I just want to full out blast her, but you told me not to.” My cousin flopped beside me on the living room couch.

“Ave, there’s no point to scoop as low as her. You are, we are, better than that.” I leaned back onto the couch cushion, losing interest in this movie.

“I hate the lies she’s saying. I hate how low she’s targeting. If she says anything about me....”

“You’re not going to do anything if she does.” I cut her off. Out the corner of my eyes, I see her cheeks turn fire red.

“How can you be so okay with this? Don’t you feel weak? Doesn’t it make you mad hat she’s making you look bad over the internet?” She slammed her fist against the arm of the couch.

“I would feel weak if I targeted her back. This doesn’t irritate me. She’s making herself look bad, not me. If anyone who knows me actually thinks I cheated on her, then they just truly don’t know me.” I shrugged. I turned to her to see her cheeks cooling down, and her face looking puzzled.

“That’s my boy, never hitting below the belt.” My mother said as she trotted into the room behind her sister.

“You could learn from your cousin there, Ave. You have a temper on you, always ready to pop off.” Aunt Amy teased as she joined my mother on the love seat.

“I wonder who I get my temper from.”Avelynn sent a wink towards her mother right before she got up to take her dishes to the kitchen.

“That girl.” Aunt Amy shook her head.

“Zayn, are you catching a ride to school with me in the morning or you going to ride the bus with Avelynn?” My mom questioned.

“Bus.” I replied and leaned back forward to get reinterested into the movie. I always was driven to school; I wanted to try something new.

“If anyone gives you trouble, don’t react. Just go to the office.” My mother tried to tell me but I ignored her as if this movie just drawn me in too deep to hear her.

“I doubt anyone gives him trouble. It’s that Seraphina Brooks girl that they’re going to target. She goes back to school tomorrow, poor thing.” I heard my Aunt Amy say.

“Who’s Seraphina? Why is she a target to the school?” My mother was interested in this gossip, and yet so was I.

“She’s some girl who is crazy or whatever.” Aunt Amy mumbled as Avelynn joined us once again.

“She’s beyond crazy. She deserves to be targeted. She’s a murderer.” Avelynn casually spoke as she sipped from her from her water bottle.

“We’re not going to get into this again, just drop it.” Aunt Amy surrendered as her hands shot up.

“You guys should go outside. Zayn , have Ave show you around.” My mother suggested.


The walk was quiet. I had just one thing on my mind. Yet, I sort of don’t want to know.

“I bet you’re wondering who Seraphina is.” Ave finally spoke, she turned towards me and smirked. “She’s no one you want to get to know. She’s dangerous. She murdered an innocent person and is acting as if nothing happened. She’s being charged as an adult for it, her case should be coming up soon. She’s just bad news. She’s in your class, a senior. Just try to avoid her. Or, you’ll be next.” She chuckled.

I know Ave, she over exaggerates. She takes a story too far. I moved my attention from her to scan the town. This town is nothing like New York City. You would see Christmas joy around every corner you turned. In this town, it’s as if they don’t know what Christmas.


Her name sounds innocent.

I always do the opposite of what someone tells me what to do. I’m to stay away from her? Okay, I will. Starting tomorrow I’ll introduce myself to her.