The New Kid

accident / i need you

I wake up the next morning to mom knocking on my door. i smile. "good morning." "back at ya." she chuckles.

"Look, i have to leave for work and won't get back home for a few weeks. You gonna be okay here by myself?" "Yeah. I think i can manage." "Okay." she walks up to me and gives me a light kiss on my forehead. I smile. "Love you." "Love you too."

As she leaves, i get a shower and get my clothes on.


I get downstairs and eat a bowl of cereal for breakfast. As i finish my cereal, i hear a knock on the door. I get up and look through the peephole on the door, and see Austin. I ignore him and sit back down. He keeps knocking on the door, so i open the big door. "What?" i say with an attitude. "I'm sorry." "We've already established that. What else?" "I'm serious, K. I really am." "Okay. That don't say anything. Now if you'll excuse me, i have stuff to do." i say as i shut the door.

3 Hours Later
I'm eating a grilled bacon and cheese sandwich along with broccoli and cheese and a glass of milk when i get a call on my cellphone. "Hello?" "Is this Kathryn Thomas?" "This is she. Can i help you?" "I'm calling on regards of your mom Jade Thomas." "Okay. What about her?" "I'm calling to telling you that your mom has been in a serious accident." "You can't be serious, right. Please tell me your kidding." "If i wasn't kidding, we wouldn't be talking." I swallow. A tear slips from my eyes. "Okay, thank you."

I put my phone on the counter and both my cheeks were drenched in tears.

I got off the stool and headed for the couch to catch myself, just incase i pass-out.

I can't believe my mom is dead. It can't be. She was fine when she left this morning.

I need to do something. I grab my keys, my wallet and my phone and get in my Jeep and go to Austin's.


I get there and see Austins Car in his driveway and get out and sit my back to the door. I text him to come to the door and sit down. He does.

I take my paper and write on it:
~ have you heard the news? and slide it under the door.
~ no, what happened?
~ mom was killed in a serious car crash. );
~ omg! i'm so sorry.
~ yeah. look, since that happened, i need you. i can't live without you.
~ i know you can't. neither can i.
~ can i come in?
~ you know you can.
i smile and get up, opening the door to Austin with a sad look on his face as he embraces me in a hug.

"I'm sooo sorry for you Kat." "I know you are. Its not your fault. Its mine."

"No its not and you know it." "Yes it is. I should have told her to stay that she could't go, to tell her boss she has to stay home with me, you know," he nods is head. "but i didn't and because of that she left and got into a car crash and died by the person who hit her. Maybe the person deserves to die for what they did." i say what i say and breakdown crying to the point were Austin has to walk me to his room..

We get there and lay down. Its quiet for a minute, but of course, Austin's the one to break it. "You know, i've never had a girlfriend like you before." "Yeah?" "Yeah. But your the only one i've ever really had feelings for. I'm really sorry for everything i did." "I am to." "For what?" "Yelling at you. And making you leave." "You were mad at me though." "I know, but i was to stupid to realize that i needed you." "You have me now." i chuckle.

"Yeah. I know. And i'm happy i do. I love you Austin Carter Mahone." "I love you more Kathryn Jade Thomas." we kiss.

"Hey Austin?" "Yeah?" "Never leave me." he smiles. "You got it."