Status: Merry Christmas Noelle

The Fog


Bellamy ducked into the small cavern shoving the loose vines out of his way. Sweat dripped along his cheek smudged with dirt. Glancing over his shoulder he felt the panic rise in his chest, the yellow fog curling around the trunks of the trees. Blindly he staggered through the cavern until there was nowhere else to go. Spinning in a slow circle he took a deep breath and wiped the side of his face with the sleeve of his jacket.

With shaking fingers he retrieved the small flashlight out of his pants pocket. Clicking it on he scanned the walls surrounding him. The rock was sticky with dampness but cool to the touch. Inching forward he peered through the small path he had just entered. The acidic fog crawled up the length of the vines but wasn't pushing any further into the cave.

Letting out a sigh of relief the young man planted himself on the ground with his arms resting on the tops of his knees. Resting his head back he shut his eyes, his body relaxing momentarily from the danger he had just been in. A soft chuckle left his mouth as a single thought ran through his mind.

Clarke was going to be pissed.

He and three others had ventured out into the woods in search for boar. The fat pigs were munching on tall grass when the sound of a horn blared through the trees. They had been here long enough to know what the horn signified. Racing against time the hunting party was at the top of a ridge when two Grounders cut them off. Bellamy had stopped in his tracks long enough to duck out of the way from a spear, the sharp end embedding into a tree just behind him. He didn't stick around long enough to know if the other three had survived.

An hour passed before he moved from the spot. His muscles were sore and he winced as he stood. His dark eyes searched the entrance of the cavern for any trace of the yellow mist. He only saw the green and brown mixture of leaves littering the ground. Rolling his neck a couple of times he ventured back into the trees.

The air was crisp in his lungs, the sun setting casting eerie shadows to bounce. Squinting he could just make out the glow of the torches from camp. Hopefully his people were safe.

Jumping over a large log his foot slipped on a stack of leaves. Throwing his arms out Bellamy heard the snap of a limb from behind. Whirling his head around he caught a glimpse of rope before being entangled in a net. He let out a yell as he was lifted into the air. The net was closed tight enough to keep him from being able to move, his legs curled against his chest. Thrashing his shoulders he heard the net twitching.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." He heard small footsteps. "Moving just makes it get tighter."

"Who are you? What do you want?" Bellamy strained his neck to look down but only saw the trees around him.

"Isn't it obvious?" Suddenly the tension in the rope was cut and he fell to the ground. Pain shot through his back from the impact. Opening his eyes he saw the silhouette of a girl leaning over him, knife gleaming from an unknown light source. "I want you."
♠ ♠ ♠
The start of something new.
For Noelle.

My fish.
