Status: Merry Christmas Noelle

The Fog

Sharp Blade

Bellamy leaned against the opposite wall with his arms crossed. His dark eyes were hard as they stared at the girl on the floor. Her head was tilted back slightly and her lips were chapped enough they were cracking. Her skin was covered in dirt and grime, hair caked in mud, and her eyes slightly sunken in. Neither spoke for a stretch of time, the only noises breaking the silence were deep breaths or echoed footsteps outside the prison room.

“If you don’t eat you’re going to die.”

“Better by starvation than by the hands of my enemy.” Both of their voices were dull. She let her head fall to the right slightly and she spat on the floor. “Still salivating, not dying.”

“What did Lincoln do to you?” He knelt down so they were eye level. He saw the instant reaction to the name, her jaw tensing, muscles cramping, and smirked to himself.

“Wipe that pretty little smudge of a smile off your face,” she taunted. “You’re wasting both of our times if you are expecting a story. You’ve heard all you need to know. I was found, taken care of, then left to die in the middle of a forest that I thrived in.” Her fingers curled into her palms as flashes crossed her mind.

“So why did you kidnap me?”

“Your thick, luscious head of hair.” She cackled at his scowl as he stood. “Oh Bellamy.”

“Am I interrupting?” The girl now known as Octavia stomped into the room. Her hair was braided away from her face and her hand rested on the machete attached to her belt.

“Not at all warrior princess,” Noelle greeted with a sarcastic grin.

“Pretty witty for a prisoner.” Her boot connected with Noelle’s leg. Noelle yanked on her chained hands only to hear the restraints clang against the pipe they were locked around. “Abby wants to see her in the command center.”

“I’d rather stay here.” Noelle settled into the wall. “Avoid contact with you people as much as possible.”

“Let me get something straight,” Octavia hissed. She pulled a small knife out of her utility belt and pressed it firmly to Noelle’s neck. The brunette didn’t flinch nor did she tear her eyes from the teenager. “You are the outsider here. You’re not a grounder, you’re not from our ship, which makes you one of them. You’re a mountain man turned fake grounder and if it weren’t for my brother or the Chancellor keeping me from sliding this knife across your throat, you would’ve been dead the second you opened your mouth to Lincoln.”

“Death would be a welcome alternative than listening to you drone on about your precious lover. Did he tell you what he did to me?” Noelle saw the hesitation in Octavia’s eyes. “He’s not as innocent as you so blindly believe.” The brunette pushed against the edge of the blade cutting into her skin, a single line of blood falling into her lap. “He made the choice and I will never forgive him for it. And if that means dying at the hands of an adolescent, so be it.”

“Octavia.” Bellamy put a hand on her shoulder and slowly moved her backward. “I’ll take her. Let Abby know we are on our way.” She withdrew the knife, red painting the edge, and tucked it back into her belt without a word. Her steps were softer as she left and Noelle knew she had hit a soft spot. “Why do you insist on pushing everyone’s buttons?”

“She started it.” Noelle lifted her hands to him as he produced the key from his pocket. His small grin was enough to make her chest squeeze.

“Because that’s always a good reason.” The chains fell to the floor loudly and she rubbed her wrists where the metal was chaffing. Grabbing her forearm he pulled her to her feet and she stretched out her muscles. She started down the hallway with a slight limp. “Are you alright?”

“I’m just working out the cramp from your sister’s kick.” She waited for him to direct her down another serious of halls before they entered the command center. Abby turned around at their arrival with a kind smile, Noelle almost returning the gesture before seeing the tall man she despised. She lurched forward but Bellamy was one step ahead, his hands gripping her upper arms firmly to hold her still. “I will not be in the same room as that traitor.”

“I asked him to be here with us,” Abby explained calmly.

“I don’t care what you did. Take me back.” Noelle jerked in Bellamy’s hold and turned her back on the two adults. “Chain me up, whatever, take me back.”

“No.” Bellamy gazed at her roughly. “This thing that is going on between you two needs to be put aside. There is a bigger picture, bigger threat, and the only reason they haven’t cast you out is because of him. He knows you can help us.”

“I will not help him. Ever. Sorry if that ruins your plans for total domination of a world you don’t fucking belong on.” She broke Bellamy’s hold.

“Noelle.” Lincoln’s voice cut through her like a sharp blade. “Listen to what Abby has to say before you shut the idea out.”

“The idea was shut out the moment you stepped foot into my vision.” She didn’t face him, her hands in fists at her sides. “If you’re waiting to kill me because you thought I would help, then get it over with. My decision has been made.”

“Please.” Abby watched the young girl roll her neck around slowly. “You know these woods and you chose to let one of our people go to save his life. That stands for something with us. We don’t want to use you, we want to join together.”

“No.” Noelle took a step before Bellamy’s hand shot out. Grabbing his forearm she twisted it behind his back and shoved him into the metal wall. The loud noise attracted those walking outside the command center raising alarm. “Do not try to stop me again. Understood?” She watched him nod against the steel. “I’ll show myself out.”

Bellamy shook out his arm and faced Abby. “I can get her to change her mind.”


“Let me take her out.”

“Absolutely not,” Abby waved her hands as she spoke. “She will run.”

“I don’t think she will. Give me the rest of the day.” Bellamy eyed Lincoln across the table. “She clearly has an attachment to me for whatever reason. Let me use that to get her on our side.”

“You have until nightfall.”
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