Status: Merry Christmas Noelle

The Fog

Bleeding Out

Bellamy stood leaning against the metal wall with his arms crossed. His hair was wet from a quick splash down they had taken as a group in the creek. A single white t-shirt strained against his arms with a pair of denim jeans hanging low on his hips. He stared at the girl sprawled out on the floor.

“Staring is rude,” Noelle muttered. Her fingers tapped the skin of her stomach lazily. The cold temperature of the floor eased the constant ache in her shoulder. She hadn’t moved since the ordeal with Octavia and didn’t plan on it anytime soon.

“You weren’t out for dinner.” His voice filled the small room. “I thought maybe Octavia had actually kicked your ass until someone told me it was the opposite.”

“Yeah, well, she had it coming.” She continued to count the bolts above her head that lined the metal beams.

“Then why aren’t you out bragging?” The sound of his shoes scraping only confirmed he was getting closer to her. “She’s been moping around all night.”

“Because there is nothing to brag about.” Noelle turned her head gazing at him. The dimly lit room cast shadows along his skin. “She’s stubborn and needed to learn a lesson.” He lowered himself into a crouch. She could see the pull of his lips even in the darkness.

“You bewilder me,” he said quietly. His right hand dropped down to her arm where his fingers gently rubbed her skin. “And fascinate me all the same.” He danced his fingers up her wrist until they lay flat against her own. Minutes passed with neither saying a word, both just studying each other’s hands as they touched. It wasn’t until heavy footsteps thumped along the hallway did Bellamy pull his arm back. “Come with me.”

“Why?” Noelle could feel the heat from his touch melting away.

“Because you need to eat. If you’re going to be any help to us you’ve got to stay somewhat healthy.” Taking his outstretched hand she slowly sat up. With their faces inches from each other she refused to make eye contact with him. Putting his hand on her lower back he guided her to her feet where she swayed slightly. “You ok?”

“I really hope you have more than just a can of beans. I don’t know how you consider that a healthy meal,” Noelle muttered. Bellamy dropped the hand from her arm but kept a light touch on her back. Even through the thin material of her shirt she felt small jolts of excitement running through her.

“Beans are high in protein,” Bellamy stated firmly. Noelle found that he would gently push her in whatever direction they needed to go, the maze of twists and turns left behind in the room she had called her own. Every room they passed was dark, snores muffled behind the curtains concealing the people as they slept. Stepping around a corner Noelle saw they were at a dead end. A single opening on the right was illuminated in a faint orange color. Ducking under the curtain that was still pulled away she blinked a few times to adjust to the lighting.

A cot was shoved against the wall with blankets bundled on the end. Two tables were pushed together with various weapons, trinkets, and objects littering the tops. A smaller table housed a hand gun and three bullets. The lamp sitting on a couple of boxes cast the orange colors reflected off the metal walls. There was a plate full of random food sitting on top of a smaller box. Noelle walked toward it. Cautiously she sat down on the edge of the cot and set the plate in her lap, her fingers picking at the meat. Beans covered the other side of the plate with something green. She chomped down on it ignoring the curious gaze from the boy across from her. He had unhooked the curtain to let it fall shut enhancing the glow in the room.

“At least they’re not in a can.” Noelle lifted another green bean from the plate. “These though, these I am not eating.” Pointing to the brown food she concealed her smile by eating. The meat was dry and bland, clearly overcooked, but went down all the same. She laughed to herself thinking back to the first time she had offered Bellamy something to eat in her cave.

“What’s so funny?” He kicked off his shoes and settled down next to her on the cot.

“Just remembering our wonderful time together before the tides turned,” she said shrugging. “You know, me kidnapping you and all.”

“Why do you hate Lincoln?” Noelle stopped chewing. Lowering her hand back to the plate she dropped the piece of meat wiping her fingers on her pants.

“Is that what you want?” Tossing the plate back onto the box she got to her feet. “To butter up to me in order to learn my darkest secrets?”

“I just want to understand you more.” Bellamy stood in front of her. “Why help us? Why not just kill me and join the rest of the grounders?”

“Don’t you get it Bellamy?” Noelle dug her finger into his chest. “I’m just like you! I’m the outcast, the one constantly fighting for approval, the one stuck between right and wrong.”

“You don’t have to be, not here.” He grabbed her hand gently. “Not with me.”

“Don’t do that.” She yanked her hand free and moved away from him. “Don’t take advantage of me.”

“I’m not.”

“Yes you are and you know it!” Noelle whirled around. “I don’t know what your plan is, Bellamy Blake, but let me make something very clear to you. There might be something different between us, something that I feel that I know I shouldn’t, but do not underestimate the fact that I can and will kill you if necessary.”

“But you won’t.” He could see her flared nostrils as she took deep breaths. “You almost told me once before why you consider him a traitor. What makes now any different?”

“He abandoned me when I need him the most. He left me to die in the hands of the mountain men. He ran when he should have stayed with me, protected me, and I can never forgive him for what he did. I might not be a grounder in their eyes because they don’t truly know where I came from. But Lincoln will forever be a traitor in mine.” She flinched when his fingers brushed her cheek.

“Why did you choose me? You had Finn, Clark, Jasper, hell even Octavia, w-“

“I watched you day and night and never once did you abandon them. Even when the blonde girl clearly didn’t agree with your plans, when those idiots pitted against the one you tried to hang, you established yourself as their leader and you never failed them. I kidnapped you to learn from you, to be like you, but I fear it’s too late for me.”

His thumb ran along her lower lip causing small bumps to form on her arms. His dark eyes were smoldering in the dim lighting and Noelle felt her body tremble. She barely had time to think before his lips crashed onto hers. A fire ignited in her stomach and she reached for his hair, her fingers digging into the dark locks. His tongue pushed into her mouth and she pulled him closer to her, their chests flush. His large hands gripped her neck and her side. The heat in the room exploded and she couldn’t catch her breath. Jerking away from him she stumbled back toward the curtain panting. It had only lasted a few seconds but the intensity was too much.

“Noelle,” Bellamy stepped toward her. Shaking her head she turned on her heel and disappeared into the dark hall. Raking his hand through his hair Bellamy sighed.


“Anya’s dead.” Lincoln nodded to the brunette. Octavia watched the pale skinned girl carefully, seeing her expression change dramatically. “What does that mean?”

“It means that her second will now be the leader. And since we’ve finally figured out what they’re doing with grounders they don’t turn into reapers, we can finally go kick their pansy asses.”

“With what? Sticks?” Noelle glared at Octavia. “They have fucking guns, Octavia, and acid fog that will blister your skin and kill you.”

“Your point?” The younger girl crossed her arms. “Just stay here and let our friends and your people die?”

“Hey, it’s your life, do whatever the hell you want.” Noelle stepped around the duo with her hand secured on the handle of a knife tied to her waist. “I’m going to take care of the source of our problems.”

“Which would be what exactly?” Octavia’s voice poured sarcasm.

“The little blonde who just won’t go away.” She was halfway down the hall when she heard their heavy footsteps. Weaving quickly through the crowd of people lingering in the Ark, Noelle bolted for the medical wing. She nearly tackled a solider that turned the corner. Crying out she rolled along the floor and sprang to her feet only to be yanked backward. Whipping around the palm of her hand collided with the side of Lincoln’s face.

“You’re not going after Clarke.” His grip was firm on her wrist. Octavia stood behind him ready to pounce. “She’s not at fault.”

“Oh?” Noelle spun around freeing her arm and kicked Lincoln in the back of the knees sending him to the floor. Octavia lunged but Noelle swiftly moved out of the way shoving the girl toward the wall. “Please explain to me,” Noelle shot her foot at Lincoln, narrowly missing his stomach, his large torso bending away from her, “how that self-righteous bitch is not to blame for this?!”

“She hasn’t done anything wrong,” Octavia snapped. “She might be annoying but she’s part of the reason we’re all still alive.”

“If I remember correctly, there are still forty or so of your friends being held captive, all of which are healthy. There are numerous groups of villagers, grounders, and innocent people that I have watched get torn from their families and never seen again.” Noelle circled around the two of them until her back was to the hall stretching to the medical wing. Several soldiers stood watching. “Your friend started a war that you’re going to lose, a war that got my leader killed, and if he wasn’t so brainwashed by your ideals and pretty eyes he would agree with me. Blood for blood.”

“She didn’t kill anyone!”

“She killed 300 of our men!” Noelle’s face was turning red. “She set off a raging inferno slaughtering our warriors, innocent people trying to protect their land!”

“That’s a different time,” Lincoln spoke up. Noelle set her jaw. “If we want to free all of our people then we have to work together, not against each other.”

“You’ll have to do it without me. I’m almost certain that I’ll be killed once I finish her off.” Grabbing a soldier Noelle tripped him, using the momentum to throw his body into Lincoln and Octavia. Racing down the hall she threw her shoulder into a guard and stumbled through the curtain of the medical wing. Abby looked up from the table, hands stained with dirt and blood, confused at the sudden entrance. Noelle saw Clarke laying on her side on the table behind the older woman.

“Bellamy!” Octavia’s shrieked. “Bell stop her!”

Noelle rushed forward toward the sleeping girl. Abby stepped to the end of the table holding up her hands. “Get out of my way.”

“I don’t know what you’re thinking about,” Abby began slowly, “but doing it would result in a trial.”

“I’m only looking for one casualty today,” Noelle growled. Ripping the knife from its holder she easily knocked Abby down. Climbing onto the table she straddled the blonde girl who let out a groan from the change in weight. Noelle tangled her fingers in the blonde locks tipping her head backward. The silver blade glistened in the sunlight reflecting the pale skin of her neck.

“Noelle.” She hesitated at the sound of his voice. “Don’t do this.”

“It’s her fault.” Anger swelled in her chest. Clarke’s blue eyes were hazy from sleep, her body slow to react. “This is her fault!”

“No, it’s the mountain men. They did this, all of this, to all of us.” He was closer to her now. “Clarke did what she needed to in order to save her friends, to save the people she cares about. She worked with Anya to get out of the mountain to come warn us.”

“She got Anya killed!” She pressed the blade harder into Clarke’s neck causing the girl to whimper.

“Anya knew the consequences Noelle. She sacrificed coming here to help us get all of our people back. Don’t you want to do that? Don’t you want to be a part of taking down the mountain?” He was standing next to her now. She could feel his breath on the side of her face. Hot tears rolled along her cheeks and she took a deep breath through gritted teeth.

“Everything is wrong,” her voice cracked, "this place, these people, nothing makes sense anymore."

"Just put the knife away and we can talk about it. You and me." His fingers grazed her arm and she jerked away from him. The blade cut through the air and touched his arm, a thin line of blood soaking through his shirt instantly.

"Don't touch me," Noelle seethed. She swung her leg over the table with the knife extended. "I want to leave."

"We can take you back to your room," Bellamy said calmly. Noelle shook her head and laughed, eyes wild and wet.

"I want to leave this ship. I want to go back to my home."

"We can't let you do that," Bellamy stated lowly. His hands were in a defensive gesture and all eyes were on the brunette. Clarke stared at her from the table unable to gather her thoughts.

"Then you'll have to kill me. I refuse to help you." Noelle's knuckles were turning white from the grip on the handle of the weapon.

"We won't do that either," Abby chimed in.

Noelle glanced between Abby and Bellamy before turning the blade on herself. Silence filled the room. "I'll do it myself."

"Don't," Bellamy pleaded. She could see the worry etched on his face. "Don't do this to yourself. There's more for us to learn together."

"You can help us beat them." Noelle growled at the blonde. She sat up on the table pursing her lips. "We need you."

"Well I don't need any of you!" Her hands were shaking. "Your people are trapped in the mountain with people that consider me a failed experiment while I walk among those who think I'm the traitor. If I can't leave here peacefully then I'll leave here bleeding out."

Noelle brought the blade to her stomach and twisted her wrist.
♠ ♠ ♠
True that.

Oh hi. Noelle is a little, frazzled, all the emotions.
