The World That Always Was

The Start

"You are different." The women said to the boy, walking down the hallway in the hotel. The boy looked away from the pictures on the walls and laughed. "Oh but don't worry, you are a good different. You aren't like others. It’s a good thing, especially in this day and age." The boy smiled and shook his head. "Like a diamond in the rough? No, I'm just like anyone else. I just do what I can and help anyone in need." The women and boy round the corner, gear rattling with every step. "Is that why you took this job?" The women asks the boy. The boy tugs at his gear. "Something like that. Truthfully I was never one for violence," the boy said, unconsciously touching the weapon strapped to his side, "but I thought this would be a good way to help. Plus it helps with my future, with the benefits and all." They reach the end of the hallway. The women throws out her food wrapper she had when they began their rounds around the hotel. They begin to walk back towards the elevator. "True, but to choose such a dangerous job as this? And for someone who doesn't like violence? You could have easily gone into mechanics or even cooking." The boy shrugged. "I guess, but it was the first job readily available. And I wanted to start as soon as I could. The future isn't going to wait for me." They reach the elevator door and press the button to descend. The women smiled, shaking her head. "You truly are different." There was a ping, notifying them that the elevator had arrived. The boy shrugged as they walked in. "Again, no different than anyone else." They reach the hotel lobby. The receptionist, adjusting a couple of things behind his desk, wishes the women and the boy good day. The women smiles, looking at his half deformed face, warped and black. It was common to see it now a days, but the world will never be the same as it was 20 years ago. The women was only a child then. When the blinding light covered the world, and changed mankind. When all there major wrong doings and sins from individuals took form of horrific defects on their skin, showing the world what they have done. The worst the sin, the worst the defect was. Some were embarrassed, ashamed of what they have done. Others embraced it, let it become part of them. After that day, everyone called the phenomenon the Change. The women shook her head, listening to the words of her mother. It’s the world that they live in now. Nothing can change that. The women and the boy walk into their vehicle, ready to do another walk around of the area before their shift ends. The boy shivers, trying to warm up. The women smiled. "If you are cold you should have said something." She reaches over to turn the car heating, her sleeves rolling up revealing a bit of her warped arm affected by the Change. She quickly pulled it back, hiding it the best she could. She looked at the boy, and the boy quickly looked away. She was embarrassed. "… don't tell anyone." The boy only nodded. And they drove off.