Status: *discontinued*

Favorite Fictional Characters Chat

Chapter Twenty-Eight


insaneprsnofdoom: um... so... Voldemort...

NotLordV: so Rehtaeh.

insaneprsnofdoom: wait... wait a second... FRODO was supposed to help Shelby and I terrorize Hogwarts kids, not ADRIAN! What the fuck...

NotLordV: are you alone?

insaneprsnofdoom: you’re such a fuckin creeper...

NotLordV: damn. I need to speak with you! in private!

insaneprsnofdoom: Um, as much as I would love that... cough... I think this chatroom is private enough. What do you want, old man?


insaneprsnofdoom: sucks for you! … if you wanna get your evil back, do something super tastically evil!

NotLordV: killing someone?

insaneprsnofdoom: nooo bro, there are plenty of things worse than death... lets see if I can think of anything. GOT IT! What you need to do, is stalk someone for a while. Like, make it so they know they’re being followed. Then leave threatening notes and messages for them. Eventually they’ll be so scared they can’t do anything but think about this person, aka you. Next, you want to scare them even more by getting close enough for them to see you. Next you want to actually kidnap them. After that you torture them and whatever other things you can think of. I question why I know all of this. Holy shit. O___O

NotLordV: Thnx bye.

NotLordV has logged off

insaneprsnofdoom: … um. well okay then...

Little_Greenleaf has logged on

Little_Greenleaf: hey Rehtaeh! what’s going on?
insaneprsnofdoom: I helped Voldemort regain his evil...
Little_Greenleaf: WHAT? WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!
insaneprsnofdoom: he asked for help!
Little_Greenleaf: that’s when you say.. .NO.
insaneprsnofdoom: don’t get your panties in a knot...
Little_Greenleaf: Um, I wear BOXERS thanks.
insaneprsnofdoom: sure you do. Anyways, yeah, I helped someone out. So what?
Little_Greenleaf: People like Voldemort shouldn’t be helped!
insaneprsnofdoom: you’re not my mom, stfu!

insaneprsnofdoom has logged off
shukaku132 has logged on
Adrian247 has logged on
thePLAYAHHH!!6491 has logged on
ringbearer098 has logged on

Little_Greenleaf: hello guys.
shukaku132: hey. Adrian, your username is wrong. Again.
Adrian274: well... oh. Oops.
thePLAYAHHH!!6491: so what’s going on?
shukaku132: nothin much man, how bout you?
thePLAYAHHH!!6491: just eating Hermione’s lunch with Ron.
shukaku132: *facepalm* wow. Just wow.
Adrian274: so how’s life?
Little_Greenleaf: Not good. Voldemort lost his evil and Rehtaeh told him how to get it back.
shukaku132: good! If Voldemort wasn’t evil it’d be weird!
Adrian274: AHAAHAAAHAAA Harry you fail at life!
ringbearer098: … she helped someone evil... become re-evil?
Little_Greenleaf: yes.
ringbearer098: *facepalm* wow.
Little_Greenleaf: and she got all mad at me and logged off. Women.
shukaku132: hey!!
Adrian274: I’ll drink to that!
shukaku132: -_-;;
thePLAYAHHH!!6491: maybe it’s that time of the month.
Little_Greenleaf: *shrug* doesn’t matter
ringbearer098: or she’s going to Sam’s like she said she would... haha
Little_Greenleaf: Oh. That could be it.
shukaku132: I’m bored. I wanna play Zelda
Adrian274: then go play Zelda...
shukaku132: I’m too lazy.
ringbearer098: there’s nothing happening today. It’s so awkward and boring. Galadrial won’t even make her lembas bread!
shukaku132: that’s not good! Lets do something! Lets play a game!
ringbearer098: Like what? what can you possibly play in a chatroom?
shukaku132: do we all have webcams?
Little_Greenleaf: yes.
Adrian274: yeah broski.
thePLAYAHHH!!6491: fuck yeah man!
shukaku132: We’re gonna play truth or dare!!!
Little_Greenleaf: or we could all just go to your house like normal people and play...
Adrian294: yeah lets do that.

Adrian274 has logged off
Little_Greenleaf has logged off
thePLAYAHHH!!6491 has logged off
ringbearer098 has logged off

shukaku132: again with the screen name... -_-

shukaku132 has logged off


Shelby was sitting on her couch, eating some chips when the doorbell rang. Her dogs all jumped up and ran to the door, barking wildly.

“SHUT UP, RETARDS!” she yelled. She opened the door. “Oh, hey Frodo, Leggy, and Adrian! You should just... come in and ignore the stupid dogs.” she said, stepping out of the way. Adrian ran into her house and sat down on the couch, then started eating her chips.

“These are good. Food is good. YUMMY.” he said. Shelby just rolled her eyes. Legolas walked in more hesitantly, not used to all the electronics that were around. He eyed the television warily and sat down on the other couch with Frodo.

“My living room isn’t going to eat you Legolas. Chill out bro!” she said. He still looked cautious, but relaxed a little. Shelby sat down next to Adrian. “So! Who wants to go first?” she asked with a grin. Legolas raised a perfectly plucked eyebrow, and Frodo just scratched his head.

“OH I WILL!” Adrian yelled, knocking the chips off the couch. They flew everywhere. “SOOO LEGOLAS! TRUTH OR DAAAAARE!”

“Truth?” he said slowly.
“Okay!! What is the worst nickname you’ve ever received?”
“...Barbie.” Legolas answered. Adrian snickered. “okay, shelby truth or dare?”
“Um, alright. I dare you to follow everything you say with “without my pants” until tomorrow.”
“Haha okay! without my pants.” she said.
“Omg, that.. that is pure genius.” Adrian replied, wiping a tear of happiness from the corner of his eye.
“I know right? Okay... Adrian truth or dare, without my pants?”
“Without your pants please. And dare.”
“I dare you to make a rap about Frodo, without my pants.”
“A rap about Frodo? Okay!” he said with a grin.
“Frodo is the ringbearer of Middle Earth! He has to destroy the ring to prove his worth! He is on a quest to destroy the dark lord, with his awesome, orc detecting sword! When Gandalf left him he met up with Strider in the Prancing Pony Inn, where they all got drunk by drinking beer and gin. Once they got to Rivendell they formed the Fellowship, but not long after Frodo and Sam gave them the slip. They found Gollum and carried out the journey alone, showing the courage that no man has ever shown. When it seemed the war was lost and the dark lord had won, he threw the ring into the fire and the war was done. Morder was vanquished and Sauron killed, all of Middle-Earth was completely thrilled. Soon Frodo went to the Gray Havens and left Middle-Earth, and Frodo uh... lived... happily ever after.” Adrian said, shaking his head. “Remind me to never attempt to rhyme anything with earth unless I know someone who is pregnant... Anyways, Frodo, truth o-” their game got interrupted when Rehtaeh came running in and hid in the livingroom closet.
“Shh I’m not here!” she said. There was an awkward silence.
“Anyways, Frodo, truth or dare?” Adrian asked.
“Um, okay... If someone was to write a book about you, what would it be called?” Adrian asked. Shelby facepalmed.
“Lord of the Rings?” he said.
“Oh... uh, duh.”
“So um... Rehtaeh! Truth or dare!” he said. The closet door opened a crack and she looked out cautiously.
“Did anyone follow me?” she asked. They all shook there heads. “Oh. good.” she sat down between Adrian and Shelby. “Move over! I have a big but. God. Um.. DARE!” she said.
“I dare you to seduce Adrian.” he said.
“That should be easy... Hey sexy.” she winked.
“Oh hey baby.”
“Easy. See? um... idk man. I don’t know I suck at this game. You know what we SHOULD play though?”
“What?” Shelby asked.