Status: *discontinued*

Favorite Fictional Characters Chat

Chapter Three

Aragorn walked into staples and looked around. There was a display of computers near the front of the computer section, and he was staring at them intently. He was hoping that if he stared hard enough the right computer for him would be lit up by the light of the heavens and and angels would sing HALLELUJAH in their beautiful voices. Unfortunately for Aragorn, that’s not what happened. He stood there staring for hours on end, hoping one of them would step forward, but when none of them did, he stood in the corner and pouted like a small child.
A sales associate approached him carefully, watching his every move. Soon he had Aragorn in a conversation about what he wanted his laptop to do. The salesman was desperately trying to explain to Aragorn that it was not a machine of war and would not answer to his commands. Aragorn couldn’t see the purpose in buying such a machine but did so anyways, to please his friend.
When he got home he looked at the messily scribbled url address on the piece of paper Legolas gave him and typed it in. He downloaded the instant messenger and created a screen name. He joined the chatroom named FFCC and waited.

KingElessar has logged on

KingElessar: Hello Legolas
There is no one else in this chatroom. They will receive your messages when they log on
KingElessar: …....
KingElessar: :D
KingElessar: MEOOOOW
KingElessar: What shall I do to pass the time? I know! I’ll yell out my secrets!! Like Nikki Sixx! Yay! *claps freakishly*
KingElessar: I don’t really love Arwen! Legolas is my true love!
KingElessar: Elrond’s eyebrows are REALLY fuckin creepy. I mean, come on.... look at these things!!


KingElessar: PRETTY FUCKIN FREAKY RIGHT?! In my mind, I call that the “What you say bitch?!” look. Yeah, pretty awesome right?
KingElessar: :D
KingElessar: XD
KingElessar: :)
KingElessar: DX
KingElessar: :(
KingElessar: :’(
KingElessar: -_-;;
KingElessar: -_-
KingElessar: z_z

Little_Greenleaf has logged on

Little_Greenleaf: ^ ^ ^ ^ … what is that?/
KingElessar: wait you can see those??
Little_Greenleaf: Um, yeah.
KingElessar: oh... uh... oops...
Little_Greenleaf: I love you too, Estel.
KingElessar: <3
Little_Greenleaf: <3 wanna go get a milkshake?
KingElessar: I’ll pick you up in fifteen minutes.
Little_Greenleaf: Okay. See you then sexy... ;)

KingElessar has logged off
Little_Greenleaf has signed off

insaneprsnofdoom has signed off

insaneprsnofdoom: *sees above message* awe. teehee!!
snakecharmer;) has logged on

snakecharmer;): Hello Mistress Bondage... would you care to have another... chat?
insaneprsnofdoom: I’m off duty Draco. No, I wouldn’t care to have another chat.
snakecharmer;): You sure love?
insaneprnsofdoom: Yes. You can chat all you’d like while I’m on duty but... outside of work I don’t really think you’re sexy.
snakecharmer;): well... that’s a buzz kill...
insaneprsnofdoom: Only hot. Extremely hot.
snakecharmer;): hehe. Well, I’m not an emo homosexual like Potter believes. Lets go out sometime, what do you say?
insaneprsnofdoom: sucks for you that I already HAVE a boyfriend. He’s sexy, smart and cool.
snakecharmer;): damn.
insaneprsnofdoom: MUAAHAHAHA! >:D
snakecharmer;): you don’t really have a boyfriend, do you?
insaneprsnofdoom: ;)

insaneprsnofdoom has signed off

snakecharmer;): ...oh I’ll find out.

snakecharmer;) has signed off