Status: *discontinued*

Favorite Fictional Characters Chat

Chapter Thirty-Six

"I'm sorry Mr. Deville, there's no sign of your daughter anywhere." the Brooklyn police chief was standing in the living room of DeVille manor informing CC DeVille that the long search still had not come up with any results. The police force had been searching for this girl for weeks to no avail. It was like she had disappeared into thin air. CC was heartbroken that his daughter had not been recovered. He sat down on the couch next to his son, Vallon and held his head in his hands. The police chief left just as another girl walked into the house, muttering a soft "excuse me" under her breath as they passed. She sat down on the couch next to CC and pat him on the arm. CC immediately started bawling his eyes out.
"CC, I've checked everywhere I could think of. There's no sign of her and I just don't know where she could be." She said over his sobs. She took the remote from Vallon and switched it to channel 8 to catch the seven o'clock news. The newswoman had just finished telling a sweet story about a mother dog who risked her life to save a lion cub that had fallen in the river. Her tone changed from light and happy to dark and sad.
"In other news, a local Brooklyn teen has gone missing. Shelby DeVille was last seen in DeVille Manor by her brother who she had told she was going to an amusement park with friends hours before she had gone missing. The police have searched the park and found no sign of her. She is described as 5'5" with blonde hair and blue eyes, with a stoner-like aura. If you have any information about Shelby, please call the number at the bottom of the screen." The story had been accompanied by a photo of Shelby and the telephone number. Rehtaeh handed CC a tissue and he blew his nose loudly, then wiped his eyes.
"Do you think she would've run away?" he asked, his voice quivering slightly. Rehtaeh shook her head.
"No, because if she had she would've told SOMEONE where she was going." Rehtaeh pat him on the back again and he dissolved into tears once more.
"Hey Dad, if Shelby doesn't come back can I have her bedroom?" Vallon asked. CC ran out of the room sobbing and Rehtaeh punched Vallon in the stomach. "Ow, what the hell?!"
"Not cool, Vallon." She snapped.
"What?! I didn't do anything!"
"That was a douche move." Rehtaeh said, crossing her arms. Suddenly, she had a thought. "Wait a second..."
"How was that a douche mo-"
"Shut up, I think I might know where Shelby is." She ran out of the house, leaving a grumbling Vallon behind rubbing his stomach. She hurried home on her motorcycle and started up her laptop as soon as possible. She quickly signed into the chatroom, hoping at least SOMEONE knew where her best friend was.

NotLordV: and THEN we wi-

insaneprsnofdoom has logged on


NotLordV: Muahahahaha! You will never get her back until you join me, Rehtaeh!

insaneprsnofdoom: I will NEVER join you, and I WILL get my friend back!

NotLordV: Oh, okay then. Good luck with that.

insaneprsnofdoom: Oh, I always get what I want no matter what is in my way. >.>

NotLordV: Of course you do, darling. That's why I want you on my side.

insaneprsnofdoom: >.> I will find you if it's the last thing I do.

NotLordV: Trust me, dearest. It will be.

insaneprsnofdoom has signed off

bellabellabellaTRIX!: Are you sure it's a good idea to antagonize that one, my lord? She reminds me of you, in a way.

NotLordV: I know what I'm doing, Bellatrix! Have I ever steered you wrong?

bellabellabellaTRIX!: Well no, not me... but some of the other Death Eaters, yeah...


bellabellabellaTRIX!: No, my Lord! Never, my Lord!

NotLordV: good...


Rehtaeh was pissed. She was BEYOND pissed. She was pacing back and forth in the Gryffindor common room. Harry Potter had proved himself to be just as stupid as he seemed when she had gone to ask for his advice on fighting Voldemort. All he needed to win was Love? What a bunch of bullshit! Love is only a distraction, and she was convinced it wouldn't help her in a time like this. After voicing this opinion, Harry told her she sounded just like Voldemort, so she threw one of her shoes at his head and he stormed off to his dormitory angrily. The other Gryffindors were watching her hesitantly, hoping she wouldn't blow up at them too.
"Does ANYONE know where Lord Voldemort is?!" she demanded. The Gryffindors in the room just shook their heads slowly, but Hermione scoffed. "What? What the FUCK could you possibly be scoffing about at a time like this?!" Rehtaeh snapped, glaring at Hermione angrily.
"Well, it's obvious isn't it?"
"Oh, it must be INCREDIBLY OBVIOUS if only miss KNOW IT ALL over here knows! Of course, it's PERFECTLY AND LOGICALLY CLEAR as fucking MUD!"
"There's no need for yelling," Hermione stated matter-of-factly, shutting her book. "They're at his base of operations, the Malfoy Manor. Where else could he keep a prisoner? Snape's home on Spinner's End?" Rehtaeh growled.
"If you knew the whole time, why did you wait until just NOW to tell me?! MY FRIEND COULD BE DYING YOU BITCH!" she swept out of the room, much to the relief of the other Gryffindors, who were also somewhat upset with Hermione for making them deal with Rehtaeh for that long. Rehtaeh shoved her way through the crowded halls of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, across the grounds and when she was just outside the gates she disapparated. She reappeared outside the gates of Malfoy Manor, almost on top of one of Lucius Malfoy's peacocks. She shoved the bird out of her way and pushed the gates open. They made an ominous creaking sound, as if warning her to run away. She ignored the goosebumps on her arms and the hairs on her neck standing up, warning her of imminent danger and crossed the threshold of the Malfoy's property. As soon as she was on the walkway the gates slammed shut behind her. Rehtaeh spun around and started trying to pull them open, but they were locked tight. High, cold laughter reached her ears as she struggled. She was trapped.