Status: *discontinued*

Favorite Fictional Characters Chat

Chapter Four

theking3982 has signed on
thePLAYAHHH!!6491 has signed on
insaneprsnofdoom has signed on
shukaku132 has signed on
Little_Greenleaf has signed on
KingElessar has signed on
snakecharmer;) has signed on
xHalfaPrincex has signed on

theking3982: Hey Harry, Rehtaeh, shukau, Little Greenleaf, King Elessar, Malfoy and Professor Snape *breath breath*
thePLAYAHHH!!6491: Hey Ron :) What’s up?
shukaku132: He said my name! *squeal*
insaneprsnofdoom: Good evening Ronald. *sharpening knives*
snakecharmer;): Rehtaeh where’s your boyfriend?
insaneprsnofdoom: He’s at Shelby’s house with his friends right now
shukaku132: ugh, don’t remind me -_-
insaneprsnofdoom: he’s such a cutie <3 ehehehe!
snakecharmer;): >.>
xHalfaPrincex: Draco what would your father say if I told him you were hitting on a muggle?
insaneprsnofdoom: I am no muggle! I am REHTAEH! Supreme ruler!.... heh, it’s funny because supreme sounds like soup. Heh.
shukaku132: woooow...
theking3982: Harry, I heard you talking in your sleep last night. Did you have another nightmare??
thePLAYAHHH!!6491: Uh, no. It was a good dream... a VERY good dream.
insaneprsnofdoom: a wet one?
thePLAYAHHH!!6491: Ye- no.
xHalfaPrincex: Potter, you have a potions essay you should be doing. Log off. fifty points from Gryffindor.
insaneprsnofdoom: xD Harsh! I support Professor Snape!! …. I need a button that says that. Or a shirt. Yeah, a shirt.
shukaku132: Bahahaha!
xHalfaPrincex: NOW POTTER.

thePLAYAHHH!!6491 has logged off

xHalfaPrincex: I have power
insaneprsnofdoom: *sing* I’VE GOT THE POWAH!!
xHalfaPrincex: -_-

xHalfaPrincex has logged off

insaneprsnofdoom: oops. Haha.
shukaku132: *staring at Ron* hi Roooon
theking3982: Um...
Little_Greenleaf: King Elessar and I have big news!
insaneprsnofdoom: OOH! What is it Legolas?!
KingElessar: We’re getting married!
insaneprsnofdoom: SQUEE!!
Little_Greenleaf: Rehtaeh, will you be my Maid of Honor?!
insaneprsnofdoom: Pshyeaaaah man!! :D OMG I CAN’T WAIT THIS IS SO CUUUUTE!
KingElessar: … wow. I need to find me a best man. I think it should be Elladan or Elrohir. Or both!!
insaneprsnofdoom: both!
KingElessar: Yes, both. We have to go start planning our wedding!
shukaku132: What about ARWEN?! You guys were PERFECT! PERRRRFECT!!
KingElessar: We only had a political marriage. I love her only as a friend. However, she shall bear me a child and will still be queen
Little_Greenleaf: :) Yes. Well, lets go, Aragorn! We must tell our fathers!
KingElessar: … okay!

Little_Greenleaf has signed off
KingElessar has signed off

theking3982: well anyways
snakecharmer;): I want to meet your boyfriend
shukaku132: Ooooh I’ll show you a picture!
insaneprsnofdoom: greeeeat...
shukaku132: xD

shukaku132: Note the sappy “looking into each other’s eyes” and the hand holding
insaneprsnofdoom: >.> where’d you get that picture?
shukaku132: Gonti took it!
insaneprsnofdoom: oh I’m gonna kick his ass.
theking3982: well that’s cute.
insaneprsnofdoom: shut up, ginger kid
theking3982: don’t be hatin!
shukaku132: he’s HOOOOT.
theking3982: why thank you, Shelby. ;)
shukaku132: SQUEEE he said my real name!
insaneprsnofdoom: goodness.

shukaku132 has gone AFK