Status: *discontinued*

Favorite Fictional Characters Chat

Chapter Seven

dj_hehe909 has logged on
snakecharmer;) has logged on

dj_hehe909 *glares*
snakecharmer;): *glar*
dj_hehe909: what is glar?
snakecharmer;): .... You're dumb.

insaneprsnofdoom has logged on

dj_hehe909: Goodmorning beautiful!
insaneprsnofdoom: good morning!! :)
snakecharmer;): *gag*
insaneprsnofdoom: shut up. You're dumb
snakecharmer;): whatever I'm levying
insanersnofdoom: levying?
snakecharmer;): lee ing
insaneprsnofdoom: ...? Okay? You do Thayer

snakecharmer;) has logged off

dj_hehe909: ....Thayer?
insaneprsnofdoom: I meant that. Damn autocorrect.
dj_hehe909: oh haahahah!

shukaku132 has logged on
Little_Greenleaf has logged on

insaneprsnofdoom: hey Shelbaca, hey Leggy. What's goin on?
Little_Greenleaf: oh nothing. Just waiting for Aragorn to wake up.
insaneprsnofdoom: its like, ELEVEN!
Little_Greenleaf: i know it is. He's just.... Solo
insaneprsnofdoom: what is with these god awful typos?!
Little_Greenleaf: I meant solo. Solo. SOLO. SLOW! goddamn.
insaneprsnofdoom: he is slow. Haha.
dj_hehe909: yepppp hehehe
shukaku132: so last night I was talking to Ron, and he said that Hermione was annoying and I wa s like TURE DAD BITCH!
insaneprsnofdoom: ,... Ture dad?
shukaku132: true That.... Autocorrect is being vitchy today. BITCHY not vitchy
Little_Greenleaf: haha youuurentellin meeee!
Little_Greenleaf: what the fuck. you're telling me
insaneprsnofdoom: the Orince cussed!
Little_Greenleaf: I'm not an ORINCE! I am a ORINCE!
insaneprsnofdoom: *raises eyebrow*
Little_Greenleaf: I'm am ORINCE Legolas of rh Mirkwood Realm. GODDAMN IR!!
insaneprsnofdoom: having issues?
Little_Greenleaf: you have no ideal -_-
insaneprsnofdoom: awe poor Lego. Autocorrect doesn't like you today!
dj_hehe909: this is entertaining
shukaku132: it is. Hey Legolas, tell us your lovers name!
Little_Greenleaf: Aragorn... strides .... Elessar.... elf stone WHAT THE HE'LL?!?!!? AHHHH!
shukaku132: BAHAHAHAAH
insaneprsnofdoom: awe Lorraine leggy. How does it a lorraine out of poor?!
Little_Greenleaf: SAURON IS BEHIND THIS!!
insaneprsnofdoom: um, he's head. Dead. Sorry.
Little_Greenleaf: oh yeah... Well... DAamn. Damn. I HATE YOU AUOOCOREXT!
insaneprsnofdoom: um...
Little_Greenleaf: *takes out bow* DIE ORC SHIT!! *shoots computer*

Little_Greenleaf has been disconnected

insaneprsnofdoom: how much to you bet that was Aragorn's computer??
shukaku132: BAHAHAHAAH!!
dj_hehe909: probably!!

thePLAYAHHH!!6491 has logged on

shukaku132: well duh, you were hitting on hi baby sister!!
insaneprsnofdoom: overprotective siblings suck...
shukaku132: I wouldn't know. XD
insaneprsnofdoom: lucky.
dj_hehe909: *hugs me* hehe pretty
thePLAYAHHH!!6491: well was goin on?!
insaneprsnofdoom: idk. I think we should all go check on Princess/Orince Leggy. I think he died
thePlayahnhoqhoqjxhs: ...oka! Shoah, what's up with my sn?!
insaneprsnofdoom: AHH ITS ATTACK OF THE AUTOCORRECT!! we must save Harry and Legolas before it's too late!!
dj_hehe909: let's go!!
shukaku132: cant. I have a date with Ron. See ya!

shukaku132 has logged off

insaneprsnofdoom: >.>
dj_hehe909: let's go honey!!

insaneprsnofdoom has logged off
dj_hehe909 has logged off

thePLAYAHHH!!6491: what about me?! ....

what will happen next?! WILL THEY DEFEAT THE AUOTOCORRECT?! <--- apparently they better get a move on!!