Status: *discontinued*

Favorite Fictional Characters Chat

Chapter Eight

So Rehtaeh and DJ set off in search of Harry Potter and Legolas Thranduilion. First, they traveled to Middle Earth. Unfortunately for them, Legolas was in Rivendell and they were all the way in Minas Tirith, which by the way is in Gondor. Which means they had to make an even LONGER journey. And buy horses. So, they bought some horses and continued on their way. They made their way from Minas Tirith, past Emyn Muil, to Isengard and Dunland (they didn’t want to go THROUGH the mountains), past Moria and through Eregion and to Rivendell. It took a VERY long time, and Rehtaeh kept complaining that bugs were biting her. When they arrived in Rivendell Elrond greeted them cheerfully.
“Where is Legolas? I MUST SAVE HIM!”
“Save him from what??” the Elven Lord asked.
“.... autocorrect.” I whisper dramatically. He shows me where Legolas’ room is and I walk in. Legolas is dancing around singing into his hairbrush. My eyes widened. This was an effect of the autocorrect, I knew it!! “Legolas! Don’t let it control you!” I yelled. He stopped and stared at me.
“Let what control me?”
“The autocorrect?”
“Oh, that? I destroyed Aragorn’s laptop. Mine doesn’t have autocorrect.”
“Oh. You know you can just change the settings so autocorrect doesn’t work, right?”
“Oops.” he laughed.
“So.... we made this loooong ass journey from our world, to Middle-earth, then from Gondor to Rivendell.... for no reason.” I huff. I sat on Legolas’ bed and crossed my arms. I pouted for a moment. “Well, I guess we should go save Harry.” I mutter, stretching. “‘Twas good seeing you Leggy, but we must leave.” and with that, DJ and I disappear in a puff of smoke.
We appear again in Hogwarts and make our way to the Gryffindor dormitory. Yes, I know muggles aren’t supposed to be able to see the school, but I already told you, I’m not a muggle. Well actually I told Professor Snape. Whatever. So we walked in and found Harry greviously ill with autocorrect-itis. Ron was trying to lower his fever and Harry was muttering nonsense. We came in and I took the computer out of his arms and changed the settings. Now autocorrect could no longer plague Harry Potter. We left to get back on the chatroom since this expedition was stupid and pointless.

insaneprsnofdoom has logged on
dj_hehe909 has logged on
thePLAYAHHH!!6491 has returned from away
shukaku132 has returned from away
snakecharmer;): has logged on
xHalfaPrincex has logged on
NotLordV has logged on

insaneprsnofdoom: So! Legolas destroyed his autocorrect problem. Fuckin Harry couldn’t figure it out so DJ and I had to go save him.
dj_hehe909: idiot.
thePLAYAHHH!!6491: Still here -_-
insaneprsnofdoom: hahahahahahah ik.
shukaku132: don’t pick on poor Harry.
xHalfaPrincex: He deserves to be picked on, just like his arrogant, retarded, insolant father!!
insaneprsnofdoom: Ok, Snape, I love you and everything... but you misspelled insolent.
xHalfaPrincex: >.>\
snakecharmer;): HAHAHA PWNED!!
insaneprsnofdoom: shut the fuck up Draco.
NotLordV: …. insaneprsnofdoom, do I know you?

OOOH PLOT TWIST! … Kind of??