Status: *discontinued*

Favorite Fictional Characters Chat

Chapter Nine

NotLordV: You helped me kill all those muggles loooong ago!
insaneprsnofdoom: *coughs* awkward...
thePLAYAHHH!!6491: WHAT?! *takes out wand*
shukaku132: *gets popcorn* finally some action! *hands popcorn to snakecharmer;) and xHalfaPrincex* here! this is gonna be good.
insaneprsnofdoom: Noooow Harry, I wouldn’t do that if I were you. I just saved your life from autocorrect-itis!
xHalfaPrincex: *eats popcorn* …
snakecharmer;): OOOOH so she’s EVIL! Or.... good? Or...evil?
insaneprsnofdoom: *pokes NotLordV* Nice sn. very original. Very creative. Very inventive. Very... mysterious.
NotLordV: Why thank you.
insaneprsnofdoom: I still your favorite?
NotLordV: yes. Don’t tell Bella. Or Snape
xHalfaPrincex: *coughs*
NotLordV: ….right.
thePLAYAHHH!!6491: I should kill you now!
insaneprsnofdoom: but... i saved you! YOU WOULD’VE DIED HARRY! I WOULDN’T KILL YOU HARRY! I LOOOOVE YOU! ...well not like that. As a friend.
thePLAYAHHH!!6491:’re a strange person. Avada Kedavra!
insaneprsnofdoom: …. *blink* you’re a dumb person.
NotLordV: *laughs*
insaneprsnofdoom: you can’t kill me through a computer, dumb ass! I mean, you can’t kill me anyways since I’m not human apparently, but... wow.
shukaku132: He could kill you through the computer if you were playing WoW or something.
insaneprsnofdoom: Yeah, but I wouldn’t be dead, only the character thing would be.
shukaku132: true. but hey, it’s a start.
xHalfaPrincex: well this has been fun, but I have to go and cry. I loved you!! :(

xHalfaPrincex has signed off.

thePLAYAHHH!!6491: …...I told you he was an emo homosexual.....
insaneprsnofdoom: xD well I’ll see you around Harry! I have guests to entertain. btw, those people I killed... they had to die. Because I said so. ttyl!

insaneprsnofdoom has logged off.

shukaku132: ….she’s fuckin crazy. I swear, if she hadn’t met DJ she would’ve MARRIED Voldemort...
snakecharmer;): Do I EVERY have a chance?!
shukaku132: go whine to someone else.
thePLAYAHHH!!6491: *looks at shukaku132* I like you. Someday, we’re going to be in-laws!
shukaku132: what?
thePLAYAHHH!!6491: when I marry Ginny and you marry Ron...
shukaku132: wait... THEY’RE RELATED?!
thePLAYAHHH!!6491: -_-

thePLAYAHHH!!6491 has logged off

snakecharmer;): hahaha you scared him away.
shukaku132: >.>

shukaku132 has logged off.

snakecharmer;): Hey wait for me! I need to show you a new dance move I learned!

snakecharmer;) has logged off