The Vexatious Voice

So, this was a school assignment. I feel like it's important to mention that. We were studying the Transcendentalist movement and read a lot of Edgar Allan Poe. Our assignment was to write a story in the style of Poe. So that's what this story is meant to be. It's supposed to be something Poe could have written, ideally. If you've ever studied Poe hopefully you will see some of his themes in the story, and it should not be hard to pick out the Gothicism and Romanticism.

The story revolves around a couple who get rained out of a picnic. They run to the nearest home for shelter, and find it abandoned. The woman begs the man to leave, but he continues on into the house and begins exploring. As soon as he steps into the mansion a curious voice enters his head and begins taking over his mind...