Status: Run or they'll eat you


Day 4

Chris and Megan woke in fog and dust. It was so cold out, it had to of been -10 degrees, there was 45 cm of snow on the ground. Their eye lashes stuck together, their lips chapped, they shook from the cold.

Chris and Meg were the first ones up, they walked around looking at where they were, they had nothing. No food nor water nor weapons.

They got up and walked over to the river side, but there was no water. They looked to the other side and saw heat and warmth. They soon realized that there four stages like the four seasons Summer, Winter, Fall and Spring. They also saw the glass walls. They jumped over the river side to the glass and ran their hands over it. They looked down and saw millions of zombies and when they looked up they saw 4 other people.


Zach screamed, running to Brian. He was scared but also hot and sweating. Brian ran his hands over Zach's back, whispering that they were ok into his ear.

"Why don't you sit down?" Brian asked, helping him sit down before he went exploring a little. He walked over to the glass, he looked left and saw two crying people, when he looked straight he saw 2 people looking at him. He mouthed where are we to them and they replied with we have no idea.


Tyler and Michael were hugging, they were terrified and cold. The fog made it harder for him to look.
Michael looked up and saw a glass wall. He ran to it, banging on the walls screaming where the fuck are we

Michael wiped the fog off the wall, seeing 4 other people. It made him feel better knowing that he wasn't the only person here. Michael looked down, seeing the zombies. He started panicking when the alarm rang and the glass started to rise.
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Kind of like The Hunger Games but it's different I swear!