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Signs of the Times

The Three Wise Men (Intro)

I was sitting in Sunday school this past week and my youth pastor, Jason, was preaching a sermon on the three wise men. He rambles a lot so he started talking about what the three wise men might have gone through on their journey to see little, baby Jesus. So sweet. I wish I could have seen baby Jesus. he mus have been precious even though the wise men did not see him until he was about two.

Anyway, he started talking about the faith it would take to make the trek they made.

Then, he looked at me because he knows I like to write and said that I should write something about what they went through and...I think I am going to do it. Awesome, huh! I am really excited.

However, I am kind of bi-polar with writing. I am in love with it and then I hate it furiously. I dont know why this happens. It just does but I need your help and God's to get through but the devil definitely does not want this written. That should be motive enough, huh?

I think, sometimes, the world thinks that the people in the Bible werent real people. Not like they idnt exist but that they have this hero complex and that they are so far in the past that they sometimes feel fictional even though they arent. Thats sometimes my problem. If I havent experiences it then my head cant place realness to it for some odd reason. But, the people of the Bible were real and they went through the same things we do.

Minor characters of the Bible always fascinated me. Yes, God told of the things they did that mattered but I always wondered what they were thinking and what they did when they were alone. Habits, passions, their first love, what they were afraid, if they doubted.

So, as a first of many I will tell the story of what the three wise men might have gone through on their journey. Trust me, I am just assuming. I am not trying to change God's Word. I will include many verses and everything will be told in Truth.

Their names were Melchior, Caspar, and Balthazar. This is how their faith was strengthened and how it ended with the sight of the face of God.
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Please read. Comment? Questions? I will be happy to answer them!