I Don't Want to Be Wasting My Time Alone


"Well, good news." I stumbled into Michael's hotel room over my own bags he had brought in while I was on a liquor run. "I got more alcohol, and management just called me. You have a new passport on the way and it should make it in time for you to go back with the band once they get here and we leave again. And they're going to do a skype interview with you tomorrow at 4."

"So that means I have to wake up before 3:30 PM tomorrow? Man." he groaned, taking the bags from me.

"And I'm going to have to get out of this hotel room sometime tomorrow."

"You're free to leave whenever you want to. You don't have to stay with me, you know." He bumped his slightly bony hip into mine, knocking my balance off.

"I'm aware. I just don't want to leave you by yourself."

"Obviously." he smirked back at me, removing the case of beer I had bought for him. I had grabbed another bottle of bourbon for myself. "Going hard again tonight?"

"Wh- Oh, yeah. You're going to feel terrible tomorrow. Drinking beer after you finished off your whiskey." I poured some bourbon into a cup, carrying around the bottle this early in the night seemed ridiculous. I watched as Michael grabbed a beer and put the rest of his in the refrigerator. He resumed his place on the hotel bed, staring at his cell phone. "Your tweets are pitiful."

"Sorry. I just miss them a lot. Knowing they're over there playing shows without me is killing me." I sat down beside him as he spoke. "And some of the fans are so mad at me because they won't be getting to meet me at the signings. I didn't know that many people liked me, and now I feel even worse that they won't be getting to meet me."

"Don't get mad at yourself for it, though. You misplaced your passport. Accidents happen. A lot worse things could have happened."

"Yeah, Josh could have stayed back with me." I tipped my glass to him as I laughed and took another sip of my drink.

A few moments of awkward silence passed over us as he grabbed the remote and changed the channels. "I haven't drank like this... In a long time."

"What a shame, tsk tsk. Do they ever let you go out?"

"I mean, I don't have any rules about 'going out' per se. I just know not to get trashed in case someone recognizes me, and I can't deal with the four of you hungover. I can barely deal with you sober."

"You hate us that much?" He pouted at me, making his big round eyes pop out and his plump bottom lip was pushed downwards towards his chin.

"If I hated you do you think I'd be here? I don't hate you guys... I think I'm rather nice to you compared to most of your other wranglers."

"You are a lot more slack."

"I know. I don't ever want to keep you guys from having fun, but I can't have too much fun with you or else I'm not being a 'professional.' It's hard because I'm closer to you in age than most of the other guys. They're all older and forgot what having fun means."

"How old are you? I mean obviously I know you're older than 21 because you've been my saint the last few days, but I never really knew."

"You knew. 24. Just turned 24 in August."

"Ah. You're old, then."

"So old." I rolled my eyes. I saw my phone light up from the corner of my eye and grabbed it off of the bedside table, unlocking the screen at the sight of Colin sending me a text. It was perhaps the longest text he had ever sent me. He was either drunk or sleep texting me because it was middle of the night over in London. I shut my screen off after two reading two sentences, not wanting to kill my buzz so early in the night.

"You should quit responding to him."

"I didn't just respond to him."

"No, I mean. Quit reading the bullshit he's sending you, it's just bringing you down."

"Quit reading the bullshit about you on Twitter."

"That's completely different."

"Not that different." I shot back, silencing the two of us again. I watched as Michael huffed and puffed his way to the kitchen, throwing his empty beer bottle away and grabbing another for himself. He made his way to the bathroom and came back a few moments later. I finished my drink while he was gone and he took notice of it, grabbing my empty cup from me and refilling it.

"You didn't have to do that."

"Yeah, I did. I didn't mean to jump at you like that."

"Well I appreciate it."

"It's awkward now." He chuckled, pointing out the obvious.

"Only because you made it." The tension between the two of us was growing as the silence went on. Whether it was sexual tension, or awkward tension, I couldn't quite tell. He rolled his eyes and sunk deeper into the bed, drinking his beer down quicker. My phone buzzed again, and before I could reach for it, Michael grabbed it, sliding to the right and reading the text messages.

I watched as he read the text messages, his eyes scanning the small, bright screen and his smirk growing as he read further. "He misses you."

"Well, I saw that-"

"He misses you. This fucker must be horny, Jesus Christ. 'I just got home and I miss the taste of-'"

I grabbed my phone out of Michael's hands, blushing from embarrassment. I had nothing to be embarrassed of, I hadn't said anything back to Colin's inappropriate texts.

"Fuck you." I said to him, laughing and reading over Colin's pleas for attention from me. I knew he could see that I was reading the texts without responding, but I had nothing to say back to him.

"Is that a dare?" Michael lowly growled to me.

"Wh-" I raised my eyebrows and turned my head to Michael, noticing he had finished his second beer. It wasn't much that he had had, but he had also had half of a bottle of whiskey already tonight.

"You heard me. This tension is ridiculous." I stared at him in complete awe, not knowing what to say or do. My body was completely frozen as Michael was breathing heavily, his face creeping closer and closer to mine.

My phone dinged in my lap, and I broke the eye contact and looked down at it, seeing it was Colin actually calling me this time. I picked my phone up, but it was quickly grabbed by Michael, who decided to answer it.

"Hello?" I lunged towards him but he grabbed my shoulder and held me at a safe distance from him where I couldn't get my phone back.

"Michael. Michael! Give it back to me."

"Yeah, you need to quit fucking bothering Lydia. She doesn't want your cock anymore, despite your pleading texts you're sending her. You're a fucking creep, Colin. And those were her exact words." I watched as he listened to Colin yell at him, Michael constantly rolling his eyes. "Just delete her name out of your phone, because as soon as I get off the phone I'm blocking you from her phone." I watched as Michael remained stoic, not bothered at all by the name calling I'm sure he was getting an ear full of right now. I didn't want to talk to Colin again, but I really didn't want this situation getting any messier than it already was, and what he was doing to Colin wasn't helping. "She's not a dumb bitch, don't you ever fucking call her that-"

I reached to grab the phone from Michael but he all but pushed me away from him. "Michael. Don't-"

"Lydia, back up. No, Colin. You're the piece of shit. You should have treated her like a princess, you should have fought for her, and you didn't. You've let her get away and it's going to be the worst mistake of your life. I hope all you can hear when you try to sleep at night is her moaning your name, knowing you'll never have the luxury of hearing your name leave her lips again."

That was it. I couldn't stand it anymore. I leaned forward and grabbed Michael by either sides of his jaw and pulled him in to me. He immediately responded by hanging up the phone and pulling me by the hips into his lap, making me straddle him. He was already aroused, but I could feel him getting harder by the second and it was making me hungrier for him. His hands slowly made their way to my ass, and he squeezed, making me moan into his mouth. He ate up my moans, and tried harder to get more of a reaction from me. I twisted my fingers into his hair and a growl came from the back of his throat and we brought our bodies closer together. He inched his way underneath my shirt and swooped the large black shirt over my head, revealing my black bra. I could see the hunger in his eyes and before he went to kiss me again, I stopped him.

"Michael." I panted, out of breath already.

"If you're going to stop me, do it now because I can't hold back anymore." His hands slowly traveled from my shoulders, down my arms, where he grabbed my hands and brought them to his face to kiss them lightly. "Seriously. I won't tell a god damn soul wherever this goes. You're so fucking beautiful, Lydia. Let me show you what it's like to be treated right."

I studied his eyes, the hunger that was once in them had disappeared and I could tell he was being honest. I could tell Michael was being completely true, he was a horny teenager but I trusted his intentions. "i just don't want to be one of those girls for you." I muttered to him, touching our foreheads together and closing my eyes.

"Hey. Hey. Look at me." I peeked up at him through my heavy eyelids, "You're not. If you weren't a tour manager, I would have already asked you out on a date."

"So you want to fuck me, then dine me?"

He squeezed my hands quickly before flipping me over, hovering over top of me. "I have full intentions of dining on you first, then fucking you." I felt a tingle in my stomach as he pulled at my grey leggings, begging for me to allow him to pull them off my body. I nodded as he asked with his eyes, lifting my hips up. "Did you forget underwear today?" I shivered at the cool air hitting my center. I shook my head, unable to verbally respond to Michael and I heard a chuckle from him. "Spread your legs, babe."

I slowly spread my legs for him, all of the sudden ashamed of my body and what we were doing. I tried to relax, but I couldn't. I was so nervous. Michael fucking Clifford was between my legs and I had no idea what I was doing with myself. I felt him nudge my legs further apart with his head.

"Hey." I opened my eyes and Michael was face to face with me.

"Hi." I said, I knew I was blushing.

"If you don't want me to do this, I don't have to." His right hand was resting on my hip and he was drawing circles on it with his thumb. "We can stop right now, but from the looks of it you don't want me to." His right hand was making its way up my side to my covered breasts, kneading at them. "But if you want me to, I need you to get this off." I halfway sat up and unhooked my bra quickly, shimmying out of it as quickly as I could. "Now just releax, please."

I nodded and leaned up to kiss him once more, savoring the taste of his lips. "Okay." He placed a kiss on my cheek before scattering kisses across my jaw, down to my collar bone, down between my two breasts, then making his way back to my left one, taking my nipple in his mouth and sucking on it gently. My head involuntarily jerked back, and my eyes rolled backwards. "Fuck." I quietly mumbled out. Michael took the opportunity to reach his hand on my center and I let out another noise that I could only describe as a half moan, half squeal. "Mi-Mikey, I can't deal with much more."

"I've only just touched you." He chuckled as he placed a wet kiss on the side of my neck, "You're going to be a mess by the end of tonight."

I let out a groan as he pushed two fingers into me, with no warning whatsoever. His lips disappeared from my neck and his head returned to between my legs as he licked and lapped up the juices he had created. "You taste so good." Michael looked up at me, his red hair tickling the inside of my thighs, his lips were glistening with me, and he had never looked more attractive in his entire life.

"I need you, right now." I said to him, leaning up and kissing him with full force. I pulled his shirt over his head, not wanting to break the kiss, and he shimmied out of his black skinny jeans. He stepped out of his jeans and underwear at the same time and I grabbed his length, pumping him a few times to prep him. He pushed me back against the soft surface of the bed and resumed his place above me. He teased my entrance and I dug my nails into his back, pushing him into me. We both moaned at the same time, me adjusting to his size, and him adjusting to my tightness.

"You good?" he asked me, grunting as he slowly thrusted. I nodded, "I won't do anymore until you actually tell me that you're okay. I don't want to hurt you." He spoke, trying not to sound sure of himself, but he was a lot bigger than I thought he would be, and I hadn't had any action in a long time.

"I-I'm fine, I promise. Just go slow and I'll tell you when to go faster." I wrapped my legs around him as he kept a steady pace, letting out quiet moans, and curse words tumbling from his pink lips.

"Lydia, I can't last much longer."

"Just wait a few more moments, I'm really close." Michael's pattern was becoming more and more uneven, I knew he was about to finish but I was so close. I could feel the pressure building up inside of me as he attacked my neck distracting himself from finishing. "I'm about to-" I said as Michael spilled inside of me. He kept fucking me through his release, trying to help me finish and my body arched up into his. His pale arms wrapped around me as I came undone, shaking in his arms.

"Jesus, fucking, Christ." He muttered, pulling out and laying down beside me. "I've never come that quick. Except maybe my first time." He let out a deep sigh of exhaustion and put an arm around my shoulder, pulling my body into him. I wrapped a leg over top of his leg and placed my arm across his chest.

"I've never come from someone just fucking me either. Usually you have to get me off before or after." I stared across the surface of Michael's wide chest and watched as his breathing calmed down. "You were really good. For a 19 year old."

"Hey! You weren't bad for an old hag." I rolled my eyes. "You're the oldest girl I've ever been with."

"I'm not that old." I slappled his sticky chest. "You didn't even ask if I was on birth control."

"Fuck. Are you?"

I nodded, "Yes. I hate condoms."

"Good, because I do too."

"Who says I'm going to be fucking you again, hm?" I joked, feeling Michael stiffen beneath me. "Just kidding."

"This is going to be a long week." He pulled the sheet over the two of us, both clearly exhausted already.

Or not long enough. I thought to myself, feeling the sleeping rockstar below me relax and drift off into sleep.
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so... I couldn't wait any longer to go ahead and get to this part of the story, bahahaha. I really want this to go a little longer than what I first intended which was a 5/6 chapter story. leave comments if you're reading!