Harem House

What's this... you'd like to learn about the Harem House? Well, child, you've come to the right place.

They call me Madame... a suiting name, I must say. I am the owner of Harem House, where pathetic, lusty little boys and girls like you come to experience the amorous affections of a variety of the most handsome men and women money has to offer.

For just one thousand dollars, you are allowed to spend three enchanting days at the Harem House. It's not simply a house, mind you, but an opulent mansion located on a small peninsula off of southern California. Besides the peaceful scenery, a small set of highly skilled servants at your beck and call, and the luxurious house itself, are a number of the most seductive people you will ever meet. What's more, they'll be chasing you.

Now you may have heard some strange rumors floating around... that not everyone who enters leaves. I do admit that the young men and women I groom for the job are sometimes of ill repute... what can I say? I want to give a second chance for the delinquents the law has thrust aside after they've served their time. But ask any of my former guests - they will tell you they would sell their souls to stay.

I see that look. That look of curiosity in your eyes... You want to try it out, don't you? Now it's my turn to ask the questions - just one, really...

Cash or credit?


Alright, you know the deal. I took you in from the streets and cared for you. Some longer than others. I've spent thousands on you - helped you out when no one else could. Madame has been good to you, right?

It's time to give back to your benefactor. The reason I took you in and helped you out, my loves, is because of your looks. You are an elite group of gorgeous, carnally pleasing people... It's time to make use of it.

It is your job to meet the romantic needs of the people that enter those doors. If a single one of my patrons leave willingly, then you did not do your job and I will kick you out. You're used to the money I've lavished on you... the benefits of living in the Harem House rent-free, your own private bed and bathroom, use of the servants and staff, endless food, we all know you won't make it out there. What's more is I've helped you in the past. Remember that if I was able to help you with your problem, I'm just as capable of removing the solution.

Now, I'm not running a brothel, so don't get your panties in a bunch. You don't need to go so far. Just make sure that they feel wanted by every single one of you. If any of you are in a relationship - I don't care if it's with each other or any of the staff working on my property - then you better hide it. Now boys and girls, this also means you will have to do a bit of roleplaying. You guys can switch roles or stick to your own, but I do expect you to specialize in something. Each customer must see a group of diverse characters - I'll need a prince charming, a damsel in distress, a villainous brute, a hotheaded persona, an awkward duckling, you understand.

The customers had better leave clawing on the walls in a pitiful attempt to stay.
  1. The Rules
    More of a prologue part two. :)
  2. Request for a Friend
  3. Second Story Spa