Harem House

The Rules

Customer Contract

Customer is guaranteed each hosts' undivided attention. There will be only one customer at any time during stay, unless customer wishes otherwise.

For those three days and two nights, the mansion, the staff, the beaches, the forests, and all else on the estate (save floor seven of the mansion) belongs to the customer.

All must be the same as upon arrival. If there is any damage or missing items, customer will be billed.

The customer will grade each host on a scale of one to ten at the end of the customer's stay.

Harem House does not accept any responsibility in the case of accident causing bodily harm or death. May the buyer beware.

Host Contract

During customer visits, hosts must perform role of admirer as convincingly as possible. If the customer has any suspicion that the host is in love with anyone else, the host shall be punished.

Hosts must have a range of personas they can pull off. They may specialize in, for example, the prince charming archetype, but if the need arises, they must perform other personalities as well.

Unlike staff members, hosts live on the estate with all the privileges of typical residents. All resources are at their disposal. Floor seven is the only place in which they are forbidden.

If a customer leaves dissatisfied, the hosts did not do their job. Hosts must provide evidence to Madame that the customer will never speak ill of Harem House. They either leave happy or silenced.

Hosts must guarantee an average of six out of ten happy customers. Hosts gaining three consecutive scores of five or less on their scorecard will be kicked out.

Hosts must maintain an attractive appearance.