The Blood And Bionic Pieces Of Her Heart

Dancing in the rain

This one I have been writing since like august.
So hope u love it!
I sure do!
R and r!
Chapter One~

Drip… Drip…
The walls leaked as the ceiling dripped. I counted the drops as they fell to the floor. I sat in a heap in the corner as I counted, pulling at my matted hair. I couldn’t scream, I couldn’t see, I could hardly breathe. Its been Years since I’ve seen others other than my doctors. Each one eventually drawn away. I was a Monster after all, I've come to terms with what they call me. Or shall I say what He calls me when he's done with me.
Slowly, the russet water slipped off the Ceiling and is forced to the cement by gravity’s harsh pull. It falls to the floor, and ruptures into a million drops of mist.

I pulled and pulled at my hair, hoping for a flash of pain, yet I feel nothing. I never feel anything. Suddenly a Ray of bright White flashed through my cell door. I hissed, covering my blinded eyes with my bangs. The silhouette of a broad man shouted out in my dense room. He stepped into the smog and flipped the light switch. Not that I wanted to see what filth I lived in.

He was a doctor. I could tell by the plastic I.D. card that dangled by a cotton thread around his neck. I took in his features while he looked at me with disgust. I ignored that and decided to let this man keep his arm. He was handsome in that desired-but-couldn't-have-Boss way. I grined, knowing if I even thought about it Darden would have him shot in the head. He could get so jealous....

He turned his gaze to me, and I found a sudden interest in my nails. He grunted and pulled me up onto the table in the middle of the small cell. He pulled out a checklist and avoided all eye contact with me. I would too. " Looks like its time for you to go, Miss Maim. So lets keep up this good behavior.” He spat looking up at me, while I just blinked. Dirt was in my eye. He groaned and Began the test.

“lift your arms, Good. Now rotate your wrist for me, good.” And so on and so on. But I obeyed and let him do his job. I followed his words till he was done. I held in the urge to insult him under my breath and let my black hair swift over my face. I really hated these tests, I thought they already made me their perfect little doll. It's not like I'll let them make updates.
He smirked and pulled me out into the hallway. I really wanted to know where he was taking me But I was silent. I couldn’t bring up enough energy to even whisper. I was pulled up countless stairs and past millions of cells like mine. Ones I’d never seen before. I thought I was alone ad yet Their moans were echoed through the halls as we walked. Guards stood at every corner, strict as poles, staring at me as I walked by.. I was finally dragged out of the horrors of the halls and out into… Well, what was it? The air was clean, the cleanest I’ve had since my years at home in my African forest. Though the life as a Princess were long gone. This ground, it was soft. It was mushy and brown under my blistered feet. God is this floor of brown , felt so good. As it was my first moments outside in years.

Garbed in my rags I laughed, for in what seem like eternity. The man laughed also, muttering about the rain and let go of my hand to call on what I think is a cell phone. I’m not sure , but I could care less about him. I was outside! I started to dance in the now pouring rain. I soaked in my first natural cleansing in years. The sweet nectar of the drops rolled down my chestnut skin and smoothed down into the roots of my hair. I stared up into the moons glow, It was a sweet ginger like the color of my brothers eyes. How I Miss him… I froze in my fralic, my head became clouded with memories and I couldn’t enjoy the rain.
“Come on, Girl, it’s time to go.” He said as he pulled open the cab door. I stared at it for a minute before entering the cab behind him. I couldn’t run away. Everyone I Knew was dead. I was the only one, besides my brother who could survive. I’m stuck as Darden's little robotic lover, while he out being a damn vampire. Do you want to know how I got here? Him. How I became so blind with stupidity? Him! He destroyed me and yet I still love him more than anyone else. I hate fate. Without it, he wouldn’t be my brother.
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xoxo tophatsandcorsets