The Blood And Bionic Pieces Of Her Heart

Tripping on her own two feet.

Chapter Two-
We had pulled up to a big, wide high building. It was nothing to compare to the rich colors of my palaces Outer walls. Not even to the pigments of my skin, so it was dreary to say the least. The walls were blonde and the building was Three stories tall. The surrounding city was full to edge with crowds of people in their 20's. The man from before had my hand in his as he left out the mustard Sudan and pulled me up to the curve , narrowly missing an drunken teen.

The Man roughly threw a bundle of money in the cab as my eyes drifted back to the moon. The sliver glow around its rim mystified me to a point of unexplainable reach. How anyone could look away from it was behind me. I smiled at myself as he dragged me through the crowds. In front of the bluiding he muttered agian about the crowds and took me into what was called on it's sign as an "Hardie Dowe's Open Home".

The hall was tasteless. The walls were as white as the floors and the paintings that hung on the walls were simple pictures of rolling hills. He pulled me along the main hall to a large oak desk which held in front of it, a short stubby woman with sickly pale skin. A bun of black rested on her head, along with a thick coat of make-up on her face which only showed her old age even more.

I stared past her cheeky face and I looked at the way the hall split into three directions, not including the way I came in. Each labeled a different direction, (north, west etc.) It was as simple design as the prison i was in. Not that I saw the outside of my prison often.
Hardie stood up with a weak smile and walked around the desk to meet us.

“Here’s the new girl Darden talked to you about, Hardie. She’s still a test subject so be careful with her. She is not as stable as the others .’ The Man said letting Hardie take my arm as he released me. “She will stay with my finest, Noal. She'll be Fine, Don't worry. If anyting happens Darden will surely blame me anyway.” She asured him pulling me along a wide hall way filled with Wood doors of all sizes. Noal signed and said ' Right and that's why I'm worried. I guess I'll see you soon, Hardie." Hardie waved goodbye as We traveled down the hall. The fact that they metioned Darden scared me, I wondered why He sent me here. Unless Darden doesn't know. I shivered and brushed off the thought in fear of the truth..

Hardie pulled me to a large door at the end of the hall. It was Golden brown and was designed with a fancy old handle of brass. “Alright Girl, Here’s your room. You’ll stay here with three other boys. They are Vampires so don’t bother them during 12 to 10, that's when they sleep. Oh and don't get yourself hurt darling, you'll only make them even more restless. But hopefully they won't bite you, I mean They just fed this morning." She babbled as she hurriedly threw a Nightgown and a pair of clothes in my arms from a nearby closet before slipping around a corner. But I could hardly hear her words, as they came to me as slurred. I was so still, All this excitement frighten me. Deep down, I felt as if Darden was playin with me, Like he was going to come to me one night aTelling me that this another cruel joke.

I hesitated but I Opened the door revealing another dull room,only this time with a group of laughing schoolboys in the corner by the window. I laid my bundle on the nearby Nightstand . I did not like vampires, they were the sickest creatures i've ever met. My Brother proved it. But I still felt like this was a dream so It didn't really bother me much just yet. I must have took a only step before my feet finally gave out. I prepared for the hit covering my head in instinct, Yet Instead of hitting the floor. I fell into the freezing arms of a man and was completely not prepared for his Icy breath on my neck.
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OMG i worked from 2 p.m. on this It took foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!