Status: One-shot. First story ever. Be nice?

Want a Kiss?

Kisses oh Sweet Kisses

Hi, my name is Kaite. I love love love Christmas. It's my favorite time of year. All the lights and the abundance of joy everywhere. There's always fun to be had and smiles to spread. Another thing I love is joking. I love messing with my friends. Their faces when I do something silly or unexpected is priceless. That's why during this time of year that I love so very much I do other things that I love just as much. This year I decided to go around to people I knew, and a couple I didn't, holding a piece of mistletoe and a bag of Hershey's Kisses asking the simple question: "Want a kiss?". Of course I say it a little faster just so it sounds like "Wanna kiss?", just for fun. I thought it'd be funny, ya know? Seeing peoples faces when I asked them holding the mistletoe where they could see it and the bag behind my back. After I saw their face and had my fun I'd show them the bag and ask again so they knew I was talking about the candy. It was going to be great. I decided to pull mt little trick at the Christmas Eve party my friends and I were having. When I got to the party I went to James and Jon first. They were so confused and then when I asked again Jon laughed and took some candy where James just grumbled "You're such an idiot" and walked away. After them I went to Kelly who giggled and kissed my on the cheek took and Kiss and walked over to James, put the Kiss on his lips, then kissed him taking her Kiss back. James then blushed and Kelly and I laughed. They're such a cute couple. Once I went through the bag of Kisses usual victims of my sillyness there were only a few people I hadn't asked when I had candy left. One of those people being Chris. I had time and chances to ask him before I ran out seeing as he was a good friend but I couldn't. In all honesty he made nervous sometimes. This time being one of them. I'm always silly and rarely serious. He's the same way. That's kinda why I started to like him. I mean he's funny and he gets me and yeah. I've liked him on and off for about a year now. Sometimes I'd like him and sometimes I'd just see him as a friend. I was in one of those times where I liked him so I didn't ask him about the kisses. I couldn't do it. My face, with the blush that I know would happen, would look funnier than his would if I asked. What I didn't expect was for him to ask me. After the party had settled a little, he comes up to me and asks "Where's my kiss?". When he asked I felt the blush dust itself over my cheeks then I remembered what I'd been doing early in the night. I laughed and said I didn't have anymore while patting my pockets to emphasize my lack in chocolate. What he did next made my knees buckle. He said "I'm sure you have at least one left for me" then grabbed the back of my neck, leaned in, and kissed me. I never expected that. Not from anyone, especially not from him. He broke the kiss first, looked at my now cherry red face, and said "Merry Christmas" before pecking my lips again and leaving me, a blushing, weak kneed mess, there in confusion with only the feeling of his lips on mine to think about.