With Eyes Like the Moon & the Stars

Soluna is a distant world trapped in a timeless state, a world consisting of two counties: Lucia, the land of light, and Adra the land of darkness. The two countries have lived in fear of each other for as long as anyone can remember, for they could not be more different. In Lucia the sun shines all day and all year long, and the air is warm and the grass grows green, and it's inhabitants could not be happier. The people of Adra, on the other hand, will never see the sun's light. There the moon and stars watch over them for all of time, and no plants grow, for the land is forever covered in a thick layer of white snow. Yet they too are as happy as can be.

When Adra and Lucia go to war the lives of many unfortunate souls are uprooted, after their homes are destroyed in the fighting. One such case is Dana, a young Lucian girl fleeing her war torn hometown in search of a rumored refugee camp in the west. On her journey she makes the acquaintance of Ben Ellis, a young Adran soldier whose pale skin and thin black hair stands out tremendously among the dark skinned, thick haired people of Lucia. Interactions between Lucians and Adrans are frowned upon by all, so Dana has quite the predicament on her hands when she finds herself falling for that pale boy with eyes like the moon and the stars.


"The sun loved the moon so much he died every night to let her breath." - Unknown