Status: In progress


The Incident

I believe in love at first sight. But, I also believe a person can grow on you. Both happened to me. Some may call it a tragedy. I call it fate.

Blackness engulfed me.

My exposed calves rested on cold concrete.

A blindfold was secured around my head.

My whole body shook. A creak sounded from the far end of the room. It sounded like a door opening. I tensed. I didn’t know where I was or what they were going to do with me. That gruff voice I heard from earlier filled the room. “Come with me.” His voice echoed off the walls.

3 hours earlier

My heels clacked against the cold, marble floor. The echoes carried throughout the whole bank. After a week off for Christmas break, I was finally back and ready to work. My feet carried me to my small, dull cubicle.

“Hey! How was your week off?” My cubicle buddy, Sandra, called out to me.

I smiled at her from over the top of the cubicle wall. “It was relaxing. I got to see family.” I answered while shuffling through a stack of papers. Sandra nodded faintly.

I glanced up at the digital clock, protruding from a pillar. I needed to open the vault in less than five minutes, so we could be ready to see customers.

All of a sudden, my world stopped completely. A group of four men bursted through the door armed with a range of guns. They wore masks that covered their faces and necks. Their black clothes covered every inch of skin. My ears were ringing and my heart was beating so fast, my body could barely keep up.

“Get on the ground!” One of the men yelled. I instinctively dropped to the ground and lay as still as possible. The men scanned the building before coming back to the lobby. One walked over to me and nudged me with his foot. I slowly looked up at him.

“Are you the vault opener?” He asked in a deep, gruff voice. I nodded. He offered his hand and I took it. I smoothed out my pencil skirt and fitted jacket as I walked to the huge metal door.

With shaking hands, I grabbed the lock and started putting in the code. My nervous state and shaking hands tended to make me fumble. The code was incorrect and the vault didn’t open.

“Come on! We don’t have all day! The cops are on their way!” One of the shorter men screamed at me.

I let out a shaky breath and fought to hold back tears. I wasn’t sure how I was holding myself together. A big, warm hand softly landed on my shoulder. “Take all the time you need.” The man with the gruff voice spoke in my ear. I felt a disturbing calmness.

I nodded and tried the lock again. The vault clicked open and the men swarmed to the door. The man who helped me up, carefully pushed me out of the way so I wouldn’t get trampled. “Stay here.” He instructed. I nodded and obeyed while I watched them shove money into a bag.

Once most of the vault had been cleaned of money, I saw everyone running away. An arm grabbed my wrist and dragged me along. My mind was swarming with millions of possibilities that could happen.

I couldn’t think any coherent or rational thoughts at the moment. I was numb. I heard several thuds and a car start. We arrived outside and they led me to the back of a van.

“I’m going to put this blindfold around your head alright?” The gruff voice was in my ear. I nodded and felt fabric over my eyes. My world was now darkness.

“Here’s what’s going to happen, we’re going to take you to headquarters and you’ll stay with us for a while.” The gruff voice spoke lowly in my ear.

I shuddered and nodded.

“You cold?” He asked. I felt his hands on my arms. He rubbed them up and down to keep me warm. Truth is, I’m not cold. His voice brought out this weird feeling in me. Something strong enough for me to feel it seep into my bones.

His arm rubbing stopped and he carefully lifted me up and placed me into the van.

“Aye are you riding up here or what?” One guy asked. His voice was distant.

“Nah, I’m going to stay back here and keep an eye on our hostage.” My favorite voice spoke.

“Your call man.” The other guy replied. I heard the van peel out of the parking lot before I was thrown back against the back doors.

I felt a hand pull me back up to a sitting position.

“Sorry about that. We’re kind of in a hurry.” The gruff voice spoke.

“It’s fine. Do you mind if I ask what your name is?” I asked scared and vulnerable.

“Well, I’m not really supposed to tell you.” He trailed off.

I nodded and dropped my hands in my lap.

I felt a presence to the right of me.

“But, I feel like you deserve to know.” He whispered in my ear.

I shuddered and I felt him grin. I knew I should be scared or trembling, considering the fact that I was basically being kidnapped. But, he gave me a sense of comfort and stability in all this madness.

I felt the van jerk to the right. My body slid and slammed into him.

I heard a hiss. “Damn.” He whispered.

His hand was wrapped around my waist, keeping me in place. I realized I might have hurt him.

“I-I’m sorry.” I apologized.

I heard his deep chuckle rumble through me. “It’s okay. No bruises or scratches on my part.” He said.

I felt a warm hand graze my knee.

“Looks like you’ll bruise here though.” He said in a low voice.

I felt my cheeks heat up as his hand slid my skirt up my thigh.

I squirmed and he unraveled his hand from my waist.

“I’m not going to hurt you.” He assured me in a soft voice.

I stay still, crammed into the space I had found.

I heard brakes screech and the van’s engine stopped humming. The doors to the back flew open, and two hands grabbed my ankles. I screeched.

“Oh shut up!” One of the men yelled.

“Be gentle with her!” I heard my favorite deep raspy voice growl.

He lifted me into his arms. I was being carried, bride style. Everyone walked for about five minutes, and then I heard typing on a keypad. A heavy door creaked open.

I felt unbalanced as he started to walk again. I clutched at his neck. “Stairs.” He explained.

I assumed we finally made it to the headquarters, because I heard the men scramble around. Doors opened and feet click-clacked.

I was set down on cold concrete. I let out a shaky breath, trying to get used to the uncomfortable chilliness in the room.

“We’ll get you warm in no time. I promise.” The gruff voice spoke once again. With that, he left the room.

I felt myself drift off into a troubled sleep.