
Chapter 7

A couple more days passed. Skye still wasn't getting any sleep. Matt had noticed that she had dark rings under her eyes and she seemed to have less energy. To him she looked more and more tired each day. Eventually he had talked to her about it.
She had made an excuse that she just couldn't sleep every now and then. Syn was the only one who knew the real reason as to why she wasn't sleeping. He was starting to get worried along with Matt.
Syn and Skye had quickly become friends to everyone's surprise. Syn stopped taking his anger out on her, however, Michelle continues to take her anger out on Syn and Skye.
Despite the fact that Matt had told her she can't come over anymore, she still did. She was rude to everyone every day. She would give them all dirty looks and say rude things to them. Syn let it happen of course, he loved his friends but he knew that standing up for them would just cause more problems between he and Michelle.
As the days passed, the more he and Michelle fought, he was considering taking Skye's advice about getting a divorce. He was sick of her treating his friends badly. He was sick of fighting with her, and he was sick of not knowing if he still loved her or not.

"You look like shit." Michelle said to Skye as she entered the kitchen.
Matt rolled his eyes and Syn moved uncomfortably in his seat, waiting for Skye's reaction.
"Thanks. You look as beautiful as always." Skye replied with a smile.
"I know." Michelle said as she fixed part of her hair.
Syn coughed with a chuckle.
""What's funny?" Michelle glared.
"Nothing. I just agree with her." Syn quickly derailed that argument.
"Oh baby." Michelle said as she kissed him.
Syn couldn't help but look at Skye as she kissed him. Skye was making a gagging motion towards Matt who was silently laughing.
"So Michelle how are you today?" Skye asked as she poured a glass of juice.
Matt gave her a weird look. "What are you doing?" He mouthed.
"Why do you care?" Michelle hissed.
"I'm just being nice."
"Hey beautiful." Zacky said as he joined the group.
"What's with all the compliments today?" Michelle said with red cheeks.
"Actually," Zacky put an arm around Skye. "I was talking to Skye."
Skye blushed.
"Ew that's nasty."
"Are you just incapable of being nice?" Skye asked with a glare.
"Only towards ugly bitches like you." Michelle said with a smile.
"Syn will you control your bitch please?" Skye asked, looking at him with pleading eyes.
Michelle stood up and walked towards Skye, stopped only inches away from her.
"I know you didn't just say that." Michelle hissed.
"Oh but I did."
"If you knew what was good for you you would have some respect."
Skye's heart stopped. Her mind flashed to the day in the warehouse.
"Respect is earned, and you haven't earned it."
Michelle moved her face closer towards Skye's. Skye looked away and balled her hands into fists.
"I will break you." Michelle whispered in her ear.
"Enough!" Matt shouted.
"Come on Michelle." Syn said as he pulled her out of the room.
Matt followed behind them. "Syn!"
"Are you okay?" Zacky asked Skye.
Skye nodded. Her hands were still in fists. She wanted so badly to punch Michelle.
Matt came back in a moment later. "He's taking her home, and he better not bring her back."

"Can you believe what she said to me?" Michelle was shouting.
"You need to stop this Michelle!" Syn was shouting right back. He had finally had enough of Michelle's attitude.
He was driving her home and they were almost to her house.
"Stop what?"
"This bullshit! This is my life Michelle! These are my band mates, my FRIENDS." He added emphasis to the word. "You knew this when you married me."
"I'm sorry." She said quietly. This was the first time Syn has ever yelled at her. She wasn't quite sure what to say.
"No you're not, because you keep doing it, over and over every time you come over. Do you have any idea what kind of position you have put me in? Having to choose between my best friends and you. And Skye, she doesn't deserve this. That poor girl has been through enough."
"You've never talked to me like this before."
"I've never had a reason to until now."
It was silent for the rest of the ride. Michelle silently got out of the car when they got there.
"I'm sorry." She said as she turned back to Syn.
"We'll talk later Michelle."
She nodded and closed the door. Syn sighed and pulled out of the driveway. He was stressed and all he really wanted was some cigarettes.
He decided to stop at the gas station by her house to get a pack. He stood at the counter an waited for the cashier to return. While standing there he noticed a picture taped to the wall behind the counter. It was a picture of a girl who looked quite familiar to him but he couldn't make out what it said.
"How can I help you?" The cashier asked as he walked over.
"Oh um, can I see that picture actually?"
The cashier grabbed the picture and handed it to him. "You know her?"
Syn studied the picture. "I thought she looked familiar."


"What did she do?" Syn asked.
"The guy who brought it in said she was running from the law."
Syn shook his head. "Haven't seen her. Marlboro reds please." He took a picture of the flyer while the cashier's back was turned.
He was quick to pay and head back to his car. He rushed back to the band house.
"Matt!" Syn shouted when he got back to the house.
"In here." Matt said from the living room.
"We have a problem." Syn said as he entered the room, getting the picture ready to show them.
"What's going on?" Jimmy asked.
Syn showed Matt he picture first.
"Oh fuck." Matt said with a pale face.
"What?" Jimmy asked again, growing very impatient.
"They know she's in California." Syn said as he showed Jimmy the picture.
"Where was this?" Matt asked.
"The 7-11 down the street from my house."
"I'm going to call detective Slade." Matt said as he left the room.
"Should we tell Skye?" Jimmy asked.
"Tell me what?" Skye asked as she entered the room with Johnny and Zacky.
Jimmy and Syn exchanged a nervous look.
"What's going on?" Johnny asked.
"Syn found a picture of you at the gas station." Jimmy informed them.
"Wait what?" Skye's heart began to race and she went pale. "They found me?"
"Stay calm. Matt is calling detective Slade." Syn added.
"Do you have the picture?" Zacky asked.
Syn sighed and showed them the picture.
"Oh my god." Skye sat down on the couch and put her head in her hands. She was absolutely terrified.
"That's an old picture. You have blond hair now, I'm sure we're fine." Johnny's tone was hopeful.
Zacky sat down next to Skye and put an arm around her. "Don't worry."
"Okay from now on your my little sister. You're name is Megan Sanders. I sent Slade a picture of you and he is having an ID made for you. He'll be bringing it to you personally." Matt said as he came back into the room. "He's also dispatching feds to remove all the pictures."
"Should we head somewhere else? Our holiday place in Florida?" Jimmy asked.
"Slade thinks we'll be fine here." Matt said.
Skye just sat there, dazed, completely oblivious to the conversation.
"Skye?" Zacky asked.
"I'm fine." She muttered.
The room grew silent. The guys were all aware as to how she was feeling right now. She had watched David get murdered, they chased her, told her they would find her, and now there were signs in every gas station in Florida with her face on them. She was terrified for her life and they knew it.
"How about some Call of Duty?" Matt joked.
Skye stood up and went to sit down on the single loveseat away from Zacky. She curled her legs up and hugged her knees. The guys all quietly sat on the other couches and turned on the game.
They all played a couple rounds for a few hours before turning the game off and flipping on a movie.
They could all barely pay attention to the movie. They were just as worried as Skye was. For the two years they had been doing this, no one has ever been caught. Would Skye be the first?
"Skye are you hungry?" Johnny asked.
She was silent.
"Skye?" He asked.
"Is she sleeping?" Jimmy asked.
"Looks like it. I'll take her up to her room." Matt said as he stood up and went to pick her up.
Skye was out cold. She didn't wake up as he picked her up and headed upstairs. He laid her in bed and headed back down stairs to help Johnny make dinner.
"Do you think she's okay?" Syn asked.
"I'm sure she's upset." Jimmy replied.
"And that's when Jimmy just makes her laugh and saves the day." Johnny said with a smile.
"Hell yea. Super Jimmy!" Jimmy joked,
The guys all laughed.
"So Zacky, you seem to like Skye." Johnny said.
"She's hot." He said with a grin.
"Is that the only reason you like her?" Syn asked defensively.
"I mean, have you even gotten to know her?"
"Well, not really. Why does it matter?"
"She's a nice girl." Syn said.
"I think Syn likes her too." Johnny said.
"I'm married." Syn said bluntly.
"Yea to a she bitch." Jimmy said.
"Don't remind me." Syn said with a sigh.
The room grew silent.
Matt broke the silence first. "Let's eat." He was just about to serve everyone when they heard screaming from upstairs.
"Skye!" Zacky shouted.
They all bolted up the stairs and to her room.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for reading! Sorry for the massive delay, I've been sick and super busy with work.
Chapter eight will be up this weekend.
Hope you guys liked it, leave me some feedback.