Nightshade: Kiss of Death (Book #1)

Chapter Four: Secrets Told

"Hello Vivian."

His mouth turned up in a slight grin that- in other circumstances- would have been attractive. You know, if not for that fact that he knew my name and I had no freaking clue who he was. Mystery boy, that's what I'll call him for now, took another step forward. I raised the scythe and set my left foot back in a sort of battle stance. This only caused him to grin even more and take another step. Once again I followed in suit. It was like a dance that I was being forced to partake in. With every step that he took forward, I took one back. That is until I found myself only a couple of feet from the hospital wall.

"Stay back!" I swung the scythe in a sideways motion like a camper would do if fending off a bear with a burning stick. Except he was more wolf-like in a sense. With his burning jade eyes and slightly crooked grin. He watched me like a predator watching its pray try to fight back. Only his gaze was less animalistic and held more human amusement than anything. Still, he followed my command and stayed where he was.

"Alright I'll talk from here, but uh, would you mind putting that away? You could seriously hurt someone. And by someone I mean me."

His grin turned into an actual smile that lit up with the moonlight. His voice was deep, but not an unnatural deep- and smooth. I would imagine that if the nighttime could talk it would sound like him. Now that I could see him at a closer proximity, I decided that nighttime is exactly what he resemble. Hair dark as midnight. Eyes that flickered like green stars- wide and filled with curiosity and amusement. Pale skin that was almost as white as the light that the moon gave off above. There was also something that I hadn't noticed while he was still partially hidden in the forests' shadows. Something that blended in with the top of his midnight hair and dark attire, but became more noticeable along his neck and jaw. Something that was too familiar to me that I'd get wrong. Lazily floating around him in a hazy wave was a shadow. Except it wasn't pitch black like a spirits would be, it was slightly faded like mine. He was a Nightshade.

He must have seen my eyes widen slightly at my realization because he glanced back at it quickly and lifted his arm as if reaching out to me. Instead his shadow slowly wrapped down his arm all the way to his open palm, like mine had only hours ago.

"Yup, I'm just like you. So do you think that you could put that thing away now? I swear on my everlasting soul I will not hurt you."

There was something in his voice what made me relax a little and think 'I would put it away if I actually knew how to'. Then almost by the magic of my thoughts the blade of the scythe started to shrink back into the staff part which also started to shrink until the light disappeared from my clenched hands.

The boy smiled and let out a sigh of relief, "I'm not gonna lie. I really thought that you were going to slice me up with that."

"I would have if you kept coming closer to me," I said, "So are you going to tell me who you are and how you know my name or am I going to have to cut it out of you."

His relief was short lived as he took in my words. His face became serious and he straightened his back as he spoke, "My name is Xavier Hunt. I was assigned to watch you until my services were needed. Well okay, obviously not needed considering the fact that you took out that Anguis demon all on your own."

Assigned to me? He was assigned to watch me. I couldn't keep my eyes from reducing into slits as I glared at him. "You were the one who kept on watching me like a creepy stalker from the shadows of whatever the hell you could find! Do you realize how insane you sound? I should be calling the police to tell them how much of a potential molester you could be. And assigned? Are you seriously telling me that someone put you up to this? Not to mention the fact that you actually listened to them! What the hell is wrong with you? I mean come on, what kind of guy does that willingly!"

I was panting by the end of my outburst and shaking with rage- or slight fear, I couldn't tell which. He blinked wide eyed and glanced around in what seemed to be embarrassment.

"Well when you put it like that. Look just hear me out- I was told to not let you see me until it was necessary. And what do you mean who told me? I was given orders from HQ. Surely you've heard of the-"

"Heard of the what? The Creepy Molesters in Training Committee? No I haven't, sorry to disappoint."

Instead of paying attention to my insult he reached behind him into his shadow and whipped out something metallic and sharp along with something else. Slender, long, and bent at a curve. A bow? Had he always had that? He notched the other object, an arrow, and aimed at something to my left.

"Who's there? Identify yourself or I will shoot at you!"

A tall body with a mop of bright blond hair and sea glass eyes rounded the corner with its hands clenched at its sides. "Mads! Creepy stalker- I mean pervert, Ugh, Xavier I swear to God if you shoot him!"

Xavier glanced my way, clearly confused as I bolted from my current position and stood in front of his loaded weapon. "Vivian move." The arrow head was pointed right at my neck and only a few feet from where I was.

"No," I fired back," Mads get out of here, call the police or something but this guys crazy. He's been stalking me for who knows how long."

"I have not been stalking you!" He rolled his eyes in exasperation.

Mads' footsteps grew closer as he made his way to us. Why wasn't he running? This dude has an arrow aimed at him! Well had an arrow aimed at him. Suddenly a pair of large, familiar hands took hold of my shoulders and moved me from the line of fire.

"He won't shoot me, Viv. He's just acting tough for show, aren't you Hunt?"

Xavier gave a grunt as he unloaded his bow and swiftly placed it back into his shadow. How can he do that? I glanced at my own black mass of smoke as the edges of it whipped around in agitation. Cleary picking up on my emotions.

"What are you doing here anyway Xavier?" Mads spoke in a superior tone.

"I came for her. To bring her back to-"

"No, no way. Listen to me, she's not ready. She can still barely use what senses she has now. Give me some time to explain it to her okay? To help her develop some more."

Xavier's eyebrows shot up in disbelief. "What do you mean explain? Haven't you told her anything? And I'm pretty positive that she's ready. I just saw her take down an Anguis demon, and a big one at that. Sure her weapon was in it's developing stages but man you should have seen it. It was even better than all the legends."

"Of course I haven't said anything to her. She's having a hard enough time with the way things are, what did you expect- Wait, did you say that she fought a demon? You let her fight by herself without training? Are you seriously that stupid. She could have been seriously injured! Hell, she could have been killed!"

I let out a frustrated huff and stalked over to them, "Hey! Hello? She is right here and is not deaf. Would one of you mind explaining to me how you know each other and what the hell is going on here?"

They grew quiet and shared a distasteful glance at one another before Mads blew out a stressed breath, "Not here. Come on we can go back to my place, my parents are out of town."

Xavier nodded as I looked between them with uncertainty before nodding as well.

* * *

After we got back to Mads' house I sat down in one of the dark blue arm chairs that was placed in his living room with an expectant look. Xavier remained standing, just on the other side of the coffee table while Mads sat on the couch that was a few feet from my right.

"Right, where do I begin?" Xavier asked.

I took in some air as nerves started to settle in my stomach and sent out little shock waves of anxiety to my fingertips, "How about why you were watching me. And don't give me that crap about being assigned. I want the truth, every little detail."

"Okay fine. I'm a Nightshade like you, well more specifically I'm a Seeker. You see there's four different classes of Nightshades: Seekers, Flyers, Cloaks, and Specials. My abilities include a natural fighting reflex, tracking skills, and an affinity for magic. I guess you could say I'm kind of like an assassin, except I'm not paid to kill people. I get sent out to track down Nightshades with unusual or powerful gifts and bring them back to be trained. You were my assignment- still are come to think of it. Except now it's more complicated since your buddy over here explained absolutely nothing to you." He finished with a pointed look at Mads who had gone slightly pale.

I sat and listened with confusion. Seeker? Magic? My head started to hurt as I processed all of the information. He had said that Mads was supposed to explain these things to me. So Mads knew about them too? I looked over at him with hurt filled eyes.

He quickly scrambled to kneel in front of me and grabbed my hands. "Vivian, I'm so sorry that I didn't tell you before. I didn't know when or how I could tell you without bombarding you with all of this information. I also know that you're hurt and angry at me- Which you should be. But I swear that I had good intentions with keeping this from you."

I stared back at his pleading eyes and considered his words. I could tell that he was being honest and wasn't taking this lightly. He had called me by my name. He almost never did that unless it was a serious situation. I gave a sigh and lightly squeezed his hand. "I'm still pissed at you, but before I blow up I should let you let you finish explaining."

He stood up and squeezed me hand back, "I guess it's my turn then. Xavier's telling the truth. I was supposed to tell you about the classification system of Nightshades and a bit of background on us I guess. You see, Nightshades have been around for as long as man has. You know how they're created right? The goddess deems us worthy of another chance at life and so we get sent back to our bodies. The shadows stay with us when we return, hence the name Nightshade. Well you also obviously know about gifts. There's a place that's hidden in the desert of the south-west where Nightshades with gifts are brought in to train their abilities and use them for good. Depending on a Nightshade's gift they're placed in a class. Wonder-boy here is a Seeker. They're the more warrior type who usually have a gift that has to do with fighting. His is precision. AKA he never misses a shot."

Xavier smirked at Mads description of him while I on the other hand frowned, but not because of his title. "You kept saying 'we' and 'our' when talking about Nightshades, why?"

Mads tensed and lowered his eyes down to his hand where a silver ring with a black stone set in the middle was placed on his right ring finger. It was familiar to me. Everyday since the time that I met him, Mads has had that ring on. He said that it was a birthday present from his father when he was younger. He sighed and quickly slipped it off. I nearly choked on my own breath as a cry of shock left my mouth. A black smoky substance practically exploded around him and outlined his silhouette. No. This can't be. He would have told me if he were one!

I opened up my mouth to speak or scream, I couldn't decide which one to do first. But the sound died in my throat as I stared in disbelief at the guy who I thought was my best friend. We shared everything with each other. How could he not tell me? After all the times where I would cry because I didn't understand why I had to be the weird one all of the time. My mind went back to the days when an eight year old me would sneak out my window at home and come to the Whites when my aunt was being particularly overbearing. Back to how a miniature Mads was always there with an extra set of blankets and pillows waiting for me once I knocked on the door. Then my memories seemed to skip forward a few years to when we first got our class schedules for middle school. I had been sad because we only had one class together and it was P.E. I knew that he would be too tied up in sports during that period so we wouldn't have time to do anything together. He went straight to the office and demanded that he get three more of his classes switched around just so that we would share them. I had told him about my first date freshman year with David Smith, who also stole my first kiss. It was disgusting by the way. Mads had been so mad that David kissed me without my permission and the next day, David came to school with a black eye. We were always there for each other. Like siblings that we never had since we both were the only children in our families.

He looked back at me with eyes filled with sorrow and apology, "Viv please don't look at me like that. I'm still Mads. Yes I hid this from you but I'm still the same me. Please Vivian, don't hate me."

As much as I wanted him to be wrong, he was right. I could still see the same Mathias that I had grown up with. I had always wondered why he reacted so calmly to me first telling him about my experience dying and coming back with my gift. And how he could see my shadow and other spirits that walked around in plain sight. He gave me some bull about coming from a long line of psychics, but I didn't question him further. I was just relieved that he didn't think I was insane and shunned me like some Salem witch. Now it was my turn to do the same.

"I don't hate you Mads," His eyes perked up at my words. "I am disappointed though. Why didn't you tell me?"

He didn't answer just scooped me up in a breath taking hug, and by 'breath taking' ; I meant that he practically squeezed the life out of me. A throat cleared from behind us as Mads dropped me back to the ground.

"As much as I love touching moments. We kinda got to go," Xavier said with his thumb pointing to the door behind him.

"I don't know about you guys but I'm not going anywhere."

Mads turned to him, "She's right. With little knowledge of what's really going on, she's not ready. Your assignment was to watch her-"

"And bring her back. Look you failed your job. They sent me as a replacement," Xavier cut in angrily.

"No, I was supposed to watch over her until they sent your sorry ass to come find us. We're working together or did your ego block out that part of your memory?"

All the tension that was in the room before seemed to triple as they stared each other down. I tried to open my mouth to say that they were talking as if I wasn't there again but the better half of my judgment kept it shut. They were pretty equally matched looks wise. Mads was taller by only about an inch which really isn't much considering he's six foot two. While Xavier's body was obviously built for extreme physical activity with his broad shoulders and scarred hands, Mads was built for agility and swiftness. All lean muscle from playing Lacrosse, soccer and various other sports that required him to be light on his feet and quick. If punches were to start flying, I honestly don't know who I'd bet on.

Finally after I'd thought that I'd choke on the amount of testosterone in the room, Xavier broke his gaze and looked at me. "Fine. Three days and that's all you get. If you two aren't ready before then I'm leaving you here and coming back with a whole team to round you up. Got it?"

"You wouldn't dare go back empty handed. Your pride won't let you," Mads challenged "In fact I'm almost positive that you're bluffing."

"Don't test me White."

I almost winced at the amount of acid in Xavier's voice and was shocked at his quick change in attitude. Whatever was going on between them was beyond some competitive feud. Mads' blue eyes darkened to the color of a stormy sea while Xavier's seemed to spark in anger, making the usually bright jade color turn into a paler shade. One of them said something under their breath and next thing I know one is tackling the other. I stood frozen as they kept flipping one another over and delivering blows. The sound of bone hitting bone made my stomach clench and pull me from my dazed state. I ran for Xavier and attempted to tackle him off of Mads but some how I flew over his body as it suddenly dropped a couple of inches to the floor. Big mistake on my part and on his because when I hit the ground a couple of feet away he sprung up and jumped for me with his right fist raised in a striking position. By the time he realized it was me instead of Mads it was too late. Like before at the hospital I raised my arms in a front facing X formation above my face and his fist collided with the white light that formed from my palms once again. He yelled in pain and flew back from above me. Then, just like that, the light formation was gone.

Mads came to my side shortly after words and helped me off the ground with wide eyes, "Viv, what was that?"

"I-I don't know. It sort of just happened. One minute I'm thinking about protecting myself from getting hit, then the next it appeared. Same thing at the hospital too."

I stared down at my hands in a mixture of curiosity and fear. What ever it was that I was doing definitely isn't normal Nightshade behavior or else he wouldn't have been so shocked to see it. A grunt sounded from across the room where Xavier was picking himself up from the floor. dark red liquid lightly dripped onto the wooden floor in a slow, steady rhythm. My hand closed over my mouth as I looked at the hand that had punched me. Across the area between his knuckles and midsection of his fingers was a slightly deep cute. It looked like he punched a butcher's knife.

"It looks worse than it is. Don't worry I've been stabbed by an Aves demon's feather before, this is nothing compared to that. But I do have one question, I was going to ask it before but never got the chance. Was earlier today the first time you've summoned your Scythe? Because you really don't seem to have control over when it appears."

"What?" I asked

"You know, your scythe. A long stick with a blade coming out of the side tip? It's sometimes used for farming." He explained in a condescending voice.

"I know what it is molester-in-training. What I don't get is why you're saying it's mine. That thing appeared out of nowhere when I fought the snake, okay? I didn't 'summon' it from anywhere. Not like I'd know how even if it was." I mumbled the last part under my breath.

He held up his hand as if to say 'Where do you think this came from?', and then looked over at Mads. "Wow you really told her absolutely nothing. Oh well that just gives me an excuse to visit an old friend- well that and I need to get this cleaned up. Lets go, I'm driving."

My mouth opened and closed as I tried to shake the whiplash of his mood change off. He was just punching people and yelling and now he's cooler than a freaking cucumber. What in the hell?

"Bull to the shit you are Hunt. That's my car," Mads yelled as Xavier walked to the front door. Then he turned around and glanced at me, "It's fine, I'm a safe driver and I think you might want to just come along and not question it Viv."

I glared at him and walked across the living room and out the door. "Only friends and family are aloud to call me that. Both of which are not titles you are under."

He cocked and eyebrow and grinned in amusement. Ugh, him and that stupid grin can both burn in hell.

* * *

Mads wound up driving by pointing out the fact that he still had the keys. Xavier was in the back seat sulking because by that point I was already in the front seat buckled in and refused to move. The car ride was silent with the exception of the low music playing from the radio speakers. The dark night hung over head like an endless sea of stars and moonlight, both of which gave off a feeling of both peace and fury at the same time. Twenty or so minutes later we came to a stop outside of a small red shop with a black sign hanging over the doorway. I turned to look at both of them in confusion.

"Why are we at my job?"

Xavier quickly hopped out of the backseat and headed for the door with Mads following in suit. I scrambled to catch up just as the door opened with an expecting Mrs. Jones waiting inside. She looked at me as if two incredibly large boys weren't towering over her, "I thought as much. You were starting to show the signs Vivy, it's about time."

Her soft smile grew as she finally switched her gaze to Xavier who was looking down at her with a smile on his own face. "Oh my dear boy it's been too long! Too long in deed, look at how much you've grown. How long has it been? Seven? Eight years at least no?"

She reached up to hug him and he met her half way, "Ten actually. And I could say the same for you. So you decided to switch up the age then?"

She smacked him lightly on the shoulder as if they were old friends, "I have to keep up with appearances to you know. Come lets go inside and talk it's much too cold out here."

She disappeared into the shop along with Xavier while I stood outside and stared after them in pure and utter confusion. Did they know each other? Okay that was a stupid question, obviously they did. The real question was, how? Mads disappeared inside after them and after a few more seconds of thinking on my part, I followed.

The front lights of the shop were off, but the ones from the stairs that led to the second story gave a golden glow to the rest of the dimly lit area. Mrs. Jones was talking away with Xavier who was telling her about something that had to do with something called an anguis. The word floated around freely in my mind as I tried to grasp where I'd heard it before. Giving up on it for now I looked up the stars where Mads had started climbing to the top and reached a hand down to me. I took it gratefully as today's past events started to take their toll. The throbbing in my ankle had gone down to a dull ache and the cut in my side-while still bleeding, had started to heal slightly. He gave a small smile in apology as I winced when he pulled me up the last step. When we all had reached the loft part of the second floor I looked around in curiosity. I had never been to this part of the shop. Mainly because it was where Mr. and Mrs. Jones had lived before he died. She told me when I was fifteen that she couldn't bare living up here all by herself so she bought her own apartment and let her granddaughter move in while she attended the local university. I thought it was strange because ever since I have to see her granddaughter that she always talked about. She would tell me how strong willed she was and how she always did what was best for everyone else instead of for her own selfish reasons. I was having a tough time with my aunt at that time and with Mads being busy with playing two sports at once I was lonely. The way that she described this girl made me want to meet her at least once. She was someone for me to look up to in a way.

I pulled my gaze from the old wooden floor and looked up at where Mrs. Jones was holding open one of the four doors that led into other rooms. The look in her eyes was sorrowful and yet relieved at the same time as she studied me. I followed after Xavier, and Mads after me, into the room. It was a large room that looked like it was used as a bedroom before now. It's walls were a deep brown color with a lighter trim along the top and bottom. A medium sized table sat in the middle of the room with four chairs. There was no dresser or pictures but only a queen sized bed with a couple of pillows and a quilt at one end. They were clean and folded up nice and neat. Someone had been staying in here. I glanced at Xavier and was startled to find that he was already looking at me. I gave him a weird face and turned away as a low heat clawed it's way up my neck. Creep.

Mrs. Jones walked in carrying some items in a small wooden box, as she passed by Xavier she took out gauze and a gooey white substance in a bottle and handed it to him. He muttered a thanks and got to work on his hand. Oh so that's what it was for. Then she came over to me led me by my hand to sit at the table.

"I'm assuming that they explained everything to you?"

I was about to nod when Mads walked up and sat in the chair next to mine, " Not exactly. We still haven't covered specifics about certain gifts yet."

"Ah yes, Mathias White. How is your father?" She regarded him with a knowing look.

"He's fine."

Mrs. Jones let out a small chuckle and nodded before turning back to me, "You must be wondering about how I know these two boys."

I leaned back in my chair, "Yeah, that's one of the things that's been in question."

"I'll start with being honest with you. I know that you know about Michael's shadow before he died, but I don't remember him telling you about his gift. He was a Special. He had an affinity to more than one ability I guess you could say. One of his abilities was the manipulation of the Astral plane. He could see into other people's dreams, and one day around thirteen years ago he saw a girl pass through the Astral plane to the Death Realm. You see even though the Astral plane is a dream state sort of dimension, it's the one closest to the Death Realm She had blond hair at the time, but after passing through it turned black as a raven's wing. Michael saw the girl talk to a beautiful woman with hair that was the same color as hers that fell down to the floor around her, except half of her face was hidden. The girl had been sent back with a gift unlike any other before her, for the woman was the one of great power. She put a spell on the girl's abilities and returned her soul to her body. Little did the girl know that with this gift came great responsibility and an underlying message. I of course knew of this before he told me. I haven't been entirely honest with you Vivian. The woman that the girl was talking to was none other than the Hel, ruler of the Death Realm, creator of Nightshades. I know what gift she gave the girl, even before she died. I've known it for over a millennium.

"I am not human, you see. Therefor I have no real age. I am what is known as a Time Keeper, one of the last in fact. Time Keepers are what the name suggests. We keep within us events that have unfolded across history ever since time was created. The true events. Like the Death Realm acts as a type of divider between Heaven, Earth, and Hell. We keep the balance between space and time, making sure that it does not get warped in any way shape or form. As life went on and humans were made to walk the earthly world, but eventually they died. Their spirits wondered around until they became demons who were unable to pass to her dimension. This upset the balance of the dimensions so Hel had no other choice but to take action. She came to this world and found a spirit that she deemed worthy of a great deed. She told them that she would give them a second chance at life if they agreed to send the souls to her realm and destroy those who are consumed by darkness. Of course they complied, so as they were sent back into their body they found that they had no way of fighting these creatures. The goddess pulled a peace of her soul and the persons out and forged a weapon more powerful than anything man had ever seen. One that could kill demons and reap souls. Thus came the first Nightshade."

"The first Nightshade was the Grim Reaper?" I asked as the pieces of her story started to fit together.

She nodded, "However, eventually this chosen one grew old and could not carry on their deed anymore. So when it was time for their final passing, the Goddess decided to make the weapon and soul as one again and reincarnate them into the next body. As time went on spirits started finding their way to the Death Realm on their own and more people were given a second chance at life which created more people to fight the demons. The reaper faded over time, it's soul only to be called out and reincarnated in times of unbalance and peril. Now is that time Vivian. Torva messor vivit. The Grim reaper lives, in you."

My heart turned over as she grasped my hand and looked at me with shinning eyes as if I'm some sort of hero who just saved her cat. Me, the Grim Reaper? I think someone spiked her cranberry juice with something good because she's off her rocker. My shadow wrapped itself around my arms and chest in a blanket of black haze. It seemed like it agreed with her too. Traitor. I stood up and started pacing the room.

"Let me get this straight, I'm the reincarnation of the very first Nightshade? Of the Grim Reaper? Like the Grim freaking Reaper? The one who's always seen as a skeleton in a black cloak with a giant gleaming-"

"Scythe?" an amused voice called out from against the wall. I shot a glare at Xavier before my eyes widened. Holy shit.

"That's why it appeared when the demon attacked me."

She nodded and pulled a jar of yellow liquid from the box, "Xavier told me how the Hel's spell was broken by your will to survive. Your reaper abilities were supposed to stay hidden within you until your eighteenth birthday. It seems that not all of your powers have awakened yet though. Your Scythe was still glowing, no? That means that it still dwells within your own mind. Suppressed by Hel's magic. There is a way to awaken it, if you want to of course. I would decide to at least try, Vivy. If you were reincarnated into this life time, that means that something is coming. Something evil, and you're going to want a head start on mastering your power."

Mads stood up and walked over to me. "I think you should at least try Viv. I promise that if you're scared I won't let anything happen to you. She's right you know, there is definitely something coming and we all need to be prepared."

The slightly pleading look in his eyes was all it took for me to make my decision. I turned around and faced Mrs. Jones with determination radiating off of me. "How do we do this?"

She smiled and got up. "You'll need to enter your inner conscience and find the weapon. Be careful though it's not as easy as it seems. No one knows what the spiritual form of the Scythe looks like so it may be tricky."

She grabbed my hand and led me to the bed, pushing my shoulders slightly to make me sit. "How will I know when I find it then?"

"Trust me, when you do you'll know. It'll be like clicking two puzzle pieces together. Now here, it's herbal tea to help you fall asleep faster and enter your mind."

She handed me the jar. I twisted the lid off and downed as much as I could before the taste could settle on my tongue. It was strong with different spices and rich flavor. After handing it back I lied facing the ceiling and closed my eyes. Almost instantly the sounds of their breathing and the outside world vanished. When I opened my eyes again I was sitting on a patch of white surrounded by an abyss of black. Voices could be heard and as I looked around I could see people, from all types of time periods walking around in various directions.

Quickly standing up I reached out to a man in Victorian clothing, "Hey-"

My hand passed through him and he kept walking as if I wasn't there. I turned all around in confusion as an endless stream of people wove in and out of the blackness before disappearing from sight. A huff of frustration flared from my nose as I looked up. Once again, nothing but blackness.

"I was beginning to wonder when you'd come find me."

I jumped and turned around to face the source of the voice. From the void came a tall, slender boy with glowing silver hair and semi-tanned skin. With every step he took the ground around him lit up in a pathway. He was in a silver robe with the hood drawn back. He looked physically the same age as me, but something in his eyes told me that he held the wisdom of many years within himself. I eyed him carefully. The last time a boy came out of the shadows he turned out to be a total stalker.

They boy gave a smile that glowed like his hair, "Ah yes, that Seeker is rather weird. Isn't he?"

"Who are you?"

"Who do you think I am?" he questioned back. This time I took a step closer and studied him as he watched me in pure joy and amusement. His glowing silvery hair looked long, yet short at the same time while it's strands whisked around every time he moved. They reminded me of a spider's thread, thin, silky, and shiny. His skin had a slight olive tone to it, much like mine, and his eyes were naturally wide with golden-hazel irises. I stopped moving when I noticed the way they shone with a natural fire inside.

"You're the Scythe?"

His smile grew as he held his arms out to the side, "That would be me, but please call me a different name. Scythe is so plain and unoriginal."

"Um, okay. What do you want to be called then?"

"I have a name, but you're the one who has to remember. It's always been like that since the beginning." he inclined his head slightly.

"I almost forgot that you- I mean we've shared the same soul for a long time," I muttered and closed my eyes, trying to remember some part of me that's been buried under a muddy haze. "I think your name is... N-Nox? Does that sound right?"

When I opened my eyes he was standing right in front of me, "Yes, Nox. That seems very befitting for the Grim Reaper's Scythe."

"What does it mean?"

"Nightfall in Latin. Do you know what your name means Vivian?"

I shook my head and stared at him. It was strange, I felt completely comfortable around him. My body felt relaxed and at peace with him this close. Like I've known him for years.

"That is because you have," He mused " I can read your thoughts and you will be able to read mine when I am in my physical form. We are connected as one soul. We have been for an extraordinarily long time. Our names together roughly translates to ' Lives in Nightfall'. Come we haven't much time, I want to show you something."

He turned and began walking away and I quickly followed behind. The streams of people passed us without even a sideways glance. "What are they?"

He turned to look at me and grinned, "When I said that we've been together for a long time I meant it. Those are people from your past lives. I guess you can call them your memories. Ah, look there see? France eighteen seventeen. And there, Chile fifteen twenty two. They're all people or things that were important to you. Much like that Mathias boy is."

"So when I die Mads' memory will end up here?"

He gave me a sad smile, "When we get reincarnated, yes. Oh look we're here."

He pointed to an image that seemed frozen in place. It was of a woman with high cheekbones and long raven hair clutching her hands over her chest. She wore a black cloak similar to Nox's. Her eyes were closed and her head down.

"This was our first life. I don't remember her name, in fact I don't remember any of your previous lives' name either. Only your current one."

"So the first reaper was a woman?" I asked lightly.

"Yes, you have been male in the past but when that happens the gender that I appear in switches to a female. Not quite sure why." He laughed and furrowed his eyebrows. He looked at the woman with nostalgia and warmth before turning to face me. "Unfortunately it's time for you to go, that tea is wearing off and your going to wake up soon. Just remember that if you ever need me, I am only a thought away."

He smiled one last time and took my hand. The glowing that seemed to radiate off of him spread to my hand and up my arm, eventually covering my whole body. My lungs froze as I felt a tugging sensation rip me from the black void and fling me into a new world. My eyelids fluttered as light peeked behind them making me wince at the sudden brightness. My hands were gripping something cool and smooth like metal. A hand pressed itself against my back as I struggled to sit up with grogginess. When my eyes finally opened the face of Mrs. Jones and Mads came into view.

"You did it Vivy!" she beamed in pride.

I looked down at my hands and inhaled a sharp breath. A dark silver staff that was at least six feet long was lying over my thighs and at its end was a lighter colored blade that was decorated with intricate swirls and patterns that were carved into it. I picked it up and touched the blade lightly, 'Nox'.