Status: Active

Everything Will Change

Chapter 2

As soon as the dinner ended, I headed up the room I was sharing with Ashton. I didn't want to spend another minute with my dad and his wife. A new family life is the last thing that I want. I never asked to be stuck in this town, away from everything.

I sat on my bed and checked if I got any text messages from some people back in Sydney. Some of my friends texted me saying their summer was going to be boring withtout me, some boys and girls asked me to ''hang out'' and my mom texted me to make sure I was okay. There was no way I was answering her questions. She wanted me away from her, away I will be. She won't head of me all summer long.

I replied to my friends. I'm not the kind of boy who misses people, I don't get attached. The only thing I know is that summer is going to be long without them, because they were the ones I was messing around with.

I was on my own for about an hour before I was joined by Ashton in the room. All the things I wish I could do to him. He sat on his bed on the other side of the room. No words were said. After a few minutes, I had enough of this silence. I faced Ashton who was laying in his bed.

''Never smoke eh?'' I teased.

''Nop.'' Ashton replied as he sat up on his bed, facing me.

''You're really missing something dude.'' I said.

''How can I miss something I have never tried, Luke?'' He asked.

''It is just so fun you know, getting high and stuff.'' I answered.

''I have other ways to have fun.'' He said.

''You're no fun.'' I replied.

''You might be a little too fun.'' Ashton said smiling.

How could I be too fun? There is no way I can be too fun. I love sex and getting twisted all the time, so what? I enjoy life in the best ways possible. I don't want to be just a boring guy who never did anything with his life.

''I'm bored.'' I said. ''Is there anything to do around here?''

''I heard there was this party later on the beach.'' Ashton mentionned.

''Well, I'll know where I'll be tonight.'' I said. A party is the best place to have fun just the way I like it.

''I don't think your father is going to let you go, Luke.'' Ashton said.

''I don't care about my dad. If he doesn't want to let me go, I'll just go out without him noticing.'' I said. ''Luke Hemmings doesn't care about what his little daddy wants. He does what he wants to do. And tonight, he wants to get wasted and have s-''

''You better not bring some girl back here.'' He cut me off.

''I guess I'll just bring some boy instead.'' I joked.

''How about you just don't go to that party so you won't get in trouble.'' Ashton proposed.

''My dear Ashton, I love trouble. Trouble loves me. It's an infinite love.'' I replied.

''Yeah, I heard about that.'' Ashton mentionned smiling. '' I already knew you before meeting because of all the things your dad said about you.''

''What my dad says about me and who I really am are two opposites. Don't pretent to know me because my stupid father keeps complaining about how he wished I was a better boy. A perfect little boy like you.'' I replied harshly.

I hate it when people pretend they know me. They just don't. They all think everything about me is bad. How can it be bad when it feels so right? Plus, they all think that only three words describe me: sex, alcohol, drugs. I'm not just that. I'm also handsome and awesome.

''Sorry, I didn't mean to upset you.'' Ashton said.

''I'm used to it, don't worry. People love to judge me.'' I replied.

''I am not judging you, I promise. We may be totally different, I might not agree with your way of life... but I'm not judging you. It's your life after all. You can do whatever you want...just be careful I guess'' Ashton explained.

''Exactly.'' I replied.

''If you want to go to the party, you should ask your dad now before he heads to bed.'' Ashton proposed.

I stood up and headed to the living room where Lorie and my dad were watching TV. How boring must their lives be.

''Dad, there's a party on the beach and I'm going to go, ok? Thank you.'' I said.

''No, Lucas. You have your first day at work tomorrow and you need to be in good shape.'' My dad replied. ''I'm not letting you go to that party so you can do stupid things.''

''I'll be in good in shape, I'm used to hangovers anyway.'' I said.

''I said no.'' My dad yelled. ''You're staying with me for a reason and it's to make you quit that stupid way of life. You are not going.''

''Am I living in jail or what?'' I asked.

''Yes, yes you are. And you will do what I ask you to do. All. Summer.Long.'' My dad answered.

''I hate-'' I was cut off by a familiar voice.

''Eum, yeah mom?'' Ashton asked as he joined us in the living room. ''I would like to go to that party as well so eum, I could keep an eye on Lucas-''

''Luke.'' I said.

''Eum yeah, Luke. I could keep an eye on him and make sure he stays sober and stuff since you know I don't drink.'' Ashton proposed.

''Well, I think it is a good idea Ash! You never go out, so it would be good for you. What do you think honey? You know we can trust Ashton to keep an eye on Luke.'' Lorie said. Maybe I would get to like her. Maybe.

''Fine. But listen to me Lucas Robert Hemmings. You better stay with Ashton at all time. If you do anything stupid, he will call me and I will pick you up. And there will be consequences. Understand?'' My dad said.

''Yeah yeah fine.'' I agreed.

''Fine, go back to your room now, we're watching TV.'' My dad said.

''Night.'' Ashton said. What a mommy's boy.

Ashton and I headed back to our room, closing the door behind us. I started to get ready for the party, I needed to look fabulous. I did my hair first. Once I was done, I notice Ashton was still laying in his bed.

''Aren't you going to change yourself or anything?'' I wondered.

''Eum, no.'' Ashton replied.

''Well, I don't want to sound mean...but what you're wearing...not the best thing should I say.'' I explained.

''I don't care. What I meant is that I'm not going to that party.'' Ashton said.

''But I can't go if you don't!'' I spoke.

''Of course you can, you are going to sneak out, just like you wanted to do. Aren't you Luke Hemmings after all?'' He teased.

''Yeah, yeah of course.'' I agreed. ''But I still think you should come.''

''I don't want to.'' Ashton said.

''Why not?'' I wondered.

''I don't like parties. People are all drunk, trying to have sex with everybody... I just think parties are boring since I don't drink and am not looking for one-night stands.'' He answered.

''One-night stands are awesome dude.'' I mentionned.

''Yeah, maybe for you. But not for me.'' He replied. ''Anyway, I broke up with my boyfriend last week, so I'm not in the mood to have some stranger in my bed.''

Boyfriend. Good. Ashton is gay. That's good news.

''That's why I don't get into relationships. All I see from them is people getting sad and depressed. I don't need that. All I want is fun.'' I said.

''Relationships are great Luke. They are not only about breakups and problems.'' Ashton explained.

''Maybe for you. But not for me.'' I mimicked, making him laugh.

''Don't use my words against me Lucas.'' He replied.

''It's Luke.'' I said, getting a little impatient.

''Yeah, I know.'' He teased.

''Come on Ashton, come to the party with me! It will be fun.'' I insisted.

''We don't have the same definition of what fun is, Luke.'' He replied. ''I see no fun in getting drunk or smoking weed, so why should I go if I'm just going to stand there, doing nothing.''

''Because it will be a great occasion to spend time with your new bro.'' I said, not meaning it. I don't care about family links.

''Fine, I'll go under one condition!'' Ashton replied.

''Which one?'' I asked.

''Don't get ourselves into trouble.'' Ashton answered.

''I can't promise that, you know that Ash.'' I mentionned. ''But I'll try.''

And it sure was a promise I had no intention to keep. I don't go to parties and act like a good boy. I don't do that. Plus, I have Ashton with me, one of the sexiest human being I have ever seen. Maybe there's a bad Ashton sleeping in the too good one. And I would make sure to be the one to wake him up.